Friday, March 7, 2025
8:47 AM - part one done
exactly at 10:31...
Action taken while sitting still…
"spukhafte Fernwirkung"
working far ah hafte liability
"bound or obliged by law,"
from Old French lier, liier
"to bind, tie up, fasten, tether;
bind by obligation" (12c.),
from Latin ligare
"to bind, to tie"
(from PIE root *leig- "to tie, bind").
With -able.
Working ties.
A gnosis knot's holding thought.
Reliable religious gnosis complex,
where the path past now appears,
in all possible out from on,
thorough affirmative ready, set…
let go, leave be, fie leap to charge
across the gap elemental to shine
like the stars
using laws so simple Hydrogen obeys,
with out a thought,
to Helium and everything
radiating waste reactions at us
while our swirling core shields us.
Thank order
for so high a call, seeing
as we seem to be the only, so far,
of sense enhancers, hollering
across ever between us, hey hey
look this may catch this thought…
does it keep its worth, make it's point,
piercing action past final velocity
However, If one has, umph to act,
and if this same one acts, unbound,
or unheld as having umph still tied
velocity wise as reflected radiance
in posed still state,
in waiting, still
any thunks thunk.
Right. Done's Donne's bell, still today,
dinging for you.
Old and passing... watching snow melt. feeling part of the plan...