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Specs Mar 2019
Today is the youngest I'll ever be.
I'm looking back a year or three.
I don't want to spend my days, lying in wait
Wondering what I need to know;
So, here I go.

The road I've walked is a quarter done,
But thorns along the trail they've stung.
I don't want this feeling to last, stuck in days of the past
Overthinking every blow;
So, here I go.

And I'm still new to the path,
It's twists and it's turns, I feel I've only begun.
But I look just behind me at rivers and canyons,
I've come so far, and I'm done.

Today's the youngest I'll ever be,
I've worked so ******* becoming me.
I'm not in places I've been, I'm just stuck in between
Impossibly fast and slow.
But here I go.
This is actually a song I wrote, I hope you enjoy.
D Feb 2019
the days go by
like a storm in the night; unnoticed
i'm sleeping through it
CautiousRain Feb 2019
Go ahead and mourn all the things
that have, and can, and will be.
Lay flowers at the foot of the grave of borrowed time,
kiss the past her sweet goodbyes,
and rest assured the cycle always happens again;
another life gives time a new lover
who she'll take back someday.
Shofi Ahmed Feb 2019
Sometimes a dark alleyway
is not just a passing passage.
Like a long haul shadow
it stays on down the moon.
Allyssa Feb 2019
And it feels a little emptier each time I remember you.
I see you,
But not really.
I feel you,
But you’re not there.
I hear you,
But everything’s a whisper.
After everything,
I miss you.
I miss everything that are and were.
Why did you leave so soon.
Masha Yurkevich Feb 2019
I have so
dumb memories
that hang with my heart.
I think that I
should get rid of them
but I don't know
where to start.
Like that time when you said something
real dumb
and made me laugh,
or that time
when I was so angry,
I broke
your pencil in half.
Oh, that time
when we were passing notes in class
and the teacher
found out and got us in trouble
real fast.
Or that time when
we said all those horrible lies
just to get us
some free alone time.
Thinking of this,
I've made up my mind.
I'll keep these memories and never
leave them behind.
I have a whole collection of these dumb memories, but I will never let them go.
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