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Andrea Armstrong Jun 2015
Tɦɛ ɮɛst tɦɨռɢs tɦat ɨռ ʟɨʄɛ aʀɛ ռօt ʄʀɛɛ. Tɦɛʀɛ ɨs aʟաaʏs a քʀɨċɛ tօ քaʏ, ɛʋɛռ ʄօʀ tɦɛ sʍaʟʟɛst օʄ tɦɨռɢs. Yօʊ aʟաaʏs ɦaʋɛ tօ աօʀҡ ʄօʀ աɦat ʏօʊ աaռt, ɮɛċaʊsɛ tɦɛʏ աօռ't ċօʍɛ ɛasʏ. Nօtɦɨռɢ ɨռ ʟɨʄɛ ɨs ɛasʏ.
Aline Kaze Apr 2015
1.  you're entire family will one day consist of just one person - yourself.  No one tells you this until after it happens. And when it does, everything that you thought you knew, doesn't make sense anymore.  No man is an island until he becomes one.

2. My dad used to say all of these really great things when I was a kid that I wish I could remember. I'll know my name when he calls it. I hope I will know.

3. Am I supposed to consider myself lucky because I'm a first generation? Because my ancestors weren't stolen and sold? Because my parents chose to come here? Weren't deprived of their identity? Because they were educated?  Am I allowed to grieve my peoples tragedies? Can I call them my people even though our great grandmothers didn't go through the same struggles? Some would say no.

4. College is ******* expensive. I'm already broke and I don't even have my first degree yet. It's almost starting to cost more than my ambition. Might need to take another loan out.

5. Ever since I was too young to fully comprehend the finality of death, that people can suddenly cease to be, she taught me while teaching herself how to live without him. She never taught me how to live without her because we both thought that she wouldn't have to. Now I'm teaching myself to live without them and we never thought that I'd have to. Will I have to teach my kids one day how to do the same? I pray to God that I wont have to.

6.( Invincibility doesn't mean **** when you see it die in front of you.) I still use the present tense when I say your name. My mom says that, sorry I meant used to say that all the time. My dad is really, sorry I meant to say was really tall. Life's constant grammar lesson : past tense - a tense expressing something that previously existed.

7. Alcohol is your friend until it's not. People are the same way, except they are harder to find on a daily basis and you can never run out of alcohol.

8.  I have a habit of calling wherever I'm going home. If I'm laying my head down there for the night, it's home. Because for me it's always temporary and somewhere different. I'm never homeless.

9. We are supposed to trust no one, but love with all of our being. You can't do both. Pick one.

10. You're family will one day consist of just one person - yourself. No one tells you until after it happens. And when it does, everything that you thought you knew, doesn't make sense anymore. So you start over.
RH 78 Feb 2015
Her body wrapped around the white sheets snakelike.
Eyes half shut and hair tucked behind her ear she took a deep breath then in a post ******* state rolled her eyes closed them, smiled and bit her bottom lip with a half smile.
As my fingers ran down her spine there was only one thing on my mind.
"Now you have to leave him" I whispered softly as I kissed her neck with the conviction of a man possessed consumed by all she had to offer.
Never forget
to leave the light on
for me.

Nuncas olvides
dejar una luz encendida
para mí.
I'll always come back. Siempre volveré.
jerely Dec 2014
Oh! Mr. Bright Smile
Filled with every thoughts & happy feeling
The cupcake to my heart and the sweetest seranade
You bright up my light
the excitement and the joy I've found
And i knew it from the start that this is
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
enjoy your holidays and be thankful for everything you had!!! <3
December 25, 2014
Hay algo sobre tu toque
que calle mis demonios más ruidosos.
Me pongo loca por su toque en mi piel.
Sarah M Gillihan Dec 2014
I’m numb

