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Shallow Nov 2019
When showtime comes the curtain will rise
You'll prepare your face with cold blue eyes
Together you're here
With the quiet and queer
And then you'll sing your own demise
Pratham Sanghvi Oct 2019
I feel something I've never felt before
I feel it right to my core

It steals from me without me knowing
And yet i keep going
Deep into these unknown trenches
Losing half of my soul and all of my senses

I kept at stake my heart
And lost my mind too
I chose to give you my love
I ended up dying too.
Ophelia swimming,
Drowning in madness
As Hamlet’s body falls down
From his poisonous pain

Romeo with his potion
And Juliet with her dagger
Was it love that brought them together?
Or cruel fate?
septembre 2019
Tu ne vas pas me croire.
Moi-même je n'en reviens pas !
Je suis traumatisé, grand brûlé,
Mutilé de guerre
Tout cela à cause de tes huit soeurs
Tes ombres femelles, les Muses.
Je te raconte, excuse les sanglots,
Les spasmes, les soubresauts de ton petit oiseau orphie
Dépecé, déplumé, vide de toute substance.
Ratatiné. Ratiboisé.
Tes fieffées soeurs, ces gredines m'ont violé !
Je ne suis plus que l'ombre de moi-même
Sans tambour ni trompettes
En plein tunnel de Fréjus
Entre la France et l'Italie.
Je ne me souviens plus très bien du début de mon calvaire :
Je dormais à poings fermés
Je rêvais de toi et je sentais tes paumes chaudes
Qui me dorlotaient et me murmuraient des mots doux
Tu disais que j'étais l'oiseau lyre
L'oiseau de feu l'oiseau paon
Tu voulais que je pavane
En toi sur ton balcon
En faisant mine de regarder les étoiles
Et que comme Marlborough je m'en aille en guerre
Mironton mironton mirontaine
On se ravitaillait tous les deux pour supporter l'exil
Et de provisions en provisions nous ne sortions plus du lit.
Tu me disais "qui aime bien châtie bien"
Et "quand on s'aime on sème "
Et tu me châtiais de va et vient subtils
Et tu semais ma semence aux quatre vents
Sur les champs blancs et roses de ta chair
Tu disais no nu niet
Pour battre la mesure
No nu niet de ta petite voix
No nu niet de ta grosse voix
Une caresse pour marraine
Une caresse pour la Muse
J'étais aux anges
Je dormais du sommeil tranquille
Des orphies
Je croyais que c'étaient des formules bibliques
Et que tu baptisais ainsi l'oiseau
Je croyais que c'était toi,
C'étaient tes ombres qui se relayaient
C'étaient elles qui étaient à la manoeuvre
Pour me punir de t'avoir choisie toi, mon ange,
Et pas elles, ces diablesses
Déguisées sous leurs masques de la comédia dell'arte.
Rien ne me fut épargné sous la férule de ces Amazones
A huit elles m'ont pénétré par mes neuf orifices
Ou étais-tu alors
Quand j'ai crié ton nom ?
J'ai perdu mon dernier pucelage
J'ai eu beau leur dire
Vietato l'ingresso qui !
Leur dire que j'étais Cagnolo Nogerola detto Roméo
Et que ma Muse à moi n'était aucune d'entre elles
Mais bel et bien toi, Giulietta Cappelletti,
Elles m'ont fait endurer ce que je souhaiterai pas
A mon pire ennemi, foi de Montecchi.
Elles m'ont tatoué la peau de long en large
De phrases inintelligibles
Elles ont gravé dans ma chair des choses insensées :
Chiudi gli occhi e sogna, Farinelli !
Dante, ti amo !
Portami ovunque tu sia. No !
Non smettere mai di splendere con il tuo sorriso !
Nacio nustra maravilhosa historia de amor !
Gracais mi amor por compartir un viaje tan romantico !
I love you forever
Elles m'ont dégusté comme on déguste
Un riso venere con gamberi e crema de zafferano
Elles m'ont emmaillotté de chapelets
Et de litanies
Elles m'ont marqué au chewing gum
Comme on marque au fer rouge
En me laissant leurs mots d'amour.
Je me suis retrouvé au centre de l'arène
Comme un gladiateur en guenilles
Et j'ai chanté de ma plus belle voix de castrat
Un Lascia ch'io pianga
Que n'aurait pas désavoué Haendel...
Me voilà à tes pieds ce matin, émasculé,
Implorant ta miséricorde, Muse bienfaitrice,
Je voudrais que tu me cautérises ces plaies
Que tu me soignes de tes Furies de soeurs
Tu me manques !
Concède-moi cent jours d'indulgence
Comme délai de latence
Le Ciel te le rendra au centuple !
Te saludo Mama
Del nostro Dio
Je sais que seul toi pourra effacer le traumatisme
Me débloquer, me redonner le sourire
Aurais-tu un peu de teinture d'arnica
De la racine de ***** contra et un peu de cyprine
Pour lentement me badigeonner?
Maybe it's your eyes
Or how your smile gives me butterflies
But you make me feel
Like what we have can't be real

