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Don't look for love
it's the worst thing you can do.

It stresses you out, 
and makes you feel blue.

Makes you question everything
you thought you knew.

Question your looks, your attitude,
charm, compassion, intelligence.

You'll always be searching for answers,
Forever on the defense.

Looking for love,
is just too hard to do.

So just stop looking,
forget about love!

And when you do,
when you discover you're comfortable
just being you.

That's the time that love
will take your breath away.

It will come and hit you,
right out of the blue.

So stop looking for love!

When you're ready, 
When the time is right.

Love will suddenly,
and undeniably find you.
So yes this is So Super Cheesy!!!
But it's also So True!!!
Chris Slade Dec 2020
I’m Coming for you Bob...
To Hull & Back...
to Carver’s Just for the Mushy Peas!

As a little lad, I think on a Sat’day morning, we’d go

to a market somewhere, was it on the docks?

Asked our Brian, he’s smart, he said it were... I thought - he’d know.

...After all the mooching, the tugging, the shushing, the rows
and all me mam’s “where’s he gone nows?”

If I stuck it out long enough wi’out gerrin’ a clout,
we’d sit inside, or sometimes out,

of a blue striped tent - and I’d eat mushy peas.

There might have been chips,
 there could have been fish;
Mam always had fish,

Brian, would have had a pattie... well, he was 12(ish)

Not sure I’d even have known about patties all them years back.
But anyway peas is what sticks in my mind…

and all down the front of me jumper...or sometimes on me mac.

They say - if you haven’t been to Carver’s
 you haven’t been to Hull.

Well Bob... I’m coming back!… And’ll
when I was digging mushy peas
 with my fork back in Fifty Three,

it were your Grandad, (also Bob) would have been serving me!

Cheers! And, I know it's cheeky - but - Can I have scraps wi'that?
Carver's was a big thing in Hull - probably still is. They even had a big stall at Hull Fair
When the weather changes
and it's finally September
I feel in love.
When the breeze is cool
everything is better
I feel in love.
When I can wear a beret or
don a favorite coat
I feel in love.
& when I sit down and read
something that you wrote
I feel in love.
I love how you make me laugh until I cry
and that you constantly make me smile
because you rescued that sparkle in my eye
that had been missing for quite a while.

I love the way you stare at me
and how calm you make me feel.
Our energies flow so naturally
that sometimes it seems surreal.

I love the memory of our first date
especially when you hugged me at the end
and I love that you believe in soul mates
and how quickly you became my best friend.

I love it when you call me stunning
randomly and completely out of the blue
and when you kiss me, my heart starts running
because I’m hopelessly and madly in love with you.
Ken Voltaire Oct 2018
I love her, that's it.
There is no why or how,
No when and where.
There is no binding document,
No "terms and conditions".
Why do organisms evolve?
To become better, to thrive.
I think of this when I am asked why.
How is it that a creature as small as the ant is one of the most successful?
They work together and put every fiber of their being to one purpose.
I think of this when I am asked how.
When the universe began, is that when time began?
If so, that is when.
Where may one feel life reverberate in the beautiful emptiness of all that exists?
The answer to this is where my love does lay.
leyla Aug 2018
we leave the crumbs of our breakfast
on the windowsill, where we can watch
the ants arrive, and carry them away,
to their hills at the base of the maple trees.
they can't talk to us, but we can sense
their tiny gratitudes.
skin against skin, and tongues against
tongues, the glow from our faces is just
enough for the moths to recognize, for
them to want to dance around our heads.
they bask in the light of our love, and we
know they feel it too.
i live to see you smile, the kind of smile
that shines so brightly, like the way a leaf
beetle's shell does, when the sun decides
to hit it in a way that's exactly right.
they don't notice their iridescence, or how
perfect they are.
Logan D Jun 2018
If my watch breaks
Then I will show you the wrinkles
On my heart
So you know how long
I've been waiting for your love
Nic Sutcliffe Feb 2018
Every night crawling
into bed beside you
Wrapping my arm around you
Drawing you closer
Into the perfect spoon
Our skin to skin one caress
Comforting one another as we fade into dream

every morning
before the alarm sounds
To the feel of your arm
Out-stretched & Searching
for me beside you
Finding me, finding you
the safety, the joy
The serenity of feeling Home
In our bubble

At the peak of the mushroom
free of anxiety, ego dissolved
A familiar peace abounds
Amid the chaos of the mind fray
Our souls dance
Together and free
Simultaneously lost and found
in your emerald gaze
Peering endlessly as
the periphery fades to blur
and all that exists is We
All is you and me
We are All

Feeling every molecule
of You
As we merge our physicality
The Gnosis in the mushroom
Illuminating the Archaic
Gnosis in our beings
Reigniting and fuelling our twin flame
the magnetic synergy of our Souls

Sharing time
Sharing space
In your intoxicating presence
In your nourishing embrace

Engaging in ceremony with you
Honouring spirit
Of the Earth, of ourselves
Casting intentions to the four winds
Through the cleansing of raging fire

Discovering the rhythm of personal expression
Under the full blood blue moon
Our spotlight on the stage of surrender
Hanging effortlessly in
the star-speckled Black of Night

Finding the circular beat
Of your two drum-heart-beats
Through the noise
of solo djembes on their own tangent
Desperate to find the momentum of song

Our trio in unison
Our drums in harmony and rhyme
Synchronised in time
A voiceless song of the divine

These and many more
moments you've given to me
We created the space and
seized the opportunity
I hold them in memory immemorial
And the feelings they inspired
Infused forever into my "me-ness"

I thank You
I miss You
I Love You

Forever my Moon
And one day my Sun
experiences that inspire to new heights.... life is fleeting and transient, make every moment count
Pagan Paul Jan 2018
When you pinned the daisy to my lapel
you said 'that is where the fairies dwell',
and this special gift from you to me
was because you loved me beautifully.

© Pagan Paul (03/01/18)
Daniel Magner Oct 2017
I try to pour this light
from my insides,
brighten up the walls
that hold you.
Daniel Magner 2017
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