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Ellen Sep 2020
We reinvent ourselves, until we are too invented to be ourselves.
We want what we can’t have, we have what we don’t want.
We allow the world to tell us who we need to be in order to succeed.

Under false pretences we are deceived,
Into not being who we want to be, not seeing the things we need to see.
We prevent our dreams from running free,
Instead we nod and agree.
We all want to be, in fact we are all wannabes

We blindly follow the status quo.
We blindly let our thoughts lie now.
There’s ignorance in all we know.
They say we have freedom of speech until we actually speak.
Next up?
We are forcefully impeached.

Not to mention, we claim to see life as this ongoing lesson.
Okay que the tension, How do we fix this giant mess we’re in?

We pride ourselves on harmonic progression.
I have a better suggestion.
We are in our own regression of comprehension, our brains filled with congestion.
Our obsession with possessions is causing a rise in severe clinical depression.
We are compressing our self-expression at our own discretion because we fear leaving a bad impression.

We are afraid to leave our mark on the world.
We are afraid to leave footprints behind;
Footprints beyond the carbon kind.
Everyone is constantly offended.
As if being offended is going to mend all of the real issues we have left unattended, undefended,
Completely open ended-

But please, tell me why you didn’t like that song.
Or why everything is suspect of being so wrong.
Oh. You are offended?
Sorry, I’m just not ******* interested.

You sit and argue all day long, taking pride in games of mindless ping-pong.
Back and forth, spewing words of hate.
Your guns are drawn. Truthfully, we all play along.
We play into the stupidity, into the invalidity of what we see.
Aren’t we supposed to be strong?
You know what is stronger, our need to belong.
The structure of our world slowly crumbles and all I hear is faint mumbles.

But is freedom a possible reality for our society or,
Am I overlooking the gravity of our incapacity.
Is our freedom a complete fallacy?
Spadille Aug 2020
The law is only for the poor
To discipline the poor
To punish the poor
It was made only for the poor

The law is a Labyrinth
Made by the king
To entrap his slaves
Depriving them from liberty

The law is an earthly hell
Created by the demons
To punish the sinners
A lifetime of sorrow

The law is a boot
Wore by the privileged
To step on the needy
Crushing their hopes and dreams
Big Virge Aug 2020
There Really Are Some Quotes...
That Come From Some White Folks...
That Now... Get Up My Nose... !!!

How It Is For... OPPRESSED Black Souls... ?!?

Who Face Race Hate Pretty Much Every Day...
Whites From The UK And The... USA...

Now Talk About The Shame...
They Feel About The Way...
Their Ancestors Preyed...
On Blacks To... Enslave...

As If That’s Enough For Them To Call Bluffs...
When Race Talk Runs... That Clearly STUNS...

So Here’s My Quote...
About How Things Go...

If You Think That You Know...
About The Mental Toll...
That’s Produced By The Fold...
Who Look... Just Like YOU... !!!

My Statement Is This...
It’s Pretty CLEAR That...

..... “ You Don’t !!! “..... !!!

I Get It... You THINK...
Cos of The Times We’re In...
That... Loving Hip Hop...
Or Black Women Who Are HOT...

Must Mean You’re... " COOL "...
And... KNOWLEDGABLE Too... ?!?

You’re FOOLING Yourself...
It’s A Lie That You Sell... !!!

When You DON'T Stand Against...
SYSTEMIC... Race Hate...

THINK About What I Relate... !!!!

If The Company You Work For...
Deals In... HIGH Finance...

Do You Think That The Cash...
That You Make For Their Cause...
Ensures That The Poor...
... Aren’t Poor Anymore... ?!?

In... Your Workplace... ?!?

When Most Of Your Bosses...
DON'T Have A Black Face... !!!

UNLESS It’s... PUT ON...
For Their... " Party Games "... !?!
Just Like The Politicians...
Who Think It’s... OKAY... !!?!!

You Should Have NOTED...

That You’ve Voted For A System...
That’s Mission FEEDS RACISM... !!!

So... Where Within You’re Thinking...
Do You KNOW About BLACK Living... ?!?

You’re Feeding... APPARITIONS...
Like The System Feeds DIVISION... !!!

And The Idea That White People...
Now Recognise... The EVILS... !!!

That Leave So Many FEEBLE...
ESPECIALLY... Black People... !!!

Well You’d Better Think Again...
Cos’ It’s Clear That Most White Heads...
Will... NEVER EVER Get...
The Levels of DISRESPECT...

