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Rajat Akre Mar 2020
Nothing is wrong.
World aint gonna stop.
Whether you die or sob.

Get up.
Heads up to sky.
Try, fail and again try!
Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2020
True friends do not care
About appearance or clothes
Accept you "as is"
They are not concerned with your condition they just want to be with you for you
nevaeh Mar 2020
i can live with forever
but still
every time i see him
my lungs squeeze tighter
and i just wish he would kiss me
one more time
before forever comes
i am truly pathetic and i couldnt care less
forestfaith Mar 2020
in the town of Jerusalem,
my home,
my warzone,
my heart's stone.

i set off from home,
with weathered sandals
and broken eyes

i sought for treasure,
not gold nor wine,
oil and water
a feast for two

and i
walked past a building.
a wind past trees,
light through holes,

and i felt a
strange sensation
in my heart.

it stood like a castle
stripped of it's
false gold.

i stopped to see,
among your disciple, was
a man with a robe

around his waist
and he had
eyes with

a million oceans in them,
and had a fire within
so bright.

washing their feet.
and i wondered,

was it true, Jesus,
that you only acted humble.
or have you

hoaxed entire kingdoms into
believing your God.

divine encounters
wine skins and
calling the dead out of slumber,

and here,
you've ordered a counterfeit vine for
your branches.

the hope of you being real
was seeping into the earth,

depleted souls
desperately looking for its
own grave.

but i took a second,
a third look.
5 blinks and a breath,

isn't that you.

i looked again,
and i saw your arms like trees
reaching towards

empty mouths,
i saw a wine stained
robe, and

whiplashed skin,
i didn't know what it meant.

you invited yourself
stripped yourself of heaven
and lowered yourself to

wash the feet of those
who follow you.

oh, the awe.

oh, the sheer weight of

love that swept into, above and through me.

my ears starts to tear up
despite the drought inside me,
and i was filled up,
even though broken cisterns laid
within me
and the world looked

just a bit brighter.
and life finally
felt like life.
and not

empty pots and
eyes that bled pain
nor is it a heart stabbed by its own

at that moment.
within this...

bleep in eternity.
i knew you were God

and you are real.
heyy heres a try at ekphrastic poetry haha...hopr you guys like it!!
His breath
Takes my memory
Is Love Enough?

I feel
Thru these stone walls

Enough to break
Enough to steal

Too much to take
Not Enough to feel
Inspired by V1
For TR and (2
Megitta Ignacia Mar 2020
Bandung begitu kelabu,
dadaku kosong
rentang fokus kabur entah kemana
ada kacau yang meruang di tubuhku
tersisip kicau yang kian gaduh kepalaku

terus menerus menimbang
mempertanyakan perkara ranah juang
bolak balik singgah pada keraguan
lalu sebentar mampir pada keyakinan

ia, aku, terpicu keras sekali
kilas balik membeludak dalam benak
beririsan dengan manisnya kenyataan
yang juga selalu menjagaku erat

aku benci terpicu seperti ini,
guru geografi pernah ajarkan
ketika panas bertemu dingin, terjadilah puting beliung
ada puting beliung yang meruang di tubuhku

lalu hembusan nafas mengembalikan sadarku
cepat-cepat harus kukerdilkan imajinasi
ya Bapa di Sorga, bebaskan aku dari kekang gelisah
aku hanya ingin melepaskan apa yang perlu dilepaskan
aku lelah mengunci diri dalam kegelapan
030320 | 00:25 AM kamarku di bandung, ternyata kejadian 2 hari lalu masih secara berat nge-triggered sebagian besar porsi acara pulkamku. Rencana untuk rehat cukup berantakan, karena pikiran yang terus-menerus flashback ke masa indah, tapi juga terus menguatkan diri sendiri buat sadar what's done is done. Kaya baru sadar bahwa tuhan menopangku melalui A, without him idk if I could survive my broken heart back then. Found myself not really functioning, makan tp gaada rasanya, jalan tp pikiran masih aja kalut, nyetir atau ngapain aja tapi dalam dada seperti ada coretan hitam awut-awutan kaya di serial Bojack Horseman haha. This too shall pass, percaya tuhan ga pernah "salah" nulis, god's timing is perfect, never too ahead, never late & semua janjiNya akan digenapi, teringat Isaiah pasal 55:9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." tuhan tau apa yg terbaik, karena dia ada di masa lalu, masa sekarang dan masa depan.
arian Feb 2020
may you find golden bars
in my silence.
Wealth is not worth.

Copyright 2020 Tod Howard Hawks
A graduate of Andover and Columbia College, Columbia University, Tod Howard Hawks has been a poet and human-rights advocate his entire adult life. He recently finished his novel, A CHILD FOR AMARANTH.
Aa Harvey Feb 2020
A collection of ‘Love is…’ Poetry

Love is this.
Love is that.
Love is wonderful,
If love is what you have.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Where Shelter Jan 2015
bed unmade days,
kitchen ****-all-around-roaches
email me thank you notes,
cockaround gratingly grate full

the dry cleaning unwrapped,
the plastic sheets dust covered,
can't recall why it matters at all
any of it

but she,
but she,

pass by
the bed,
see the sign,
"to let"
on the toilet seat

lie ever inwards onwards
idiots who let little things come
wishing there were
ever still,
and so very
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