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Christmas does not only mean: celebration, making merriment nor winning and dining season. It's a lifestyle, A good Christmas implies: salvation, love, liberation, and Christmas mean a lot it's freedom, deliverance. It mean: Sharing with the poor even the less privilege, the lower classes. That's a good Christmas, when you can supply the masses through and on behave of Christ Jesus. Feeding his masses Christmas is albout uniting and making everyone feel loved again even if that once at every year end. That's why Christmas-s and a good Christmas!
maria Dec 2020
Tell me, where has my intimacy gone?
Where does it translate? Why does it twist my tongue? Where is the scripture for it?

It’s in my bones but I can’t strip it out and showcase it. Is that protection? Do my muscle and tissue keep it confined within me?

Then maybe it hasn’t gone anywhere. Maybe it can’t become a carbon copy for another because my print is so sacred.

But why can’t my shoulders fit along the seem? Why can’t the gears grinding methodically inside my head be the parts of the mass production?

I was hand-carved and strung and wired then left to wind and tick without instruction. So, then. Tell me, how do I chime?

To rephrase more accurately: Tell me, where can I let my intimacy go?
goodnight to aspecs, queer folks, ppl who know how to take a carbon copy, those who feel the ground quake beneath them at the sheer power in my attempt at ok grammar
Andrew Nov 2020
I'll love you
like an orange -

Something so easy
to handle,
so easy to
share -

A soft kind of love
that's already there,
that you just have
to take
the step
Amber K Sep 2020
I realized yesterday,
that I've written many poems,
but only shared a few.
I think it's because I've convinced myself,
that my words are too much,
and that no one wants to read another tragic tale.

No one wants to hear about me,
my messed up emotions,
or my dead friends.
No one wants to read about,
the days I felt like I was drowning.
There's no point in sharing what others find boring.

But then again,
it helps when I share.
I feel like even when no one seems to care,
at least I got my thoughts out there.
At least there's a chance that someone who's struggling,
will see that they aren't struggling alone.

So from this day forth,
I won't hold back.
I will pour my soul out for the poor and unfortunate.
I will tell you the stories of heartbreak,
I will tell you about the one's I've lost.
Even if you don't care to listen.
My only goal is to make everyone realize they have purpose here and that we all struggle and we all have heartbreaks, but we aren't alone and we can make it through together.
Heyaless Sep 2020
I just realised ,
Never express your feelings .
I just realised ,
Feelings will forever be misunderstood .
When I express myself , i get only heartache not with the words they spoke back ...But with my own expectations that they will understand .
Kelly Mistry Sep 2020
Vulnerability is
                           ­ Source of power
                            Seed of change

By tearing down my walls
I invite you
To lower yours
Meet me on the field of ugly truths and lofty dreams

I didn't always see
Didn't always know

To be vulnerable
To speak truth
To share my ugliness and confusion
Gave me power

As I expose each truth to the light
They lose their hold
Guilt retreats
Shame seeps away
New growth can take hold

It is what it is
I am what I am
Exposed for all to see

The truth will set you free

        but accurate

What they don't tell you
Is that
Your truth

Can set others free too
John McCafferty Aug 2020
What do we know of tomorrow
See a balance between
positive checks and negative threats
So many potential pathways ahead
The sense of protecting self
To sharing one's wealth
Look after your health
Certainly certainty can't be free
Awaiting those with fools gold
Surprises to shine
A wave of collective debt
Do not spend which cannot be met
Benefits kept credit is swept
How far ahead do our actions prevent
the aftereffects of consuming the rest
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
Nilia Loh Aug 2020
If words could pierce through you,
My poems will let you know how I feel.
But some things words can't express,
On days the skies are depressed.
If I could...I'll lend you my heart,
So you'll feel how it hurts.
I'll lend you my eyes,
So you'll see how much I cried.
I'll lend you my mind,
So you'll know that I'm not fine.
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