That Blacks STILL SUFFER... YES... !!!

Because They Choose To Spend  ...
Their Time FEEDING Systems...

So Before You Try To Claim...
That You Know How It Goes...

When it Comes To Racism...
And How It Affects Black Folks...
There Are Three Words That..
... You NEED To Know...

They’re THESE THREE...

....... NO YOU DON’T...... !!!
Sometimes, when speaking to black people about racism, there needs to be a degree of respect from white people, for the fact that what we explain to them, is not something that they should ever really claim to, truly comprehend or know, inspired by a conversation with a white guy, about the issues of racism.
Jack Radbourne Aug 2020
go on label me
put a name against mine
state what you say I did
box me up
lock me down
clamp the compartment lid

go on label me
invent a sin or syndrome
measure me for size
say I am this or that
account for nature and my skin
or the colour of my eyes

go on label me
punch the card
ink barcode my arm
number me a beast
stencil my blood type
where it does least harm

go on label me
believe I've gone away
believe in your own system
and write it safely down
but someone else has labelled you
and someone’s labelled them
Gabs Aug 2020
I knock on the door, he says go away
I plead and I beg, let me in, I say
Please let me in
He pushes me astray, telling me to find another home to invade
Stepping aside I reveal one large flowerpot filled to the brim with soil and three blooming flowers
May I at least enrich your garden with my three budding fruits
Reaching out, the homeowner grabs hold of the cylindrical vessel
One by one he looks each flower up and down, examining their brightly captivating colors
Their yellow-like nature shines like gold in the sun
The depth of their cocoa centers contrasting beautifully with those same honey dyed petals.
Looking over into his garden, I see only white flowers.
Though equally beautiful, the unanimous collection lacked the distinction that my prodigies could provide
Awaiting his response, my head falls limply in reverence
Yet I remain confident
A smile gracing my lips.
I was excited to see
Excited to witness the opportunity my blossoms would be given to thrive in a nurturing environment
Yet as my head rose and my eyes lifted,
All reassurance left my face,
My happiness transformed into terror
Before me stood a man seeming ten feet taller and baring the face of a fiend
A wicked smile replaced his pondering expression,
A snicker belt out from his nostrils.
Looking into my eyes, the homeowner spit his words into my face
The saliva causing a sickening chill to run throughout my body
In my heart, his words will forever stay
My God-given soul permanently hardened to stone  
No. They are the wrong color.
A shiver sparking a queasiness in my belly
As are you.
Big Virge Sep 2019
What Would ... YOU DO ... !?!
If You Were Left To ... DIE ... !?!

By Those Who CLAIM ...
To ... "CHERISH Your Life !" ...

What Would YOU DO ... ?!?
To .... STAY ALIVE ... !?!

Would You ... LOOT ... ?
Would You ... SHOOT ... ?
Would You ... **** ... ?
Or Get .......... IRATE .... ?

Or Would You JUST ...
Accept Your FATE ... ?!?!?

Whilst You Looked ...
At An ... EMPTY Plate ... !!!

These Are Scenes ...

I CAN'T Believe ...
The Things I've SEEN ... !?!
S H A T T E R E D Dreams ...
And Slates Now CLEAN ... ?!?

I Hope You're Getting ...
... What I Mean ... !!!

KILLING Daughters ... !!!

of Bricks And Mortar ... !!!

People ... "TRAPPED" ...
In A State of TRAUMA ...

... "STUCK IN The Corner" ...
of A BODY FILLED Sauna ... !!!

WHERE Was ...... HELP ... ???
When It Was .... NEEDED .... ?!?

Even YES When People PLEADED ... !?!?!

NOWHERE .......................................
To Be .............................. Found .... !!!!!

TROOPS Were ... YES ...
On .......................... Foreign Grounds ...
FIGHTING Those In ... OTHER Towns ... ?!?

NOW If YOU Were Inside The DOME ... ?
KNOWING That You'd LOST Your Home ... !!!

How Would THOSE Words Now Sound ... ?
If You KNEW Inside Your Heart ...

I'd Feel Like LASSIE With NO BONE ... !!!
AND Might Want To ... TOPPLE Thrones ... !?!

Thrones of THOSE Who CLEARLY CHOSE ...

So Now They've COME ...
Like ... ATTILA The *** ... !!!!
Why Send Those Who Carry GUNS ... ?!?

