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You've left me torn.
Now, that you're finished,
you've left me tarnished.

I hear no more

greetings in English,
just byes in Irish.
The title is part of the poem
Maria 6d
I’ll leave you at all, whispering,
So as not to awake you.
I’ll kiss you softly at parting
And I’ll never forget you.

Don’t feel sorry for me, my loving.
I will come to you in your sleeps.
I will be with you there, my dear.
But now I’ll just be in your dreams.

I’ll leave, covered the door behind me.
Don’t try to turn me back.
I’m an illusion, an impossible dream.
And when you arouse, you’ll find my lack.
Lostling Feb 10
The day I watched the fire die
Only once did my tears fall
But I knew that once the moon was neigh
I would answer sorrow’s call
Despite the embers that remain;
Pathetic wisps go hope
I know it’ll never be the same
As I clutch this rotting rope
I think the walls rate closing in
But maybe it’s just me
The emptiness hurts from within
So suffocatingly
I guess this is the place where we
Have no choice but to part
In the future I hope I’ll see
Us in each other’s hearts
Till the next time we can meet, friend,
I’ll save a seat for you
Though many faces are fleeting
You’ll stay one of the few
This was literature homework =P

(Emptiness this loss does bring,
And so the pain I shall now sing)
Lizzie Bevis Jan 20
The ache of loving you remains
like a slow pulse dragging through my veins,
and each morning begins with a memory,
after dreaming of what could never be.
I've laid awake through the longest nights
hoping that wishing stars would make things right.

But, I now see with clearer eyes
that this love burns in an agonising sacrifice.
These hopes depart with my stinging tears,
that burn with hurt and then disappear,
and although a part of me will love you still,
I wanted to swallow this unhappy pill.
Just remember me as one who chose
to save herself by letting you go.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Chaitanya Nov 2024
With mourns and frail tears,
for the faded brief love, lost,
will cry when you die.
MetaVerse Sep 2024

In the middle of midnight,
     night and morning kiss and part;
parting is such sweet sorrow.

Jamesb Sep 2024
In many poems,
Indeed mine own,
Relationships are defined
As two vessels sailing
In close company,
Plotting the same course
By choice and happiness
Choosing to stay close by,

But in truth a relationship
IS a ship,
A single hull with
Two crew to sail it,
Working together
To maintain the five essentials,
A level hull, with sails and foils well set,
And direction agreed,

Who holds the helm,
The tiller and extension,
That person controls
The direction of travel,
And that has been you,
When you sailed us into danger
My hand was there to guide
Us back from hazard,

Now I am steering
And the course is arrow straight
In lieu of help
Or kind suggestion,
A crew entirely focussed not
Upon the vessel but themself,
And no gentle hand to
Re direct our boat

Nor kind word
Or still small voice of calm
To calm the storm for more
Than a minute,
And that is a shame,
It takes two to tango
Only one to sail a boat,
But it is better by far

With another
Jamesb Sep 2024
I teach others to sail,
Quite literally,
And I am good at that,
Many many people will attest
To my passion and effectiveness,
But sailing is way more
Than just a glorious physicality,
Its a perfect analogy
Of life and love and death,
I also coach and mentor
The lives and loves
The living and doing
Of others,
Also in truth their endings too,
And I offered that best
Of me to you,

But something you seem
To fail to grasp is that whilst
Tacking can be wide,
Deliberate and slow,
Sedate even,
A gybe is the opposite,
Stern to wind,
A boom crashing across
And the cause of many a capsize,
You cannot be gentle gybing
In any kind of proper wind,
Its either one way,
Or it is the other,
It is sudden and immediate and NOW,
So no,
I have not been tacking,
Although at one point maybe
I was going that way,

With an icky feeling
In my heart like
The warning trembling
In a sail's leach,
I am about to gybe,
And it will be sudden,
There will be
A rapid change of direction,
I am a good sailor,
A great seafarer and handler
Of boats
Both real and metaphorical,
So my gybe will be anticlimactic,
Calm even,
But I will be accelerating
Away from you,
Your self centredness,
Your precious secrets,
Your rage,
Months of scorn and derision and accusation,
And while I do not know
My destination,
Indeed in truth I have none,
I do know the seas will quickly
Be much calmer,
The spray far less and that
Without the ice of attitude
And pain,
And at a parting rate of five knots each
In just twenty four hours we will be
Over two hundred miles apart,
I wonder then,
Will you OR I
Find peace?
Kind of captures that sense of sadness when someone just keeps pushing away and you know that when the end comes they will genuinely wonder why
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