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Ocean Eyes Apr 2017
Somewhere in the world a young girl sits with her headphones in and music blaring strikingly loud Listen delicately and you’ll hear the pain in the words from a writer who is proud to share their work to an entire crowd
A writer who’s
Words are  so well spoken...
They give you the blues
She feels so broken
from glass which has shattered
And left her with  cuts and bruises
Everyone she loves she loses
So much so that all she can do is
Sit there and do what she always does
she abuses herself
Now a boy comes by with a bright smile
and a brand new toon and he says
The words she’s always needed to hear
He says it without any sort of fear
Because he has no fear
He says it so clear
It brings a tear to his own eye
Hello there, my dear,
what’r ya listen’ to?
Come on, don't be shy
The girl looks up with her shattered eyes
and broken heart and says what she has trained herself to,
“Nothing new”.
He takes off his hood
And he spoke as he stood
Just as any strong person would
Nothing that’s good
Nothing that will help you in the way everything should.
Let me save you
I could help you get through
The pain that you’re going through
Let me help you see the world in a new hue
Do you know who
Who what?
Who you are.
Strive to be the best version of you
Try to be entirely true
true to..?
True to yourself
Make is so they rue the day they ever tried to
Stop you or hurt you
but, that's what they do… what's the point?
Because darling that's how you do it
You show them the day where
despite all the broken glass
and sass
you flew
Don't do this
it won't help you through
Fight like the warrior I know you can be
Be free
despite the cuts on your face
and the glass stuck to your knee
Free like the waves at sea
Free like the wind that creates those waves
And flies for miles and brings new smiles
and entwines itself perfectly into the branches of the old oak tree
the same wind that helps the leaves fall from that tree
helps the leaves be free
and the tree is lifted from its year-long burden
like wind, help liberate everyone and every thing
and be what they're supposed to be
the wind that blows unrelentingly
and apologetically
with continuous glee
Show them that you are the key
Because we’re all the key
to someone's locked door
Because everyone keeps something hidden
Inside their house or their room or a glass box
Everyone has something that they lock away
And houses have windows
People like to break windows
Like they break your spirit
Don't let them
some might throw rocks in at the windows
To create more shattered glass and sad eyes
because windows are the houses eyes
Some might sneak their way in
when you forget to close the window you left open
Because you wanted to feel the wind on your skin
but they aren't welcomed so break-ins don't count
be the person who stops those break ins
remember, you are a house and though your windows may be broken
You’re still standing strong
Your bones are keeping you upright
And your foundation--your faith-- it remains
and take in all of your own glory
because darling you are glorious
honestly miss,
its ludicrous
how gorgeous you are
and how you don't see it
how don't you see it?
It's really a pity
that you're so pretty
especially with those shattered eyes
eyes that have seen so many lies
eyes that just want to hide
please don't hide from me.
you don't see that you're
New York City
you never sleep
there's never a moment where you don't make a peep
some think you're a bit of a creep (you're not)
but in the end you make everyone feel welcomed
But you yourself don't feel welcomed
Why don't you feel welcomed
Who told you that your body was a toy or a tool
They were a fool
No, they weren't cool
darling, show them you rule
You wish your body was clay
That way you could shape yourself into whatever they want to
You could do whatever they say
but darling I pray
That someday
you'll show everyone just how much
you slay
Slay, girl. You’re a fighter.
The girl smiles in a new, healed sort of way
in a way you can't help but to hope will always stay
kind of like how you hope the new puppy doesn't stray
although sometimes it does
on occasion, puppies run away
but, hey, that's okay
because you have to have the courage to run after it
and search it out
sometimes it's hard
but you can't pout
happiness is worth it
Never underestimate the power of positivity  
But also never underestimate the power of negativity
Both can consume you
If you let it
And never, don't you ever, underestimate the things you say
they count they matter and hey
often, they can save the day
Go save someone's day.
May Asher Jan 2017
We're ripping with silence
woven through our tar veined cardboard skin,
falling falling falling apart
because our scars are unseen
and all our lost battles are faded
and distant.
They don't matter
because it was all in the past.
Standing before our unhealed eyes
is a lonely avenue
littered with forgotten memories
because all our past
is a constant hue of gray almost alive,
almost tangible so potent
that it fissures our bones
so deep that we unhinge,
falling into incomplete remnants
of what we once were.
You can't help that your desires are inhuman.
I'll fit my hand into the imprint of yours
and tell you that it's okay
if you don't want to be human anymore
because I know it is hard.
