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"Pain turns hope into scars that burn"* ~~ *Rose

Painfully aware
Of things I see
And I do not dare
Touch what I believe
One single caress
And hope diminishes
What you're left with
Is empty promises
And unfulfilled wishes
The remnants of faith
Are simply ugly markings
Left upon your body
Causing a fire of darkness
And smoke rising
Made of sadness
That disappears
Into the atmosphere
Until you're left with...

Absolutely nothing
Quoted line from "I Killed Her" by Rose, for Frank's "Let's Do A Line!" challenge. This was the first poem I recall reading from Rose and I've been hooked on her poetry ever since then, thanks for the inspiration ***, love ya. :)
Just Melz Dec 2014
"Cradle my emotions in the gentlest of whispers"* ~~ *Ryn

Hold me
Make me feel something
Be gentle with me
I've been hurt lately
Despair courses through me
Regret, guilt
Can you help me?
Don't just tell me
What I want to hear
Tell me what you really feel
Take away the fears
Don't scream
Tell me softly
Whisper in my ear
The beautiful things
I need to hear
Make me feel something
Cause lately
All I've felt is...

Absolutely nothing
Quoted line from "Don't Wake Me" by Ryn, for Frank's "Let's Do A Line!" challenge.
This line truly spoke to me, so soulful, sad and wistful, basically how I've been feeling of late. Thank You Ryn for the inspiration, you're amazing.
betterdays Dec 2014
"She speaks poinards and every word stabs"*
Much Ado About Nothing

Her voice, a silken cord,
wrapped around your neck

Her intent, harm,
a slow lingering death
by rememberance
of her disdain....

By the point of her tongue
You are lanced,  again
and again.

You would not think her
an asassin....
of the highest decree,
as she sits prim and proper,
taking tea.

But stray from the narrow
path she sets..
and slow scandulous death
will beset you.
Make no mistake...
She is out to get you.

Her tongue a poinard,
Her mind, a machination,
camouflaged with coy,
polite inclination.

Her body, allurement to
And then the death of
a thousand cuts begins.

Be you male, female
or mixed gender
she does not discriminate
the sharp tongued assassin
lives to win...

To cut you down, slice by
slice, by slice..
That is Madame Gossip's
much loved vice.
as part of Frank's wonderful challenge...
i took this line from Shakespeares Much Ado..
(i have been preparing text for summer residential schools)...and applied it's eloquence to the queen bee
problem my niece is having
whereby shechas been targeted for obe of those whispering cyber bully campaigns by her local queen bee....fortunately
she andxhercgroup of friends are smart enough to not become victims.
but it made me think on words as weapons...and thus
this offering....
Adele Dec 2014
The saddest noise, the sweetest noise,*
Your voice that has been
the music to my ears

There are times, it mellows my heart
Sometimes, it crushes my soul
A word that rushes my blood,
making my heart pump faster and louder

The deafening silence it creates,
makes me suffocate
for the air you breathe,
polluted my lungs
like a water pulling me down in a blink

Whispers are tender,
giving me warm embrace
but the inaudible screams,
made me float in the
darkness of infinity,
wanting for a hum of lullaby
that'll kiss me goodnight

1) Emily Dickinson
2) The saddest noise, the sweetest noise
3) The saddest noise, the sweetest noise
4) I happened to browse Dickinson's poem the other day and list some of her poems and as I saw Frank's challenge, I started creating a different story out of a line/sentence. Although her poem meant something about reflecting death of loved ones after a scarce winter, I made something about how someone's word or the tone of his/her voice can change how you feel or how powerful words can be.

Thank you Frank for the challenge. This is fun and I get to learn something in doing lines from you. Happy Holidays :)
Caitlin Dec 2014
Be my guest
I write to remember that
I have emotion.
Its not my intention
to be liked at all.
Yeah I'd like to
be loved if its possible.

By: thebelljar*

This is me.
I could not have said it better.
I stay hidden,
But I'd like to be noticed.
This is my dream.
chimaera Dec 2014
Okay, you try it,
to bring a superlative
upon a regular you


using a minimal
amount of
foreign words!

Let me show you
how hard it gets,
with a light exercise!

Here we go:

in red
a ribbon
hearted like

an island
around it

get inside the draw

play with the pebbles

built a castle
and pretend
you're a troubadour

no one will know
*"Let's Do A Line!" (Frank Ruland's Challenge)


1) FD
2) Identity Infinitely Magnified
3) "the you-est you"
4) I really liked the word formation; plus, the subject of identity is presented in a mind stirring way.

Find the poet here:
Spencer Craig Jan 2015
I painfully remember i thought it was the end
When she led me on and wanted to be friends
I remember when he told, i felt betrayed
and  i remember that feeling lasting for weeks and days
But like the tools in a old shed, you can rot ***
"friend" we are tight like i how i tie my shoe, Ha! we're knot, so
From this day forth,  Only foward i pedal
get the memo i am cutting the strings geppetto

every relationship hangs by thread but they strung me along
and now that each cord is shreded and i feel so strong
Because I realized I shouldn't let other dictate my actions
and Act like a noble heir... Give no reaction
I love opinions weather you hate or enjoy me
But I will not let anyone or thing destroy me.
Sean daley (slug from atmosphere)
Get fly
from this day forth only foward i pedal
get the memo i am cutting the strings geppetto
this line encourages me to keep going by my own strength just make my own choice and not looking back at any one for confirmation from how i express my opinion or how i make relationships i won't let anyone determine or control how i live my life.
Just Melz Dec 2014
"Am I a fool, believing that I am something other than darkness, that my life isn't for nothing or is that nothing more than false hope as well?"* ~~ *Sir Poet

So foolish
That is me
Believing in impossible dreams
There's no light, only shadows
No one really knows
How much of a struggle
The sun and stars go through
To keep that luminescent glow
Didn't think about that, did you?
What is all the brightness worth
If the night is always sure to bring the dark?
What is all our lives truly worth
If the end is always surely a broken heart?
Just false hope,
A dream of something happy
Possibly a smile
That will only last a short while
You wanna believe in something?
Believe there's nothing...

Absolutely nothing
Quoted from Sir Poet's poem "Foolish Dream"
For Frank Ruland's challenge "Let's Do A Line!"
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