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DeVaughn Station Aug 2020
Only liars deny the ambition to go fishing
for what they want. The craving, the need, the haunting desires
only places you on a self-destructive and burning pyre.
You yearn for more, twisting on a mission,
wishing for the glistening gold of what you’re owed.
To move, to improve, on your flaunts
for yourself is such an everlearning taunt of wealth.
Well, when your well doesn’t get any higher
and the Sun’s hell ceases to tire,
emptiness befells the commission and buyer.
You’d sire more just to gain more,
but wouldn’t look towards your neighbors implore?
You would even bore through foreign floors
until it's all missing. Toes tucked and turning,
mouth foaming, you're an overzealous fiend for more earnings.
Your hives don’t die and you keep twitching.
Your heart keeps spinning the lies through your sleek grinning
and only the drive to buy is what keeps you alive.
August 25, 2020: An infinity next to you so juxtaposed. Even your chauffeur is there just to pose and you have nothing to show for it.
Kelsey Banerjee Jun 2020
buy now get one
free, it’s
the deal of a
lifetime. learn
how you can earn
less - be
like a billionare
just like Bezos
gulp down
that $100 coffee
because in this discounted
course bundle - now
just a dollar less than
a grand,
we’ll teach you to go
from crumbling off-brand tennis shoes,
dollar menus
to combo meals
and houses large enough
for twelve families.
remember, this is America
sign up now
so that even if you’re shot tomorrow,
at least you were productive today.
JDL Mar 2020
We all have two “selves”: the false self is the one that believes we belong to this world, the real self is the one that knows we do not.
MisfitOfSociety Jan 2020
I can't feel my spirit.
This body is so strange to me.
Slipping through the subway grates,
My flesh dissolves into plastic seats.
I feel no difference between it and me.
Work my fingers across my face,
To see if I am still there.

Vanishing and appearing in the reflection again,
I don't identify with that thing that I am.
It feels like I am separate from it,
It feels like I don't belong in it.
No longer a temple,
No longer a place for a spirit.

One great big seductive neon distraction,
Convincing us into buying:

L-shaped couches,
Makeup kits,
Brand new cars
and television sets.

I work for freedom and pay for slavery.
The things I own I've become.
**** it all, who needs freedom?
Undead Nomad Nov 2019
Inasmuch I had found confort
within a self unbeknown,
inasmuch I had found peace
within solitude of reality,
I sought objective truth above all
to cure mine ailing curiosity.
Be it I suffer more tomorrow.
Be it mine eyes see darkness
in the light of truth.

I have discovered the device of mine own undoing mayhaps.
For under further introspection,
the reality of the self has become falsified.

The belief of joy as divine?
A mere chemical addiction.
The concept of deity?
A mere pretense of faith.
The mechanics of value dissected,
exposing their arbitrary innards.

For more unwelcome as it may be,
ironic at its purest, the deeper I dig,
the more grave it comes to be.
The more literality I come to accept,
the less literate I come to be.

Washing off all purity
after affirming my sins,
my being becomes one with nature;
realizing the amoral animal within.
Albeit a minor change animate.
Albeit a subtle suggestion of expression,
or so I had thought.

Now stripped internally
of the faulty concepts:
of the subjective meaning,
of the unobtainable purpose,
of the illusionary empathy,
of the misguided sympathy--
Constructs now ****** and broken for their purpose within.
Constructs antagonized for their naughtness without.

Naught of important significance.
Culling of transcendent thought
unto an impulsive materialism.
nothing more than what is observed
shall be of any use to me.
I am enlightened.

And the price of this enlightenment?...

Only my soul.
Big Virge Oct 2019
So ... Is It Wise ...
To ... " Commercialise " ... ?!?

Just To Get ...
A ... Short-Lived Prize ... ???

Where's It Got Us ... ?
Showing LOVE ...
To YES ... FAKE Thugs ... !?!

RIDICULOUS ... " Cribs " ... !!!
To Cars For ... " Pimps " ... !!!

Is This The Way ...
We NEED To ... Live ... ?!?

****** SPREES ...
******* ... !!!

Accompanied By ...
WEAK ... Hip Hop Beats ... !!!

That's Just ... ME ...
That's What I SEE ...

I Guess That's ... NOT ...

........ " REALITY " ....... ???

OF COURSE It ... IS ... !!!!!

So LISTEN ... " Kids " ...
You WON'T ... Live Long ...
With ... " Guns and Clips " ... !!!!!!

When They're ATTACHED ...
To ... ANGRY Hips ... !!! ...

DON'T RUSH To Kiss Lips ...
Or .... Hold A Drink ....

USE Your Brain ...
Take Time and ... THINK ... !!!!!

Money Comes EASY ... !!!
Money Goes ... EASY ... !!!