But I'm your tether
anchoring you because you can't see,
that the higher you fly
the harder will you fall.
And I can't let you break
because I promised once
that I'd be there when you fail
to stand straight.
I never told you the truth
that I wouldn't be able to see
the tears shining in your eyes
with an unrevealed anguish.
Someday maybe I'd tell you
how I'd want to die.
I want to die when you're with me
because you're the last face I want to see
before I fall into the void. This time for ever.  
I want to die with your pale moonhands
tucked in my trembling fingers.
Excerpt: Tar Veined
May Asher Dec 2016
I'm a liar because
I pretend so much.
I pretend the tears are not yours.
I pretend your eyes are still green.
I pretend your face is not so pale
almost similar to a corpse's.
I wonder if you know, that sometimes —
sometimes I wish I knew
what love could possibly be.
I walk with paper wounds
and cardboard bruises
and I haven't learned
to keep myself from falling apart
when you tell me
to tell you that I love you.
I would want to tell you
that I never knew
that you could tear apart so violently,
that you could voice,
that your strangled scream could be heard.
An agony so sharp it comes visible.
I pretend to breathe
when it wrings your soul
out of your heart,
bleeding/battered/broken broken broken
But my fingertips brush yours.
Our arms are a tangle of scars,
we are a pile of bones
and we are not afraid
of each other's darkness
Your eyes are fluttering
against my eyelashes,
your hands almost too scared.
I cannot let you know I shattered
when you shattered.
We're shattered words,
unsaid and unheard,
alive only in echoes and thoughts.
We're almost apart,
we're almost whole,
we're almost sure,
we're almost healed.
But my hands are too desperate
snuffing out the fire
because your eyes
are too use to the dark.
We're lying with the truths
that our eyes scream,
were drowning in the dust
that we're not afraid of,
we're not crying
(because we lost our tears).
We're flooded with emotion
but we're empty shells
cracking on the surface and we
We collapse because
our knees buckle
and our ankles are disjointed,
all of our past is an ocean
and we're drowning again.
We're drowning until we gasp,
clutching at each other's hands
like it will be the last time.
We're seconds stumbling out of time,
we touch everything and everyone,
and we become their memory.
I grasp your hand and fit the image into a second, burning you into my being.
But your eyes are wide
as though you did not know
we stretch into the unknown;
that we are vacant terrains
standing upended
with empty pockets,
and your hair is too gold
in the sunlight
but your eyes are too green,
and they're screaming so loud so loud
so loud.
They are scared and and questioning me,
they're asking me to stay.
But all I manage is a whisper
because I lost my voice
in the whirlwind I was born out of.

Forever Is such a small word, love
I'll be with you until time ceases to exist.
May Asher Oct 2016
Our love started from hatred.
Their love started with dreams.
My heart was a valley
And blindly you crashed down.
Though you could not see the end 
You were afraid you'll fall forever,
But you seeped through my eyes 
and I held on to you for a million years.
You crawled through the webs
my capillaries were.
Beneath my skin,
you built a world of shadows,
with my blood
that could've been an ocean of mist.
And with my bones
that couldn't have been your shore.
You drowned in my veins
seemingly my scarlet life 
Because I carried you within my blood.
But, love,
when they saw you
hiding within my irises 
they tore me apart
but I did not cry,
and I smiled 
for they had not known,
you were me and I were you.
They did not see we're inseparable.
They told me I'm insane and hollow 
But, love, I promise I did not keep quite.
I told them you were with me,
shining through my eyes,
walking on the rail
(that could be my collarbone)
And stumbling into my ribs.
That you were my glow in the darkest dark
and that you smile but they can't see it.
They told me
that you would never come back.
I laughed but I felt empty,
so I told them that you never left,
that you'd lived within me 
for a thousand years. 
That you see the world 
through my sight,
That you breathe 
with my lungs 
That you're alive within me 
Because I've felt you around me 
protecting me from the lie they call truth.
They asked me to show them where were you.
I kept my hand on my beating heart 
and felt your heart beat within mine.
I smiled and bled for the first time (again)
And though my blue veins leaked crimson 
I knew I wasn't bleeding 
Because you'd had healed my wounds 
Long long long ago.
They asked me
to touch you,
and I —
I shattered.
They told me that I am insane 
But I refused to believe.
They told me I've lost you forever 
and I swear I —
I scattered.
Realization hit me 
through my soul,
tearing through my flesh.