Maybe it's your laugh
Or how you fill my other half
But you make my eyes glow
As if you are my Romeo

Today you gave me a rose
And with your soft lips
You kissed me on the tip of my nose

Tomorrow I'll give you a key
The one you need to open my heart
So you can make it our sea
PoserPersona May 2019
Better to be Pyramus and Thisbe
than god Apollo and Daphne?
As love oft triumphed by envy.
Oh to be Abelard and Heloise
or Juliet you and Romeo me!
Cleopatra, Marc Antony,
Orpheus, and Eurydice!
Martyrs to Cupid, were you wary
of the price to pay? Did you find peace
from Plato’s coined mental disease
in Pluto’s long halls of Hades
or the self induced daily shade of trees?
What of love dooming kin to Achilles?
When Dido and Aeneas meet
is her suicide guaranteed?
Pray tell us, can true love ever be free!
Marri May 2019
I am poetry.
My back is the spine.
My arms turn into the cover.
My fingers smooth into pages.
The prints printed on my thumbs bleed words.

I am a poem,
Every single part of me.
I am all the thoughts the human race has ever had.
I am the mother, I am the dad.

When you want a piece of poetry to feed your mind—
I'll peel the layers off my thumb, ‘til they form sentences,
I'll bend my fingers back, back until they turn into stanzas,
I'll snap my arms crooked, ‘til they cry out titles,
I'll arch my back, and screech as they brand me with the name of my owner.

I am a haiku.
The original OG.
You can't handle me.

I am a sonnet,
Betrothed to Shakespeare.
Like a kid learning his alphabet, and he gets stuck on G:
My couplets are more star-crossed than Romeo and Juliet could ever be.

I am T.S Eliot here to sing you love songs—
Don’t you cast me to The Waste Land.

I am Maya Angelou ‘bout to free the bird from its cage—
And still I rise.

I am Emily Dickinson finally stopping for death—
You can’t **** me.

I am living, breathing poetry.
My veins bleed poetry—fear this blood.
My eyes cry poetry—see these words.
My shampoo brand is poetry—feel these curls.

And take up the pen.
Poetry is our oxygen.
Let us all breathe it in.

Our words will save this nation.
From a simple sentence to a conversation.

We are poetry.
We will save the world.

You are poetry.
You can change the world.

I am poetry.
Use me to save this world!

And when I finally die,
I'll be reincarnated into a tree.
I'll be turned into pages for the next poets to use.
And when they do—
I'll be free.
keneth May 2019
gorgeous face struck by the silver moon
mirrored fate is intertwining soon
he won't try to whistle a new tune
his choices are dryer than the dunes

he wonders why his heart is of gloom
when he wears all his finest perfumes
so a golden coffin was exhumed
but Romeo couldn't make his blood bloom

drowned for his reflection in the pool
he let his love for his picture rule
just to prove that he's nobody's fool
Romeo loved Romeo, a love so cruel
narcissism is ok, but too much can **** / proud
badtaste May 2019
"Let me just die forever for your ever beautiful satisfying personality."

Begins to stare at bottom of dress unhesitatingly
badtaste May 2019
god thinks I've ran away
perhaps I've been lost all these days

but I don't deserve paradise
can't even count all my alibis
and here she lies in a story which we all shall begin
of tragedy and victory of passion and sin

all the petty past jealously
wasting your pretty present time with me
are you ready to turn and go the other way?
I wanted to wast alone
soon I wanted to live with you
I'm alive and all the music sounds so much better
I even can cry when I watch things die in dead of winter
when are skin touches it feels like our first hit of electricity
more than a brush or a rush of newly past memories
it seems we cannot hush our passion or bliss
when we've been longing for so long our very first kiss
is it wrong to sing a song about running away from time with you
dancing like it's prom dying in your arms
saying my last true words
"I love you."
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