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KL Taguiam Dec 2015
We all have seen
and different situations
that questions
everything we have learned,
and heard.
It is up to us whether to
label those things
as mere fallacies,
or to uphold them
as utter truths.
But this isn't always the case.
The process of acceptance
is not always easy.
It involves a lot of self-berating,
listless moments,
melancholic states,
and finally,
reluctant adaption,
to the current norms,
and societal views,
that forces us to change
our views,
our versions of truths,
our perception of reality,
and our own self-image.
We must always beware
those situations; let it not
deter you.
For, dear, you are
what you are,
and what you believe;
your conviction,
your truths,
your freedom from
these mind-altering moments,
will not be taken away from you.
Do not let yourself
be washed away
by the waves of
To the gullible. May this piece never offend you.
Stellar Notions Jul 2015
who is stellar notions?

if only I knew

full of rapid emotions

just as angry as you

riding black oceans

with no land in view

I'll just keep my devotions

as a secret

or two
Proverbs make the essence of human behaviour bearable.
On the contrary - human behaviour doesn't have such a tremendous impact on our thoughts. When you behave, you don't think much. You just do it! And if your habits are healthy, then you're a lucky one. Or a wise one. Discipline is in structuring your will. Strong will and work builds character. They say your character is your destiny.
Practice !!
And never forget: wether you're doing or non-doing
( wise or unwise for the observer  ) ~ always listen to your heart.
The heart has 5000 times stronger electro magnetic energy than our mind. Don't exhaust yourself overthinking or overworking.
Discipline doesn't suffice for moments in which we have to make a decision. Some decisions are important. Don't ***** your life!
Don't think too much!
Seán Mac Falls Aug 2014
A leaf, delicate and torn,
Wafts in the caul of autumn
Like a whisper in a blooming
Crowd and only the smoking
Sun knows the ***** of dreams.
Where in the whirled is wisdom,
As a breath so fairly as the fallen
Wakes without wake nor wonder?
Where in the fork of fawn, innocent
Fold, the gentle does, of the burning
Forest, is silence mute?  Where is a light,
In that hold, what rising colour is buried in
The frozen gleam of the golden and forgotten
Seam and swoon of sweet ephemeral summer?
[A conversation between Light and Darkness]

  Light said,
"We're adversaries, maybe.
But I've come to see the possibility
That you are my shadow after all."

Darkness dawned, and said,

"And I thought you could see everything,
For you were light yourself.
Am I merely a fear, of your and mankind's?
[They think you could have no fears, either.]
I am, Nature's nocturnal rhyme.
I exist, for you cannot make up for me.

An ever unraveling mystery,
I am humble, for I become
What the world makes of me.
You make the world see,
Little do they know,
They see the world
Through the colours You colour them in.
I make them face fears,
Away from illusion-ed complacency,
With my silent presence giving them company.
From mere empirical sight,
I have given rise to vision/ imagination in them."

Darkness continued -
"Oh, I am not here to seek pity.
I'm sure they wonder,
Why some-one like me,
Has existed as tenaciously as you.
I am not to be sought,
I am not light years away,
I am the recourse within.
Truly, I had underestimated myself for long."

Light flickered a little,
To glow anew in realization, then said-
"I am the spotlight,
You're the impactful dot.
I comprise the glorious endings,"
Darkness beamed and said,
"I am the prompt to the start.
Dawn and dusk are but a
Celebration of our synchronicity."

Light chipped in to continue,
"I begin to see things in a new light,
For I have acknowledged you,
And that is our victory."
From thinking of light and darkness as two opposites in perpetual contention, to realizing that the two exist because of each other - The conversation attempts to break the notion of them being mere adversaries. Also, light is perceived here from different vantage points in the poem - If one sticks to the light - darkness adversary notion, then light itself has always been in fear of the dark. But light, being luminous as it is, cannot see the larger picture.  When light falls upon an object, we simply see it with our empirical senses, and believe it to be true- a big risk we're taking all the while. Darkness isn't necessarily literal here, it could stand for emptiness-  which may thus not necessarily prompt fear, but introspection, or imagination. Hence, the difference between sight and vision. Darkness seeks to be throned on no pedestal - it lets the world shape it in the way the world  likes to right now, giving them time to discover its real form, unlike light which has been venerated all along. For all you know, light is a shadow of our creation.

— The End —