Rancorous and loud
and throbbing and deafening
and blinding and heavy
and tangible and potent
and inexistent and alive,
an alive intensity humming
with life and immortal and eternal and everlasting.
My heart did not beat 
my fingers are still unmoving,
shins left split.
A scream was left dormant 
within my ribcage,
when it cracked my bones,
and left a whisper
that echoed through.
I did not know I was so empty
that whispers bounded off from my walls 
and drowned
into my flesh
and ripped through.
And my wretched gashes
spewed scarlet.
(My scarlet life)
I guess it was called bleeding.
But the memory 
of your last breath 
is the only reminder
that you were real.
Numbness and agony 
are my soul mates.
And do you want to see my inside?
Don't worry it's just webs and shadows 
and darkness and desolation 
and it's deserted and bleeding 
with echoes splashing 
within my broken veins 
and fractured ribs
and twisted muscles 
And wrecked smile
and gray and black.
But still-blue eyes,
staring up at the starless sky.
finding a constellation
that never existed.
May Asher Sep 2016
Don't wait, I'm not coming home.
Someday you'll forget me
and I'll forget you.
Don't search for me,
I'm lost.
This emotion is absurdly bitter,
biting into my paper veins; gnashing.
You won't know where I've bled.
Someday, you'll forget my voice
and I'll forget yours.
This moment is a void
flooding with intangible vacuum.
My lungs are ripped open,
did you know how it feels to die?
Don't forget we counted stars
of the starless sky.
I'm drowning but it doesn't matter,
it's not like I can breathe
anymore anyway.
Don't forget you used to tell
bedtimes stories to ghosts
when you thought I fell asleep;
with your hand in mine
the way sun fits into skies
that are not his home.
The miles I've walked away
mean nothing because
I'll turn around and run to you again.
Don't forget I gifted you
the other half of my dream
because you said
you could never dream.
Someday I'll forget
the touch of your fingertips
against mine
and you'll forget mine.
I'm a kaleidoscope spinning
without direction,
shattering and falling
into shards
like a screaming avalanche.
I'm glacial bones,
someday you'll forget
the coldness of my eyes
and I'll forget yours.
The azure of the sky merging
into orange of sun
is only because
they've learned
to be together
and conjure another color.
You and I are oil paints
splattered on black canvas,
a dark vastness
they can't measure.
Someday I'll forget
the number of your scars
and you'll forget mine.
You're stubborn and beautiful,
you'd say you want to take a dive
into the clouds and fly into cliffs.
We're inverted images,
never fitting into each other.
But you're in the mirror
and I'm stumbling into the void.
But you're eyes are still cerulean blue,
mine are still emerald green.
I'll never forget
the soprano of my voice
melting in the tenor of yours.
I'll never forget touch
of your fingertips
through glass doors
or concrete walls.
You'd forget that I still remember
when you told me I'm so deep.
I'm so deep, I drowned you
and you're still gasping for breath,
even after all these years,
I'd know you'll never forget
the precise lengths of my scars.
May Asher Sep 2016
I'm wrapped in this eternity,
its suffocating grip
break my breaths
into splinters I can't fix.
I'm worn out
and my unbound edges
are starting to dissolve in this chasm.
One day, it'll become me
and I'll become it.
Then they'll know
that my depth
was never fathomable.
This unknown ocean is my home.
If they asked,
I'll tell them that 1997's
summer seemed like
streetlights casting
orange glow over deserted roads.
I'm an infinite distance
drenched between
my broken dream
and a reality so real,
it shook my being.
I'm this flash of light,
almost resonant,
almost imperishable.
My unbound edges
have dissolved into this chasm.
If I could reach out now,
I could touch
that little diminished glow
my dream used to be.
I've fallen out of faith,
fallen out of fear,
fallen out of dread.
I'm this numb throbbing
left behind by the bitter tint
of their crude remarks
That I haven't learned to forget.
I'm a being of ashes piled high,
desperate to touch the sun
though it burned me so much,
That I've become nothing
but a screaming grey,
That they call thunderstorm.
I'm like water splashing,
through broken water pipes
with rusty veins
and faded sunsets
and dark dawns,
fissured with almost inexistent clouds.
They know now though,
I'm faded.
They still don't know,
I'm a bottomless void.
May Asher Sep 2016
I don't need words to start a poem,
All I need is your memories.
The blink of your eyes
and the smile
tugging on your lips.
I kept dissolving
in maple sugar
that were your tears,
streaming forever.