DON'T Get Me ... WRONG ... !!!
Things That Seem To Have Gone On ...
DID Leave Me ... Feeling MAD ... !!!

Why Steal LAPTOPS And TV's ... ?!!!?
WHY Do That Black People PLEASE ... !!!!!

Steal The Things ...
That You Will NEED ... !!!!!!
In A Time of ... TRAGEDY ... !!!!!!!

FOOD Supplies So You CAN FEED ...
People LOSING ... E N E R g y ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!

But Here's The POINT ...
What Would YOU DO ... ?!?

Be ... CIVILISED ...

A City Facing GENOCIDE ... !!!?!!!

It's EASY To SIT And Make A Case ...
Whilst Watching From A SAFER Place ... !!!

But THAT's ... The SAME ...
For ALL Who Watched The HURRICANE ... !!!!!!

And ... Make The CLAIM ...
That VICTIMS Acted With NO SHAME ... !!!

Like Those WITH ...
... Air FORCE ONE Airplanes .... !!!!!!

The Point of THIS Is To RESIST ...
Reports of ... CRIME And WICKEDNESS .....

PEOPLE Were Just Left To DIE ... ?!?

SOMEONE Should NOW ...
For Watching This U N F O L D ... !!!

How Could These OFFICIALS ...
Be .... SO COLD .... !!!! ? !!!!

To Treat These PEOPLE ...
Just Like Slaves In Those Days of Old ...

Well THESE Are Days ...
That Seem THE SAME ... ?!!!?

It Seems That Things ...
Just ... HAVE NOT Changed ... !?!

COME ON People USE Your Brains ... !!!
DON'T BE Like Ben Man ...

CHANGE Your Lane ... !!!!!!!!!!!

Blacks STILL Live In ... " POVERTY " ... !!!
SOME White People STILL Hold Keys ...

KEYS To Things From Economies ...
Right Down To Our ... DESTINIES ... !!!

So If You FACED Problems Like THESE ...
Wouldn't YOU ... Feel Blue ... ???

Well Nowadays You MAY Just FIND ...
That NATURE's Giving ... CLUES ... !!!

You See .....
ALL Now Face Some HORRID Times ...
These Words Are Just ... MY VIEW ...

But ...
IF MY Words Applied To YOU ...?!?

In TRUTH ....

..... " What Would You Do ? " ....
In reading this now, it;'s incredible to see that, be it Katrina, Police, or this Corona Virus, that things are basically the same, but just rearranged with some new names !

Just CRAZY !?!

This was written soon after Katrina, and from the outside looking in, it seemed much like a " 3rd World " effort, in terms of the response the US Government provided, but sadly, many of these words have run true subsequently, I won't mention the current US President, however, from Hurricanes to the treatment of blacks living in America, things clearly haven't got much better.
Big Virge Jul 2020
It Seems That...
Interest Has PEAKED... !!!

Within Recent Weeks...
Over Protests In Streets...
And Now In... Street Parties... !?!

That May Cause The Increase...
of This... Viral Disease..

That CLEARLY Has NOT Peaked... !!!

Well NOT YET Medics CLAIM...
But Interest Indeed Is Peaking To Me...

In The... VORACITY...
of The Things That They Say...
And Have Chosen To Preach... !!!

Because People DON'T Seem...
To Be... Following Themes...

That Have Been...
What They’ve Deemed...
To Be... NECESSARY... ?!?

So How Can This Be... ???
Is What … Interests Me...

Because Now... SUDDENLY... !!!
We CAN Stand Within Feet...
of The People We Meet..

Rather Than Have To Deal...
From... Metres Away...
Well That’s What They CLAIM... !?!

But Then Are QUICK To Say...
That In... Some US States...

That... Distancing Measures...
Will HAVE To STAY IN Place... !!!

Because Now The Virus...
Is... RAGING AGAIN... !!!

Because Certain People...
AREN'T Observing What They...
Have Been TOLD To OBEY... !!!!!!

An … Observance of Space...
Cos’ This ISN’T A Game... !!!

A Space Someone’s Claimed...
And Get In Their Face...
Because That’s INHUMANE... !!!

And The Virus Will Stay...
If You DON’T Stay Away... !!!

And Do What Leaders Say... !!!

The Same Ones Who WON'T...
Wear A Mask On Their Face... ?!?

Now That Does INTEREST ME... !?!
Doesn’t It... Interest YOU... ?!?

Those Who Keep Saying..
That This... CORONA FLU...

