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Odd Odyssey Poet Dec 2024

The legacy of humanity hangs precariously
Upon their own blinded whims of fortune –
While faith is seasoned by the labour invested,
In the banquet of faith’s supplication.

Yet instead of harmonious voices, their frictional
Howls intertwine as a dog chasing after cars–
Those parked must seem a feast to the naïve,
Whose journey is dictated by the drive of others –

So simple-minded, solely to blend in with the crowd,
As indeed, wealth wields power - it challenges
Every muscle and very sentiment.
As stores of value, two titans stand
One old as time, one new in the land
Gold gleams with an ancient lore
Bitcoin opens a brand new door

Yellow metal, mined more each year
Still has too much inflation, we fear
Its authenticity, hard to prove
By ship or plane, it’s forced to move

Bitcoin, child of a digital age
Finite and quick, enters the stage
At light speed, traverses the globe
New frontiers of freedom to probe

Choose the one that you think is right
Gold from the earth, or digital light
Or some of both, for each in their way
Stores up value for a future day
You can see this poem on a background here -
Michael Nov 2024
Measure your worth
One zero at a time.
Before the decimal
The American way.
Danitza Lomeli Nov 2024
My Tio
He lives on Leisure Town Road
Where hard work
Is never had

He lives in a magic world
Where money is no object.
Where you forget
The family you left behind.

The walls of his home are perfectly painted
A smooth cream white.
A contrast to the peeling green walls he grew up in.

My grandma
She lives in a trailer park.
Watching babies all day so that
my tias can work.

He doesn't think about
The walls he grew up in.
Or the way his mom can't afford a home.
Leisure Town made him forget.
One of the historical challenges
     Of money is transacting across the
          Borders of our world’s many nations.
               Money in one nation or area is often
                    Not accepted in another nation, and
                         Requires expensive (and controlled)
                              Exchanges in order to transfer value
                              We need a digitally native, borderless
                        Money permitting near-instantaneous
                   Global transfers of value. This peer to
               Peer electronic cash system is now
          Operating successfully, started in
     2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto. This
Is the truly open Bitcoin Network.
You can see this poem on a background here -  This is number 30 in the Problems and Solutions Series.
Debasing money is not just wrong
And generally suspicious
It’s personally destructive
It’s insulting and malicious

For those who store their value
The hard working and ambitious
To have their value stolen
Is insulting and malicious

Whether it happens quickly
Or slow and surreptitious
It’s pure and blatant theft
It’s insulting and malicious

For those who don’t have assets
It’s particularly vicious
But for ALL who use the fiat
It’s insulting and malicious

That dollars can store value
Over time, is quite fictitious
In not much time, the value melts
It’s insulting and malicious

With Bitcoin, we have a choice
It’s purpose quite auspicious
You can choose between the two
I hope you’ll be judicious
You can see this poem on a background here -
Through history many things have
     Been used as money.  These also
          Had other uses.  Homes, tobacco
               Salt, gold, beads, shells, feathers.
                    We’ve never had just pure money
                         Which is also scarce and portable.
               ­          Let’s use a money that acts only
                    As money, not a commodity that
               Is sometimes money and other
          Times used as something else.  
     Bitcoin is pure money, and also
Scarce, portable, and divisible.
You can see this poem on a background here -
Dilution risk exists for nearly every
     Money and asset on this planet now.
          Dilution risk happens when a person’s
               Share in an asset is decreased due to
                    The issuance of new shares.  This risk
                         Brings about a huge loss of real value
                         An ideal asset would be one in which
                    There is no dilution risk possible, ever.
               Bitcoin fulfills this unique property of
          Money because the supply of bitcoin
     Is preprogrammed to 21 million coins.
Bitcoin has zero risk of share dilution
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