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Autumn Moon rises
Full-faced and bright
Filling the sky
White with hues of orange and red
First of the lunar year

Moonlight dancing
Over the mountains
Beaming through the valley
Reflections on the river
Mountains with the moon above

Amber lights of lanterns
The flicker of candles within
Villagers crowd the banks
Honor, remembrance,
Peace, forgiveness

Riddles light the village streets
Celebrations are in the air
Notes and prayers adorn the water
Prayers for ancestors and luck abound
Tiny lanterns start to glow

The current is gentle
Pulling the gifts from the shore
Drifting downstream
Guided and protected
By the spirit below

Roar of the water
Mist obscures
River falls away
Crashing below
Spirit revealed

Over the edge
Tiny vessels washed away
Updraft catches
Lanterns take flight
Spirit encircles

Spirit soars upwards
Heaven's journey
Serpentine flight
Celestial Guardian
Heaven's palace

Spirit returns
Duty fulfilled
River domain
Benevolent and pure
Slumber awaits as the rain begins to fall
This was an early poem in 2024 that I had forgotten about.  And I may have re-written it, or borrowed from this concept in other poems since.
High Moon ascends,
Full and resplendent,
Sky ablaze,
Orange, red, a haze,
Year anew.

Moonbeams dance,
Over the mountains,
Valley aglow,
River reflects low,
Moonlit scene.

Lanterns alight,
Candles flicker bright,
Villagers throng,
Honoring the long,
Yearned-for peace.

Riddles abound,
Joyful sounds resound,
Notes on the stream,
Ancestors' dream,
Lanterns gleam.

Currents so mild,
Gifts drift wild,
Spirits guide,
Down the tide,
Protected all.

Water roars loud,
Mist shrouds the crowd,
River descends,
Spirit extends,
Power revealed.

Over the fall,
Lanterns enthrall,
Updraft takes hold,
Celestial fold,
Spirit ascends.

Soaring high,
Heavenward journey,
Serpentine flight,
Guardian of light,
Palace awaits.

Duty complete,
Spirit retreats,
River's domain,
Pure and serene,
Sleep descends, rain.
The Lantern Festival, also known as the Yuanxiao Festival, boasts a rich history dating back to the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD).
With the New Year looming tomorrow, I dug up this old poem of mine.
In some regions it is a celebration where riddles are written upon lanterns.
In other regions they are floating tributes and prayers.
In others, it is a lantern that takes to the sky like a tiny hot air balloon taking those prayers to heaven for their ancestors.

In this poem, I tried to touch on all three as a unique festival, in which the celebration flows from the village to the river, and over the falls taking flight.  I hope it conveys my thoughts and wishes of prosperity to those of us sending prayers to our loved ones.
when I was 18
i was invincible

i didn’t care about people
so didn't fault them for not
caring about me

i turned 22
my invincibility strengthened
through the connections and admiration
i received

then i met you

and i exchanged my invincibility for vulnerability

do we see each other as friends, lovers
or something more?

it doesn't matter
as the Leap Year came and set the precedent
for a violent new year

it seems i’m not invincible any more.
Ahlam Jan 8
Cheers to the mirror cracked and unkind
to the hunger that pampered comfort into my mind

cheers to the days when fullness felt like sin
when the emptiness begged and I let it in

cheers to the scars on my skin
ones I wish could fade
only to return
tied to my fate
you're loved regardless of what you look like
This turning year  
a child of war so newly born,
could we give it a day
to dream its infant dreams,
the simple gift of a little peace
apparently not, or so it seems
Xasvel Jan 1
Cheers to the new colors!
Use them to color the sprouts of love and kindness
Passion, courage, success, growth and adventure with a stellar face!

Paint the new series of events in your timeline;
might not last long but the impression will shine.
May you remain unknown to fear, tear, and sear
Wishing you a Happy New Year!!!
Felt a need to introduce myself to the new timeline:)
DJQuill Jan 1
The stains of the past are still there
Like the marks of a coffee cup on the tablecloth
Identifying us for who we are
Teaches us to use a saucer
Our gained knowledge
before leaving more stains

A new year begins
Now we have a chance to start again
This time with more understanding and experience
To guide us through our next trial
Wishing us all the
May these future memories last forever
Like the past ones
louella Jan 1
i’m alone on new year’s eve,
starved of life,
been living off of fleeing thrills.
i’ve been hungry,
lacking the flavor that lingers
on my tongue.
completely distraught,
all up in my head like i owe myself a debt.
the new year’s eve moon is absent,
but i need her;
she understands the length of my despair,
and she places hope in my palm.
nothing along the horizon,
just the vague glow of the Christmas lights from the passive neighbors.
unsure of what new year dawns,
if this one
will knock me off my feet,
waltz with me until daybreak
touches my cheek,
or leave me astray on a bustling city street
where the largest emptiness isn’t even in my own twisted heart.
and perhaps this year
will taint me,
paint me multicolored,
until my own shade of individuality cannot be seen.
fragile or elusive,
a patient lover,
a reckless ******,
a kiss that stays for longer than thought.
bigger shoes to fill,
new attitudes to convey,
new deals to follow through on,
old ones that have never been finished,
losing the fears of the past ages
that burned
down towns, left them flat.
if the new year unfolds like a film reel
with an unreliable narrator,
i’ll likely fail to look up at the moon,
lose my direction,
start believing the superstitions
with all my soul.
don’t leave me stuck on a bench
at the kitchen table,
writing instead of letting the world handle the anxieties for a while.
leave me alone on the edge of
a new platform
that makes feet sink past their comforts,
ankle deep in something i cannot control or hold with both hands or penetrate.
there may be new avenues to walk down
just to turn back around again in,
kinds of sabotage that
only i know how to bring upon the only thing control can control.
and new year,
don’t leave me alone no more,
i never wanted to be afraid,
watching the moon disappear like
all good friends do,
and have a stapled tongue
so that i cannot speak for those
who wish to
be heard
by someone,
i said i’d be done, but i’m still writing. it’s the only thing that seems to calm my mind, even just a little. the noises and anxieties are just too loud.
happy new year everyone, wishing you a lifetime of love. hopefully the beginnings won’t look strangely like endings this time.

12/31/24 (but basically new years, it was basically 12 when i wrote this lol)
Odd Odyssey Poet Dec 2024
Who truly relishes the weight of baggage– but haven’t we carried each other through our struggles, never seeing the weight of baggage it came along with? Friends may come in abundance, only a select few earn the title of “truest friends.” – open conversations, with much more than an open heart, but alongside open souls.

This expression of love transcends this mere poem – I’ve come to acknowledge that the moment you first uttered, “I love you,” that first time it truly mattered to you. Cos you can only love a friend so deeply when you recognize a piece of yourself reflected in them, just as they see themselves in you.

Genuine friends are rare gems; even if the entire universe were to read this message a thousand times, a thousand times over – yet we both know the deeper message of this poem belongs between you and I. So, as we step into the coming year, my dear friend, I hope we can face whatever challenges arise and find the light at the end of the tunnel.

                                                        ­   “I love you too!”
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