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Tryniti Aug 2020
Stricken, sudden realization
My sense of worth so breakable, so frayed
Your approval, my salvation
Washes over me like a wave.
It's unfair to me, to you
Dependence on your word
Breath held, between us two
As though it's the last we've ever heard.
In and out, up and down
Never quite quick enough
Falling, tripping, to the ground
I never did like it rough.
Water's edge, beautiful and deadly
Peeking at my toes
I always knew you were too friendly
Now it's got me, now it knows.
Knows the tide of my heart
Ebbs and flows
Never could keep up
With those highs and lows.
this is for a very select few read and interpret and comment:

V for Virus

Never mind the verbosity of this verse
and forgive the version of it's verbiage.
This vibe's like a violent atom
with a vital valency.
Verily, verily, the virus has ventured
into a vertex, the apex of its vexation.
Let's all be cautious even as we have gone this far, Covid is a plague
Bryn Kennell Jul 2020
She is light
Empathy like sunshine
Determined to permeate through every living being she encounters
Gentle, soft, and warm
But oh can she ever burn

Unexpectedly she will set and become darkness
Appreciating her only at her best
Many a creature who once bathed in her light
Flee into hiding
Hurt, sorrow, rage

Little do they know
At her darkest is when she needs them most
She grows cold

Little does she know
Darkness is a deadly place
For those who stick around
J'hiberne jusqu'à ce qu'il soit temps, perfide,
Contemplez-moi, impies,
Le jour du jugement est ici !
Courez par centaines,
Car seule la quarantaine
Peut vous soigner.
Peut vous sauver,
Seul l'exil
De la prévisibilité infernale de la ville

J'ai arraché les pétales de toutes les fleurs
Des cloches sonnent à toutes les heures
Pour ceux qui sont malades de pleurs,
Que ne peuvent soigner aucun docteur.

Je rempli les terroirs,
Je gratte les fumoirs
Je suis le tout,
Je suis le fou

Je suis le vouloir
Je suis le pouvoir
Mourrez sous la loi martiale
Souffrez de la vie impartiale
Macabre moulin à viande tendre
Dans un champ fertilisé à la cendre
Le Minos des temps modernes,
Que l'on nourrit de notre jeunesse
Consomme, vorace comme en ivresse
Consume nos amis et nos frères,
Salit nos soeurs et nos terres

Les mains tachées du sang des atrocités
Que l'on regrette un fois revenue la lucidité
Personne ne nous détruits mieux que nous-même
Personne n'a jamais été sauvé dès son baptême

Je tue les espoirs
Je vole les avoirs
Je suis lucide,

Je suis le rat dans les geôles
Je n'ai plus de contrôle
Même si je fuis ailleurs,
On me ronge de l'intérieur !
Sauvez-moi de cet insatiable creux !
Je salive de tous mes yeux
À la vue de nourritures fines
Dont je suis en manque, j'imagine
La vie n'est que désirs,
Bonheur, l'excès et son plaisir

Que ne ferait pas un homme pour ne pas rater son train
Quand il se meurt, et qu'on lui promet un bout de pain ?
Que ne ferait pas un homme quand il est seul et qu'il a faim
Quand de l'intérieur il meurt, et qu'il besoin de soin ?

Je vide les armoires,
Je gratte les contoires
Je suis le vide
Je suis l'avide

La limpide clarté
La déchirante pureté
De la puissante nature,
Et de ses créatures
Les plus virtueuses,
Les plus malicieuses.
Célèbre dramaturge,
J'ai ce désir de purge,
De soulager des siècles d'agonie
Et ainsi cloître le cycle de la vie

Rien n'est aussi grandiose qu'un dernier coup de théâtre
Quand on est seule dans le silence de l'audience à l'amphithéâtre
Bien petite compensation pour avoir réprimé ses désirs
Que de pouvoir rêver un peu avant d'enfin s'endormir

Je vide les boudoirs
J'écarte le doute de revoir
Je meurs d’ennui, je suis mort,
Je meurtris la vie, je suis la mort
Poetic T Apr 2020
Lucid eyes gaze at you deeply,
not just one, but the attention
of another. Then another,
till onyx eyes follow your
every movement, mimicking
                 your head gestures.

These little clouds of white,
    like a breeze surround you.
But what started of as a gathering
soon became a mob mentality.
As they hurry around you a
hurricane of nibbles upon your being.

As white becomes crimson, it would
look pretty if not for your blood painting
on the canvass of there appetite.
You try to scream out, but as you raise
your hand in desperation. One after another
they consume digits. And screams are
muffled out by there herd of ear piercing

­The circle of life has a funny way of coming
around, as they clean each other all that's left
is a stain, quickly dissipated with multiple
fluffiness walking over as they ***...
    What was a ink blot on the field now just
a hue on the blades no one being the wiser.

Then later another walker, brave and daring
walks unrespecting, and this one isn't as
skinny as breakfast.. Lunch is served.
As they smile sweetly, the walker says

Oh dearie me..
             this isn't going to end well me thinks..
N Nov 2019
The unspoken words
grew in my veins till
they intoxicated my mind

A deadly psyche planted inside
a breathing corpse
that’s perpetually dying
Radhika Krishna Feb 2020
Welcome to my phantom realm
Where smiling is a deadly fallacy
Please don't take a careless step
Because they'll **** you callously

Welcome to my phantom realm
Where the autumn leaves are always dying
A twisted peace: the result of your mind's helm
You'll find within, mystifying

Welcome to my phantom realm
Where power lies in the secrets you keep
So dark, so deep, that you start drowning
Just never let them sense your pain

Don't be scared of my phantom realm
The darkness will embrace you for who you are
And don't listen to them say they want to end your pain
Remember a favour is not them killing you

Welcome to my phantom fantasy
Together we'll build a kingdom for me
And when you feel yourself losing hope
I'll give you Pandora's Jar; you don't have to mope
TS Nov 2019
You built me a casket that was too small and expected I would accept it quietly.

rk Nov 2019
your love is deadly;
only you
could break me twice.
- heaven was amber nights spent under the sheets with you.
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