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The Angry Pencil Jul 2018
Today is the end
The end of Hope
Nothing is ever going to be fine

Today is the end
I've been such a dope
Why did I waste my time

Today I realized
That you are already gone
Maybe you were never there at all

I must have idealized
Together we didn't belong
But deep in love I did fall

A figment of my mind
What I wanted you to be
It really got me in a bind
You had my heart and threw away the key

The question is why????
I knew from the start
The signs were quite clear

Why don't you just die
You've crushed my heart
I've cried a zillion tears

Is it me I hate?
Did I want this hell?
You think I'm second-rate
On my heart an evil spell

How can a person be so cruel
And say the things you say
I guess you're just a tool
If you don't want me why don't you just go away

You claim I can't do anything
Without your useful tirades
I know when your dead I'll be smiling
When we have a celebratory parade

Your maturity is quite delayed
You are an a##wipe
On my kindness, you preyed
But now I'm tired of your constant gripes

You made this bed
When once again the bills went unpaid
Rent time you always dread
Because responsibility you want to evade

I tried my best and more
To make you happy
But now I want you out that door
So my life will be less ******
The Angry Pencil Jun 2018
I love you but I wish you would die!
Before, if I thought of it I would easily cry
But since you've forsaken me for a bottle of beer
I don't care anymore for you my dear

I still need you for a roof over my head
But I'd be better off with you dead
You have brought me nothing but grief
Maybe it's time for a little relief

You're killing yourself and you don't care
For your daughter or me, it's just not fair
I have always decided to take you back
But guess what??... I'm tired of your flak.

You don't deserve me, you never did
You're nothing but a baby... A little kid
Your words do hurt though..... I have to admit
But guess what?? I'm tired of your s*!

So, I do wish you'd die life would be a breeze
Finally my mind would be at ease
Cause the terror you caused me would leave
And for that reason I'll never grieve.
This was my first poem about the selfish ***** named Sam. Or as I sometimes call him Dickey Do Wrong.
Shiv Pratap Pal Mar 2018
Thank You to the judge
for his high self esteem
for his wonderful ego
which made him feel like a king

Thank You to the judge
for falling into the trap
laid by the cruel criminal
resulting in punishing the innocent

Thank You to the judge
who failed to differentiate between
right or wrong,  just and unjust
but still felt that justice has prevailed

Big Thank You to the judge
for his application of mind
and for the miscarriage of justice
which ruined the life of the innocent

No doubt the judge was honest
No doubt he was good
still unknowingly he became a shoulder
to hold the gun of the culprit.
This is how an honest person falls into a Trap.
hami Oct 2017
are the new sarcastics
but they are not informed
that as long as they
throw ironic phrases,
Poets already made them
as a topic for poem
with all figure of speech.
Random thoughts.
Fox Friend Oct 2017
What's wrong with me?
All of these blessings add up together,
and in anyone else's mind the sum would be happiness.
Mims Aug 2017
When's the last time you had sweets?
And cold
And teeth rotting material,

When's the last time you had me?

The actual me,

Because I've known you for years,
And you've never known the real me.
Around you i'm quiet,
I'm kind
I'm never kind
And that isn't me,
I can't even be sarcastic
But I'm always overdramatic.

You're friends,
With the person I no longer am,
Not that you took anytime to get to know me but,

When I start to act
Like my actual self.

If you don't like that person,

You can give up, sugar.
I'm more salty then sweet, but for poetic purposes.
She doesn't get it.
Tieran Nickel Mar 2017
It must have taken you a terribly long time
To plot your mischievous plan that day.
You waited for the perfect moment to commit the crime.
And I daresay,
Your well-executed scheme, taking place in trigonometry
Brought me pain
And sorrow.
Your need for my pencil resembles idolatry.
I may never love the same
Or let another person "borrow"
Gabriel burnS Jan 2017
your words are razor blades
and I have seen you
shaving others
enough to know
I'd never let you be my barber

for if your mind,
the hand that guides them,
were as sharp,
you'd see that Occam's razor
is not a proper tool of art
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