So ...
MAKE That ... " Cash " ...
But ... DON'T Act FLASH ... !!!
Cos' Nowadays ...
You'll Be ... AMAZED ...
At How ... JEALOUSY ...
Can Bring ... " SAD Days " ... !!!

Villains ... Right NOW ...
are ... ILLin' and Killin' ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TRUST Me Now ...
This AIN'T ... Fulfilling ... !!!

EVERYBODY's ... Billing ...
But Tell Me ... Are You Willing ... ?

To STOP Young People ...
Resorting To ... KILLING ... !!?!!

I'd Rather Be ... " Chilling " ... !!!
and ... Use MY BRAIN ...
A BETTER Way ...
of Life and ... LIVING ... !!!

Like ...
GOOD ... " Upbringing " ... !!!
By ... Men and Women ... !!!

This Was THE THING ...
That Kept ... FULFILLING ...
My ... " Early Life " ...
When LOVE Was Something ...
In ... My SIGHT ... !!!

So ...
Is it ... " Wise " ...
To ... COMMERCIALISE ... ???
When This Can Make ...
Some People ... LIE ... ?!?

" Eyes ON THE PRIZE ! " ...

But ... Selfish Guys ...
May Be ... SURPRISED ... !?!

By ...
What They ... " FIND " ...
In ... Financiers MINDS ... !!!

Let's GO BACK ...........................
To ... EARLIER Times ...

Cos' ...
Banks In The CITY ...
Have ... SLAVERY Ties ... !!!

Now THAT's NOT NICE ... !!!

Could You ...
Place A ... PRICE ...
On A ... Human Life ... ?!?

How About ... " A Child " ...
With ... TEAR FILLED Eyes ... !!?!!

How About ... YOU ... ?
What Would You Do ... ?

If Someone ... BOUGHT ...
How You Could ... "MOVE" ... ???

Well ....
and THIS Is ... NOW ... !!!

"Money Makes The
World Go Around !!!"

DON'T ................... IGNORE That ... !!!!!

THAT IS ... " Profound " ...

UNLIKE ... These Words ...

"I Live for Pounds !"

Live For ... LIVING ... !!!

NOT ... Blood Spilling ... !!!!
Or ... NEEDLESS Killing ... !!!!!

Cos' Things Like THIS ...
Give Lows ... NOT HIGHS ... !!!

Unlike LOVE ...
From ... Feminine Thighs ... !!!

I'll End This ... THERE ...
For ... " MONEY GUYS " ...
With ... VIOLENT Ties ... !!!

Cos I'd ...
Rather Have ... LOVE ...
and Try To Be ... WISE ...

Than ...
Live My Life ...

To .......

...... " Commercialise " ......
Well, in a world where Donald runs the US, these words seem worthless, but hey, so far I've done fine without putting a price on myself, or what I do, but I guess it works for the majority, or does it ... ??? One to think on .......
MisfitOfSociety Jun 2019
The Product:

All that I see,
Are faces of fake people,
Scurrying around,
In search of something real.

“It is not yours it is mine!
I take that which is mine!
I keep what is mine!
I consume what is mine!

Get away from it is mine!
I don’t share what is mine!
I don’t give what is mine!
What is mine is mine!”

False eyelashes!
Make up kits!
L-shaped couches!
And television sets!
They’ve become the things they own.
The things they own, own them!

You are not your job!
You are not your salary!
You are not your wallet!
You don’t need this ****!

****** into the tv,
The product becomes you.
You do whatever,
It tells you to do:
“This is what you want!
This is what you need!
You just got to have it!
You won’t be happy without it!”

You think it will sedate your hunger for happiness,
But you come out unsatisfied.
You try to impress people you don’t know,
Or even care about you;
Too caught up on the outside.

“Happiness must be taken,
And I will take mine!”
A false idea of happiness,
It is not happiness unless it is given!

All the products you see on the tv,
Are begging you to buy your own slavery!

You are the product!

**** your money,
**** your property,
I hope you choke on it!
MisfitOfSociety May 2019
******* money,
And ******* property.
I don’t need you to be happy.

All that I need is food and water,
A space to live,
And people to love.
I don’t need this property!
I don’t need your permission to be happy!

I don’t own you,
You own me.
I am your property.

I don’t drive my car,
My car drives me.
I don’t sit on my couch,
My couch sits on me.
I don’t watch the tv,
The tv watches me!

We are not the consumers,
We are the products.
They own us.

I have have had it with all this *******,
I am practically drowning in all of it!
All I hear,
All I smell,
All I taste,
All I touch,
All I see, on the tv, is a product,
Tempting me to buy my own slavery!

Buy your slavery!
Be my property!
This will make you happy!
Then die!
Terms and conditions may apply!
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