I dove in the hollow
above your collarbones
and swam through your gold blood.
I've glided through your braids,
like winds dancing on the flowers.
But somehow, love,
I'm wandering,
On paths that don't lead to you.
Since a very long time,
I haven't seen the face of the sun.
Today's the same gray
with just a little more pitch of black.
Tonight again I can't see the stars,
again can't find the moon.
And tonight again there are no clouds.
Tonight again the sky is lifeless blue.
Because your constellations
have broken apart
and the fragments
have scattered in the space.
Every thing has vanished
in sheer silence.
I've heard nothing
but your scream.
Everything has burned
and it lies in ashes.
Though all these years
have elapsed
like flashes of happiness
and hope,
like sparks of lightning,
tearing through skies.
Behind your eyelids
are whole new worlds.
Your irises are two planets
wrapped in a deep hue
of cerulean blue.
And stars are dangling
from your eyelashes.
You're still lost.
Maybe you're hidden
in waves of oceans
or buried in dust.
I've cried and screamed
but still it's a silence too empty
to carry a whisper.
It feels like I haven't heard
anything since a thousand years.
This is our world,
within my words
and I'll bring you here again
after all the agony fades
and you're mended again.
We'll reach out for the stars again.
I'll light fireflies with stardust.
I'll burn fire with sun's flames.
I'll find all our broken pieces.
We'll take with us all our memories.
When we leave here,
I'll take you with me.
There where time
doesn't exist anymore
and we'll no longer
hang in words of my poems.
I swear, we'll be real,
soon after my words run out of pain.
We'll climb the clouds
and we'll lie in moon dust.
Ignited with silver beams
of moonlight, iridescent,
real but unreal.
We'll sing again and dance.
And every night,
under the dark sky,
I'll stare into your eyes
and stare deep.
And again I'll count the stars there within.
May Asher Sep 2016
A story leaked,
From my open wounds,
And the years escaped,
The cage of my mind,
Poetries screamed my anguish,
And songs revealed,
Too much to stand through.
With welts etched in my legs,
I trudged, stumbling,
Along the thousand avenues,
Finding your arms.
Winds flapped through,
My tattered clothes,
And stars cracked,
And dispersed and crashed.
I kept falling until,
I drowned in oceans,
of your blurred memories.
They filled my lungs
And made me choke.
They pierced my veins
And broke my bones.
I let my breaths flee,
and I fell and fell,
deeper into deepest agony.
It's the end, love,
it's the end.
This is how we end.
May Asher Sep 2016
I'm November nights' sleepless eyes,
And Saturday's heavy rain,
I feel broken and I can't remember why.
A deep breath, it might ease my anguish.
Across that town,
(that I set on fire),
Is something stronger than melancholy.
I try to reach it but it's too distant.
I'm an illusion you can't deem real.
I'm only mist,
Your hand will never,
Close around mine.
You cry like a boy,
When you hear I've lost my breaths,
In 1678's winter snowstorm.
The autumn of 1857,
Seems like cracking branches,
And you and me inexistent,
Trapped in something,
We can't seem to remember.
It has no name, that phobia.
I can't breathe, I can't remember,
Where I've left my lungs.
I can't feel, I don't know,
Where I've dropped my heart.
My eyes can't trace,
The shape of your face.
You're a blurred image,
I've crafted with my own hands.
Nothing makes sense.
Maybe I'm insane.
Desperate, so desperate,
To feel, to touch an entity,
That could be bigger than life.
But I'm a breathing vacuum.
The sensation in my fingers,
Is singeing me with so much life,
It's almost unbearable.
I'm running, bolting, wavering,
Stumbling, swaying, trembling.
I'm dying, dreaming, wondering,
I'm falling in love.
I'm falling over and over and over.
But I'm only falling.
I've never known what's it like,
To get up.
I'm falling into a rift valley,
With sleepy eyes.
I'm falling again.
But this time I'm falling asleep.
I might wake up.
Someday I might.
May Asher Sep 2016
I'm a jumbled sentence,
With broken words,
Uttered in  gasping stutters,
By mouth of someone I haven't met.
All my punctuation is wrong,
I don't have commas,
Or colons to make sense of me.
I'm standing still,
So still that I can almost,
Almost feel the seconds bleeding,
And my heart burning,
And lungs collapsing and,
Eyes shutting for sleep,
That only contain nightmares.
And I'm wondering,
I'm wondering if,
I might ever touch the sky,
I'll touch it with my broken fingertips.
See, even broken stars can shine.
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