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Alaska Feb 2016
I'm in love with
the most
handsomest man
with the most
breathtaking smile
and the cutest
Not to mention the
most mysterious
brown  eyes.
But wait there's a
He's not in love
with me...
TiReSooOmEe3 Sep 2015
Are simple
If watched
By red freckled ******'s.
sweet ridicule Aug 2015
kiss me with mango sherbet
in your mouth and sticky
orange tinted lips
these car tires are growing old
but I am young with three
dimples on my face
callouses on my fingertips
of my left hand
stop with the
'you're scared'
in which century does
refusal amount to fear
liberation by the pen drawings
on my hand consumes me
individuality is not dead I
am here
with fiery intent occasionally lost in
a girly figure with a small
waist and awkward ankles
don't dance alone dance a soliloquy
like the bruise on my neck

(labors of love are not
merely towards humans)
good night
Oxytocin Aug 2015
Shaky breathing
Jelly legs
As I watch you from across the room
Laughter echoing
Your face lighting up like the sun

Oh the way you smile
Makes me go crazy
Eyes crinkling
Dimples showing
Tugging a string in my chest

You stop talking and turn your head
Our eyes meet
I hold my breath
Heart beat quickens
Hands start to get sweaty
You smile
Corners of my mouth start to twitch
I smile back
This is so cheesy and bad. I'm so sorry. I wrote it because this how every crush feels like, I think.
Elioinai Jul 2015
I miss you
but I bind my wrists when I think of you
Was I a fool . . .
Your name now on the list
A thought that's only wist-
as I bite my tongue and turn away
shake out your image from my head
before I bludgeon my chest
remembering my quiet idiocy
And your dimpled smile

My last words
You never answered
It brings relief to write and my hands become free again
angela Dec 2014
your eyes
just like crystals
they shone with such beauty
that little glimmer in your eyes
when you smile
is magic
i miss being the magician
who brought that glimmer

your lips
were a shade of red
just like wine
and i was ready to get drunk
on them
after being sober ever since
you left

your dimples
are so deep
it was almost as if they had
a treasure buried beneath them
a treasure which is only known
when you're smiling
i miss being that treasure

who knew how all your imperfections
joined together can create something so beautiful
you were almost like a constellation
a bunch of stars lined together
messy but magnificent
rachel Nov 2014
A crater
similar to the moons'
Yet no where near
as grey
Your dimples
entrance me
amnesia Aug 2014
her hair blows back in the breeze
as she strolls down the sidewalk
between all the trees
with a smile that reveals
every one of her teeth
and the dimples
of her red, freckled cheeks

she's an angel, i think
her divine, secretive lips
shine in their glossiness
begging me for a kiss

i stand aback, watching
mesmerized by her beauty
only able to muster the words
'dat *****''

*- jared huskey
Ink Apr 2014
The only description of her
The way her eyelashes glitter
In the shining sunlight
The way her pale face
Is angled to imperfection
In a captivating way
Where you have to feel every curve
Every indent on her cheeks

The way her wrists are stained
With the color of her hair
A raw red
Exploding into the world
Exposing her
From all the rest

It's just a shame
That art is only admired
After it's lifespan is gone
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