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Shadow Dec 2019
In all honesty
I have no idea
What to write about
I'm feeling apathetic today
Siren Nov 2019
I can't stand
They took away
the ground
I was
standing on.
                                 What am I
                                  supposed to
                                  rest on?
Nina Jul 2019
You don't know how i feel
Because you've never seen yourself
The way i see you
You never knew how much i truly love you
So of course you won't know how much i love you
When you've never loved someone
As i as i loved you.
Max May 2019
I have a plan,
But no clue.
Jac Mar 2019
plummeted into the depths
sounds were heard
yet too faint to be received

drowning in her thoughts

swimming in her never-ending cycle
she was out of breath
before she even knew where to head
interested in the different interpretations people have reading this
Max Mar 2019
I... I find pleasure in knowledge.

But I admire your ignorance too.
By W.W. Walt Whitman
The uncertainty of life
Is both a curse and blessing
You choose which it is
Rowan S Jan 2019
I'll take all the looks
The cold, penetrating stares
I guess you're angry
Ken Pepiton Oct 2018
Bang the bell
start the tellin of a story 'bout a man name…

Yo, t'was a wombed man, ennui is no excuse
onus is on you. vive la differ-ents.

True, t'tell, she was an upgrade. Mito-mom.

First ol' Ish said, it sounded like,

"Wow, ishi mine? How'dyoudothat?"
so for a while ishi was her name.

Was I sleeping and now a wake, or

are we past all that?
The garden walks meeting all we met, with names,
knowns, all named

The I in Ish knew names of every man-named thing,
but Adom 2.0,

she was something else. Ish could hardly think

something so beautiful is made of me?
Why, Ish wondered, but didn't say aloud.

Is she curiouser than me?
Is that what's different? No, there's more,

but that's a lot, curiouser and curiouser,

Here come the servants forming to inform,
curios come,
kachinas from the west.

This night we all learned the dance the angels do,
on the point of no return.

Too beautiful for words and then,
past the point of no return,

Ish take her and she is mother of all living,
Eve for short. Mom.
Family dinner in the local retaurant where everybody knows me, but none, in fact  know my name, so my mind wandered...
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