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Sarah Flynn Oct 2020
I try to forget about
the things that I’ve done,
and sometimes I can

but when I get home,
I see that my bad decisions
are still stained into
my bedsheets.
Sasha Oct 2020
Sometimes I want what others have
Sometimes I dont
Sometimes I go the extra mile
Sometimes I wont

Sometimes I want what others had
Sometimes I dont
Sometimes I look at all thats good
Sometimes I wont

Sometimes I see life for what it is
So short and pointles
Sometimes I see life for what it is
So long and painful

Sometimes I know it's just a mood
Sometimes I wish that i just could
Sometimes I need to know what to want
Sometimes all of it is not enough
Ila Oct 2020
I hate having regrets-as anyone does, so I do my best to make sure I don’t have any. I can count the number of regrets I have on one hand. I’ve conditioned myself not to regret the things I have done and will do.

My biggest regret at the moment was that I told you it would be hard to love you.

I said it after things were revealed, but I had no idea the effect it would leave. I told you I used the wrong words-I really did use the wrong ones.

I claim to be good with words and yet I let those few escape my mouth.

It was so easy to love you. There are so many things to love about you. I loved you and all the parts you hated about yourself. I would’ve kissed the scars left from the past if I could. I immediately tried to take it back, I have no idea if it worked.

I was scared and confused but saying “I love you” 4 hours after suddenly made everything better. Everything was so clear at that moment.

Tears cloud my vision. I’m so sorry.
I love you; I’m sorry; things I can never tell you again.
Yana Kim Oct 2020
What if I said yes to him,
Would I still be single now?
What if I took the board exam,
Would I still be a loser now?
What if I never accepted this job,
Would I be successful now?
My life has uncertain future
But one thing is for sure
I am such a failure.
Gibberish truths
Cardboard-Jones Oct 2020
Truth under my breath
But nobody can hear the words.
I’m thinking out loud, what’s keeping me alive?
What’s keeping my mind occupied on Mars,
Fickle friends and fast cars?

I’m too nervous to
Stand in the room, waiting for the world to swoon.
I don’t see none of my regrets
And I don’t need anybody’s help.

A puppet on the string,
Control everything.

I don’t need any more regrets.
And I don’t see anybody’s help.
But I don’t see anybody else.
Just mute me.
Satvik gupta Oct 2020
Sometimes you fail in your life
the door shuts , the curtain falls ,  the wind freezes , the water stop altering in different containers . Everything just ends , a complete state of stillness , nothing but just you and your loneliness.
Out of nowhere you start to realize about ,your mistakes , your deeds , your acts , etc etc. Everything clings your hands and u just want to vanish your existence from here but that too is unavailable for the moment . Nothing works , then , then u start hating yourself , your dilemma grows and screams in each and every cell of your body .  Negativity , Negativity , Negativity

Even though you try to stop this but your efforts become futile . You realize your nature , your feelings , your burns , your stitches , your despairs ,yours regrets , your failures , and what else not !
Flow of sand siezes in your hourglass , you are left alone , no-one is around except your new friend ,loneliness.

The last leaf of your plant welts like your dreary face . You fall apart ,you wither ,  your growth stops .  
But you know what ,  "Mistakes are like gravity , always keeps you down " but up to some extent after that it converts to "FAILURE"

We just need to realize that level  ,  but it ain't that easy my friend.

Sleeping with regrets daily ,
Even I will have a bright future ,
maybe .
Anais Vionet Oct 2020
It didn’t work out. sigh
What were the odds? Statistics...
- love isn’t baseball.

Where do regrets start?
Should I regret the sunset
- or mourn holding hands?

Or shame desire?
Baseball.. Well, at least he
didn't get to first base. =]
baseball where everything is a statistic - but everything isn't a clean statistic.
Something has changed about this bed I sleep in every night
It's not the same like the old days
Where I would sleep and smile in my dreams
Nowadays all I do is wake up
Scared that I don't have enough to live
Like my days are numbered and maybe I should say goodbye to family and friends
Pray that I meet them again in another world
A better world hopefully
That they would discern who I am
Even when the old skin will be clothing my body
That they still live their lives happily without me
That sometimes when they reminisce about me
It brings them great pride instead of tears
I'll meet up with those that left before I did
Speak about those I left behind about how blessed I was after meeting  each one of them
Miss them as I watch over them in their sleep
Miss how they made me feel loved
Miss their jokes and smiles
Miss the music I would sit down and write
To comfort my soul when I felt so alone
Miss the river that flowed in every vessel in my body
The river of great love and passion for those that were always in my sight
Before I do miss every fight and hug
I wanna say I love them.
Before the last time they set their eyes on me, it would be in a casket
Cloud Giante Sep 2020
Mistakes were made
Regrets of a ghost
Gone when I was needed most
Time is finite
And those lies were my life
Regrets of a man
Mistakes were made
The price paid
My time, My life, My mind
I wrote it the night before my birthday, I was feeling anxious
HOPE Sep 2020
Wasted moment
Over collection of stones
Turning them lime
More like chrome

Older I'm getting
Feeling all weary
Deeper with regrets
Just allowing it to rain

Maybe I should have
Tried to confuse fate
Causing this heaviness
Dwelling on this pale page
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