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Luna May 2018
“What would you like to offer?” asked the three horned creature. I looked around my room and saw that I had have nothing to give.

So I said: “My heart” The creature looked at me with so much happiness. Knowing that I would give something so special meant so much to the him. His smile so sinister it reminded me of that cat in Alice in the wonderland.

“Are you sure? Once I have your heart you wouldn’t feel anything. You will be numb.” 

I didn’t have to think twice. 
“I have nothing to give.” I said with confidence. 

“Very well.” The creature took my heart in an instant. Once he took it he broke it and shattered into pieces. And as I watched him devour my heart, I realized that that I shouldn’t have made the deal.
Have you realized
How I always stop
What im doing
Just to talk to you?
I'd always free my time
Just to spend it with you

Have you ever felt
Like you're the last person
I want to talk to?
Like I have felt before
Sometimes because of you

Have you ever waited
For something that
Will never come but
You still wait anyway
Even if it takes days
years even

Have you felt
This insanity im feeling
Thinking about you
Every single day
When I only cross your mind
Some days.

Have you ever thought
About what im feeling
All this time?

Have you ever questioned love?
If this is what it's really like
Because im definitely starting to.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Iron heart; cage no free thinker.
Iron maiden has never gone away.
Question everything; search forever deeper.
In the end we are all looking to find away.

Plastic heart; turn the vinyl record on.
Croaking voices, broken strings; leave us…
Stone heart; there will never be a final setting sun.
Today is forever, so continue to speak of love.

Glass heart; shatter my tears against your kiss.
I am see through when it comes to loving you.
Scratch your nails down my back; give all you have to give.
I want to slide into your mind; clearly this is my truth.
Fire heart; all I can give you is my undying passion.
This love is too hot to lack compassion.

Wooden heart; I want to be a real boy.
Walk with sandals (full of holes); the last straw on a camel’s back.
I am pining for the fjords, before I am destroyed,
By the inferno of lies they tell; forever to remain…forever sad.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Patricia LeDuc Apr 2018
I wait by my door
My head between my knees
Hands on my face
My eyes flowing with tears
Rocking and rocking trying to pray
No answers to unasked questions today

I think I think not sure what to say
So low so low with nowhere to go
Shake and let the butterflies out
No room for them in my brain
Pulling my hair just to feel pain
Fresh unfettered scars remain

In my bathrobe I lay
In my bathrobe I stay
Not getting dressed
No reason to care

My door will not open
It is no longer there
Bipolar Musings
~Straight Out Of My Mind~
Nikki Jayne Apr 2018
The Darkness of space left after sunset
Leaves a meager sense of incompleteness

Bound to broken shards of days gift
Searching through the remains
Flickering away the quietness

Not quite alone in dreams of stories untold
As constellations of departed souls beacon me closer to the place of my original home

Clouded over with questions
I ask of them
Do you deem right from fortune?
wrong from uncertain?
Or are you simply there to shine bright from the heavens?

Not quite fulfilling my wish of uninterrupted sleep
Their answer comes with sedated peace
it is a must
In this life of turbulent sorrows
To learn to place your faith
In the joys of the morrow.
Bonnie Reina Apr 2018
A woman
A mother
A human of immeasurable depth
A being of nurturing love and compassion
Could i?
If i could be so lucky, should i?
Do i have what it takes to take you on
Do i know what it takes, to go beyond ?
The arches of your doorway
The shallows of your darkest corners
To keep you sturdy,
To keep you growing in strength.
Do i have what it takes, to go the length ?
"Welcome", you said,
"to my open door policy"
"If you have any questions,
I'll open up, probably."
"But if you choose to know me,
be weary of this,
My journey has had pain, but also, unspeakable bliss
I'm too familiar of the suffering
behind the sting of a kiss
Try and break down these open doors
And my presence,
you'll be forced to miss."
After taking it in,
and giving it some thought
My mind still wonders,
my decisions still caught
So much more to you, to learn
So many more emotions to churn
Let's take it slow, let our fires burn.
I'm coming inside now sweet girl,
your trust, I'll earn.
Sovit Pokhrel Apr 2018


The secret to happiness lies in nothing.
Lyka Mosca Apr 2018
I have lived
Wishing I did better
Than what I have
Done before

Wishing I could turn
Back and do things
Right and better than
What I did

So many what ifs in the world
What ifs inside my head
What if I was someone
What if I became someone

What if I lived
Which I used
To be before

Have I changed?
I probably did
Because now,
I'm confused and fed up

From who I am
To what I want
What I need
Who I need

There are so many
Questions, popping
In my head
What couldve been

I want to cry
Its so hard not to let
Everything I feel out
wish for me something good, I'm dying
Furey Apr 2018
I close my eyes
Taking a deep breath
Why am I here again?
Is there something important
For me to do?
Was there ever?
My body is always sore
Everyday it hurts
Why do I keep going?
I wait for my body to give up
For my time to stop
For the days to finally end
I’ve said I’m fine
But never really was
I’ve dreamt of places far away
But never really got there
Those places I want to go
To disappear
And call them home
Help me
An echoing voice in my head
A convincing smile
This is my lie
A lie no one has ever seen through
They never will
The voice responds
Help me
Another smile
Why can no one hear
No one hears
No one
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