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the deity was a ******* up minor god*
his band of fans saw not the faker ***
of a deceptive trait he did so show
some were blind to looking at the real bloke
others more insightful thought he a joke
true believers weren't indoctrinated
they knew shams could be invalidated
never did he possess the divine glow
why praise the charlatan's counterfeit guff
of it there would be a perennial bluff
his godhead image did dupe the unwise
for these disciples were so unsighted
of him they'd be lastingly blighted
*a pretender until his very demise
Sethnicity Aug 2016
In a slow oak and elm ING breath
Ent felt tears in the air
She inquired the feather like dancer
From where a river now streamed
Say, your sobbing must stop
Just enjoy being unlocked
You do not know tree pain
With my long hard locks
Knotted under the weight of usefulness
for you are still yet a seed
Riding the wind of dreams
No rings yet formed on fingers
rings to be broken for fires timber
Your tendrils are bendable
The beginning fragment of a future
So show no pain and suture a smile
I know capons
who fell free from home
Only for gravity to shatter dreams & reclaim them to the unknown.

And the dandelion said:
My short life comes with long memory
While  my youth may seem naive to tree
I have only arrived and I must die to be
You will remain when I am reborn
And as your locks begin to leaves
And birds flock like river ocean streams
I know pain because I remember birth
I will die a thousand times before you know me
Yet these tears should not offend
I cry to womb the happiness within.
Find God in Everything
Steve Page Jul 2016
'Under God' is no longer comfortable.
How can it be, with the company?
Spiritual Laws cannot precis
morality with integrity.
Sunday Prayers can't contain
all the complexities
of humanity's

The tolls imposed
on primary roads to righteousness
cause an exodus
to less exclusive paths
where a moral minority
seek a more patient deity.
Nora Feb 2016
God, the universe,
I’m headed toward you
In bright defiance
Against your reign.

You are
Boring and boundless,
Still and silent.

I am
Blazing and brilliant
Loud and lively.

I am
Fire -- I burn
Through your ice
I tear through your blackness
I rip through your stars
Limitless, or so you were
Until calamity came crashing through.

Hear me, see me, feel me
I am
a presence, a sensational sight
Flaming through the night
Young and reckless,
Spirited and stubborn.

See me speed,
Careening into chaos
One cataclysmic collision
Before I fade off

See my trail,
My ghost,
My legacy
See my start
And end
My escape
From eternity.
Inspired by Sylvia Plath.
bjynxthelyric Dec 2015
I'd fallen many times
Crippled by vices
With pride in one hand
And fear in the other

She was the only one
Willing to lift me up
As long as I let go
Of what was weighing me down
The Judge Dec 2015
I am nothing more than a secret in this world,
one who's answer does not lie behind a door.
You can cry out for your god.
But I will make sure he comes no more.

I will show you true change,
I will show you true terror.
I will show you the truth,
along with humanity's errors.

You can think of me as a joke,
something released upon you for hate.
But by the time you notice my change,
it will be far to late.

So take a walk to my gates.
Drown in your terror.
Wash it out of your body,
along with your errors.

Only then will you see me,
you will see the true god.
And you can call me the devil,
but he is nothing more than a fraud.
Sam Kirby Aug 2015
Non-believer in a holy land,
Stained glass tells my favorite fairy tales,
While crypts whisper to the Angel choir,
"Gloria a Dio.. Cristo Pietà."

The street reeks of burnt things,
Incense offered to the man in the hills.
Perched above the people and nestled below the heavens,
The tranquil streets carry their own version of history.

Father says this place holds magic,
And I fear to displease him.
I'll pray for him on graves and make blood sacrifices,
But not for me, my soul is already liberated.

The streets glow bright neath the shadow of church spires,
A history that speaks for itself.
The hills will sing its praises as will I,
For the piazza of storytellers,
For the direct line to martyrdom,
Never will I fathom them.
Outsider observations in the Franciscan hermitage, Assisi.
eris Apr 2015
i demand the thunderstorms to appear.
i come in waves of dust and flood.

i am a feared being,
one whom my followers know not to tempt.

the blood that you give flows
and i close my eyes, accepting your generous gift.

i believe that what defines the goodness in people
is the attention and love that they give me.
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