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MC Hammered Dec 2014
Your name,

Pain. Demanding, sadistic


Mine? *******.

Skin, impermeable. Scarred

issues, inevitable.

Please, sir? Yes,

WickedHope Dec 2014
******    fingernails

B l o o d y       p i n s

B l o o d y    r a z o r

I've  too  many  sins
My titles are getting more
... something
lately, aren't they?
- - -
I deserve to die.
I'm told the only way grow
over you, is to peel apart every memory;
I must reach down my choked-up
throat, and feel around for you inside
my broken body - find the figments
of my bitter fantasies and watch them over
and over

[the night we walked home
at 3am and shouted lyrics from Snow
Patrol at the scarecrows in the
graveyard/ the night we ******
three consecutive
times/ the night I decided
I would let myself fall]

until I suffocate and hate you,
all the same; the best-tested remedy
is to become a practicing
******* - a professional
pain analyst,

and so I'll gag myself
cleansing my body from your
presence, I'll pour my liver out
if only to pry apart the
I will ruin every black and white
filmstrip if only to say
for the last time
happy thoughts happy thoughts happy thoughts
Rory Oct 2014
Hold my hands above my head
Push me down into the bed
Bite me harder, rip my flesh
Put my sanity to the test
Do it harder, I like it rough
Do it faster, you know I'm tough
I'm a screamer baby,  so you know
For you, I'll put on a show

You can ruin me and torture me
I won't charge you, do it for free
Rip out all my feelings deep inside
**** me baby and make me cry

Harder, faster, stronger, please
Make me beg til I'm on my knees
I'm a screamer girl, that you know
For you baby, I'll put on a show
firexscape Oct 2014
You were a knife in my chest
But I miss you

You're not with me anymore
But I'm still bleeding
Casey Nb Oct 2014
vital pearls welling up from the fissure
a gasping promise made corporeal.
sharp, bright, overwhelming
but it will be gentle
and no less sweet
emphasize "will" when read
Kevin Eli Jul 2014
When I was with her,
I never felt so alive, nor dead.
I never felt so much love, nor so alone.
I never felt so much pain, and so much joy.
I never knew how strong I was, nor how weak.
I never knew what I could do, nor what was out of reach.
Still can't see a difference between loving her and torturing me.
I try my best to appear graceful
to look like my day to day existence
is perfectly orchestrated into
a symphony of flowers and lace
And then there are the days
I would rather saw my own legs off
than leave my bed
surrounded by chocolate and self pity
What causes each see-saw drop and lift
is unclear
but as I obsess over my internal and external self
the people I love with the power of Thor’s hammer
obsess  undress and caress
their bleeding wounds
desperately suppressing all incoming growth
screaming for pleasure without making a sound
embracing chemically induced illusion
instead of embracing each other
instad of embracing themselves
instead of embracing their mother
and I, masochistic and bursting with back and forth
delay my inevitable catapult to the future
the worst thing I could do is leave
the worst thing I could do is stay
The best thing i can do is embrace myself
the only thing I can do is embrace them
Martin Narrod May 2014
The likes of you I can't describe,
Yet I love to eat between your thighs.
The melody you spake to me
Unfolds my greatest sovereignty.
I crave to quaff all of your spit,
And swallow every drop of it.
Don't cheat me of your tasty flesh,
Those bare and supple ****** *******,
Your eyes that follow my firm gaze,
While we kiss and lick and misbehave.
I need to feel each piece of skin,
Smashing girl and boy parts over and over again.
It's such a treat to eat you whole;
I'm obsessed with eating 19-year-olds.
#love #kiss #poem #poetry #hell #10 #***** #eating #lust #***** #funny #boy #crush #evil #demons #the #hip #rhyme #blood #and #***** #america #**** #boys #girls #*** #obsession #muse #writing #emotion #woman #piece #skin #free #coming #usa #**** #nineteen #out #poets #****** #freeform #pieces #skinny #parts #monster #follow #****** #whole #******* #verse #humans #men #women #eat #chicago #**** #american #debauchery #male #wet #****** #**** #guys #sentence #******* #freeverse #cool #virgins #following #2013 #swallow #sadism #joke #forum #stick #2014 #sexuality #flesh #gore #wicked #stiff #virginity #illinois #cowboy #nsfw #***** #****** #******* #riddle #drop #**** #**** #spit #czech #rocket #**** #submissive #sub #horrid #sentences #******* #dominant #meat #moist #werewolf #**** #*** #***** #skins #mused #muses #narrod #martin #themuse #jocular #prague #skinnygirls #amused #musedandamusedtumblrcom #unitedstatesofamerica #clique #horrific #disobedient #rtw #vampires #dom #eroticism #eroticpoetry #clause #cz #praha #chicagopoetryfoundation #werewolves #lycan #formless #poetryfoundation #teenagelust #treat #guts #onestanza #******* #wretch #******* #quaff #virginblood #lurid #prurient #sexygirls #sexywriting #eroticwriting #humanbeings #firm #overandover #ihaveacrush #19yrold #19yearold #nineteenyearolds #spits #******* #******* #boygirl #doyouswallow #dripping #folds #mons #***** #***** #******* #eatingout #dinnerparty #diningroom #eats #dirtypoems #dirtylimmerick #rhymingpoetry #youngmalepoets #humanpoetryfoundation #eroticpoetryforum #stanzas #1stanza #claws #clawworks #sade #sadomasochism #masochistic #***** #witch #warlock #monstrous #hellish #blooddrinking #periodblood #menstruating #menarcheparty #menarche #teenagerfucking #cutegirls #prettygirls #sexywomen #flesheating #wanton #notsafeforwork #30 #thirtyyearold #adultmen #adultboys #girlonboy #reversecowgirl #cowgirl #misbehave #dominating #pussyeating #whorish #**** #http
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