After... ALL These Protests... ?
That Have NOT Kept Distance... ?

Do You STILL Think That’s TRUE... ?

Cos’ There’s Been...
... NO DISTANCE... !!!

When Street Feuds Have Ensued...
Between Protesting Heads...
And These Enforcement Crews...

Have They ALL BEEN TESTED... ?!?
And... CLEARED of This Flu... !?!

BEFORE... Being Allowed...
To Move Like The CROWDS...
Who Have Now Casted Doubts...
As To The... Whereabouts...

of... Corona’s Cold Shoulder...
Because They’ve Stood CLOSER...
To People In Streets...
WITHOUT... Having A Clue...
As To Who’s Got This Disease... ?!?

Now This Does Interest Me...
So My Interest Has PEAKED...
When It Comes To Scenes...
That I’ve Seen Recently... !!!!

From Police Using Knees.....
Until... George Floyd...
And Now... Rests In Peace
Because He's DECEASED... !!!

To These Protests On Streets...
Now Calling For.... UNITY.... ?!?

And An END To This Ism’...
That We Know As RACISM... !!!

To Folks Being Imprisoned...
WITHOUT Weapons In Vision... ?

So MUCH Has Now Peaked...
In Barely... A Few Weeks... !!!

of Poems Like THESE... !!!

That Speak On These Subjects...
That Have Now SUDDENLY...

Become Like This Virus...
That’s On The INCREASE...

That’s PEAKED My Interest...
As To What’s Coming Next... ?!?

Because... Recent Vibes...
May Not Have Been That Wise... !?!

Because They've...
... " Localised "...

... ”Lockdowns”...
FAR And WIDE............

Because of... BAD Vibes...
From The Beach To The Streets...

That May Well Prove To FEED...
PROBLEMS That Will Lead...
That Will Spread GLOBALLY... !!!

Because... Now It Seems...
That The Spread of This Disease...

Like UNREST That We’ve Seen...
Hit The News RECENTLY...

Are Just The BEGINNINGS...
of Things That We’ll See...


THEY Like This Virus...
Have Yet To Reach... Their...

....... “ Peak “.......
So many peaks and WRONGS, however, no one really seems to know what's going on, and for just how long this virus will stay strong ... just CRAZY ?!?
Gunnika Mehra Jun 2020
I am a feline,
With black and shiny fur
Not a bearer of bad luck.
Every time I walk so many turn away ,
God! Why did you make me this way?

History hold examples ,
Of me being good.
Is it because I am not white or brown,
Or any colour you like?
Or maybe I am different,
Something you dislike?

Look through my eyes,
And you will know
How the world I see.
Walk in my shoes,
And when you wear yours again ,
A better person you will be.
The 1st stanza talks about the superstition that a black cat crossing your path is bad. The 2nd stanza deals with racial discrimination. The 3rd stanza connects the first two and asks the people to empathise with them.
Max Neumann Jun 2020
wings of birds were stolen by the gods, centuries ago
an earth's day lasts for 86, 400.002 seconds
children are roaming in the mind of these lines
they are counting, playfully and without feelings

days come and go, they float through our lives
i wrote about the stages of dreams and dreamt of an *******
the ruins of old poems are silver, blue and red
remains of a day's thoughts, decoded and clear, similarly

it is not wise to count seconds while you are breathing
it is not wise to count on people while they are leaving
it is strange to use "wise" in order to refer to cleverness
people of color may feel excluded by our languages

in german, "white" is called "weiß" and that sounds like "wise"
explain to me the origins of such a word, i demand it
before the river will have swallowed me; i demand an answer
poems come, poems go, leave a trace, stain – and a change

fools are flodding the streets in order to have a five o'clock tea
proudly, they are talking about their old heroes, bearded conquerors
these guys nevah really wanted to dig strangaz, dey killed 'em.
they killed unknown people, they stabbed my dreams

they murdered ancestors because they were used to murdering
they invented words without speaking but grinning
power is an invisible instrument that consists of hierarchies
power is what we see and oversee, power is the origin of wars

wars are the origin of despair; and that is nothing new
wars, though, may be invisible and silent, just in the mind
what is a war, does a war need bombs, guns and soldiers?
wars occur everywhere, daily, within 86, 400.002 seconds

the length of a day is measured in numbers; they are just inventions
numbers are man-made, animals orient on the sun and the moon
humans celebrate planets and write poems about them
we all will surive as long as we keep writing and tolerate each other
Today is a good day.
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