I can’t feel the world

I can’t see the light

I’m a hopeless girl

I have a cold heart

I’m not even there

I’m a soulless body

And I don’t even care

If I slit my wrists

And I bleed out

I’ll count the minutes

Until I’m out

In an endless sleep

I weep

And no one knows

There is nothing but cuts

Beneath my clothes

I cry

As I try

To hide the pain

But it’s all the same

I’ll try to make


Go away

And I’m the only one to blame

And I have nothing else to say

I promised you that I would stay

But not today

I pray

You won’t be angry

If I don’t wake

Tomorrow day

Because my whole world

Has turned gray

And soon

I know I’ll fade

Fade away

And disappear

Please hold

The memory of me

So dear

I can’t

I can’t

I can’t go on

Even with you

I’m still not strong

I say I can’t do this

On my own

But even with you

I do not grow

I’m still not happy

Just please know

I love you dearly

But I have to go

Sing me a song

While I sleep

Keep me warm

And please don’t leave

Just stay with me

Throughout the night

And everything

Will be


I love you so much

So please don’t cry

Everything will be


I’ll die in the night

Free of fright

And everything

Will be

Lazlo Mehl Nov 2014
He is who he is

Someone great indeed
Although he doesn’t know it
I’m here to show him

You see

He seems really ordinary
But what I’ve read is extra- ordinary
You see his quite plain
Not always sane

Sometimes he can even be lame
Its really a shame
So he wrote this book
I then took a look

Got to know him better
Inside a few letters
His pages tells a story
Of God and his Glory

He met a young lady
And fell madly in love
She was what he wanted
And he was he she needed

All seemed fine
But there were to many lies
The bad elements of this world
Is the story he told

A girl she was
With many scars
Hatred and pain
With nothing to gain

He kissed her tears
For many, many years
And all that time
Her life was a lie

He never rejected
Always excepted
Through the Grace of God
He was able to start

Not once did he stop
even when times were tough
And when the going got rough
And she needed stuff

He stood his ground
And eventually found
She was bruised
And abused

A journey she attained
A Journey he obtained
Together making it a life
Worth writing about

His no super hero
Just a religious kind of guy
Making a difference in others lives
Only taking one step at a time

So I’ve come to know
His shared quite a lot
I’m hoping our journey
Never has to stop

But the time will come
When it’s all done
In those few pages
I was won

I’ve learnt a lot
I’ve cried a lot too
There was a lot of ****
But that seemed real

You taught me a lesson
Of love and pain
How to guard my heart
From hatred and shame

I cannot begin to thank you
For all you have done
You’ve change my life
In a short space of time

To be a better person
Inside and out
Your book is worth reading
So please start believing

Soon will come the time
Believe me I done lie
With a friend such as you

Thank you my friend,
cos it's worth reading,
cos it's also rhythmic,
ka boom boom bomb

No thank you my friend
For as you said
Stop writing in a pad
Rather post it on the net

You've giving me reason
And purpose in life
Through A Broken Reed
I was able to see

My lives worth living
And my days are few
So I'm glad that I got  
to spend them with

Your book is the reason
I've come this far
I feel inspired
To do something great

I once was bruised
And broken too
But through the virtues
God lend me to you

You taught me love
You taught me patience
You taught me never to give up
And even when I felt so down

You help me turn
My frown upside down
I cannot thank you
And your book

I'm glad God lead me
And I got to take a look.
We Are A Broken Generation no longer Bruised by Our Own Devices but BROKEN...
Why do we ask ourselves, who am i to be beautiful, talented, or fabulous? Well the truth is who are you not to be? Everyone in this worl deserves a chance it does not matter your race or gender. we are all one, no one should be put down, called names, or be thrown around. we are all the children of god, brother and sister, loving and caring for each other. I am as much yours as you are mine, gears coming together to make the world work, so lets make a new world, because at some point it'll be time for change.  <3
Arcassin B Sep 2014
by Arcassin Burnham

L- lets me know that i could be me,
I- i know that i'll show a little empathy,
Z- zello st. makes me think of her,
Z- zebras run free everytime her name is heard,
Y- you complete me girl, you get the whole virtue,

complex beauty like an astalian,
letters tapped on my head,
i hope you like a challenge,
U and I popped up instead.
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