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ShininGale Mar 14
I fell in love a little more to my God today.
He keeps on showing me what love is,
He showed me why He should be my first love.

I was meant for so much more,
I was meant to follow Him through the shore.

He called me to do the work,
He called me to live a life for His worth.

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A devotion taken from the book of James 1:5.
Wisdom we ask, wisdom He gives.
Oh, to put Him first is the primary purpose of this life.
I pray for you
With hopes that
You pull through
In the calm of the night
I light a candle for
My Pope Francis tonight
A prayer sent on wings light and free
And I wish you peace and grace I
Pray for strength to find your place and
You are cherished loved and blessed
By our Lord Jesus Christ forever and
Always Pope Francis we will
Love and pray for you.
Pope Francis experienced "an asthmatic respiratory crisis of prolonged magnitude, which also required the use of oxygen at high flows" Feb. 22, said the daily medical bulletin released by the Vatican.
showyoulove Feb 9
We have been given the greatest mission
In the greatest love story ever written
It's a call to love; it's a call to action
It's the spark that starts a chain reaction
It's a call to faith; it's a call to holiness
It's a call to arms and it's nothing less
It's a mission not hard to understand
And it boils down to one command:
Love each other sister and brother
Be the light of the world, the salt of the earth
You're special, you matter, right from birth

Everyone wants to be loved and to feel loved
Everyone needs someone to be there
To have someone who truly cares
Go into the world and live it out
People you meet will have no doubt
Of whom you are or what you believe
You have become what you received:
You have become the body of Christ!

His hands healing the sick, feeding the poor
His merciful heart that loves and adores
His feet that walked countless miles
His kindly face and his gentle smiles
His palms up, his arms outstretched
Embracing the world from east to west

Reflect on these
And hold them in your heart
Then, bless God and thank Him
When you start
Becoming the very Body of Christ
showyoulove Feb 9
Glory to God in the Highest
Glory to Him the Angels sing
Glory to God in the Highest
Glory to the newborn King

Let Heaven and Earth adore
Let every tongue confess
The moment you've waited for:
The Prince of Peace at rest

Open your home, open your heart
Come find Him where He lay
In the place where it all starts
Rejoice! Salvation has come today

The day of the Lord is upon us
The moment has drawn nigh
See how much He loves on us
Sing Glory to our God most high

Glory to God in the Highest
Glory to Him the Angels sing
Glory to God in the Highest
Glory to the newborn King
Let's feel the breath
Embrace the air

Live in the moment
With no cares

Cast your cares on Him
They that know Him
Knows Him

But no toil

He gives His own rest
He blesses the work of their hands.
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
Not Everyone Is Having A Merry Christmas
Not everyone
Is having a Jolly Christmas
Not everyone
In the masse
Is enjoying a happy one.

Many are attending masses
Many are shopping in the malls
Many are suffering in the hospitals
Many are busy in the classes.

Not everyone
In town
Is having a Holly Jolly Christmas
Not everyone
Has a crown
And a palace.

Many are sad
Many are mad
Many are carrying a cross
Many are sick and lost.

Christmas is about doing our best
Christmas is about working with the rest
Christmas is about Hope and Peace
Christmas is about Love and Feast.

P.S. Happy Holidays To All And Happy New Year!

Copyright ยฉ December 2016, Hรฉbert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hรฉbert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
Christians are happy
That Jesus Christ came on Earth
To save everybody.

Copyright ยฉ December 2023, Hรฉbert Logerie, all rights reserved.
Hรฉbert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.
David P Carroll Dec 2024
Lord Jesus Christ
Whose teachings were
Truly a treat and
He preached love and grace
Saved the human race and
In his love we find our peace
In Lord Jesus Christ our souls release.
Lord Jesus Christ ๐Ÿ™ โค๏ธ
Odd Odyssey Poet Dec 2024
Wayfare angel,
Yonder the North Star shining beyond
A divine herald sent from the heavens above.

Oh, this night, a wondrous night unfolds,
A child is born from a pure and holy womb,
In a humble manger, the Saviour lies,
To all ye shepherds and wise men gathered here,
Follow this radiant star, and behold the light of the world.

Arise, ye who dwell in the realm of the living,
Come forth to witness this miraculous dawn,
For a child is born, the Christ,
The Lord of lords; oh, sweet infant,
Your birth and sacrifice hold profound meaning for our world.
Let us worship Him who has come to save usโ€”
Christ, the Lord of lords.
showyoulove Dec 2024
At this moment Lord, I am feeling a little uncomfortable, a little irritable, a little restless. It's not bad, but it certainly isn't pleasant, and I don't know just why. So, Lord, I ask for peace. I ask that you make it go away for I know that you are able, but if it is not your will Lord, help me offer this up for the salvation of souls and that you would ease someone else's discomfort. I unite this moment to the moments when you were also distressed. I offer these prayers and this feeling not for myself, but for the many others who, at this very moment, are in far greater need of your comfort and peace than I.
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