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Steve Page Nov 2024
Before Christmas
there was Christ.

Before the sleigh.
Before the conifers.
Before candles.
Before the paper decor.
Before Christmas became
about lesser gifts.
Before basted turkeys
and Santa myths.
There was Christ.

Before he became the suffix
to the festive.
Before he became less Christ
and more Chris.
Before we suppressed his divinity
and took away his dignity.
Before we replaced him
with a capital merry Me.
There was Christ.

Before Christmas, Christ gifted himself
and took the part that was key
to making a mercy path back
(by way of a much starker tree)
to His eternal city.
Where the crowns aren’t paper.
Where the feast lasts longer.
Where Christ is rightfully King.
That’s where the true party will begin.
K J Samuel Nov 2024
A song played by so many,
Heard in infinite variations, 
Violence and oblations,
Beyond our mortal stations,

The Triune of the universe,
King and Lord of all,
The worthiest source, 
Insight into shining truth,

Warmth and life,
Enhances us into enlightenment,
The rebirth of fire stripping back impurities,

Oh the Triune, King of the Universe. 
So many pray to be pluralists, 
Hoping for pluralist babies,
Praying for purple Daisies,

Looking at the mobius strips,
Where to even start?
What wisdom there is to impart?

Looking through prisms at,
The bluest of contraptions,
Through Goya's mixed abstractions,
Picasso's representation of reality,

Worked our way down the path,
A room that cannot be found,
A path that confuses and confounds,
A sin of pride sung by the bride,

Are these the stations?
The death of our nations,
Is it the deviations?

Calvin speaks of pre-destination,
Disbelief in oblation,
Summaries above his station,
Where is he now, what is now?

Every seed upon a rock,
Every foundation upon the vultures,
Lacking stability to advise the manufacture,

Trapped in a catatonic daze,
Disguising the onward march of fate,
For when time will count the date, 
Rue the day when we ruminate about space,

Amplified Polar neuron twitches,
Passing us by with bipolar switches,
Uncoupling and unhitches,
Welted stitches falling apart,
The fool now plays his miserable part,

I know there was a room I couldn't find. 
Did it ever manage to demystify?
Is this how the events arrived and came by?

With songs played by so many,
Heard in infinite variations, 
Violence and variations,

The Triune of the universe,
King and Lord of all,
That the worthiest source, 
Insight into shining truth,

Warmth and life,
Enchants us into enlightenment,
The rebirth of fire stripping back impurities.
For you are my refuge and security.
K J Samuel Nov 2024
My soul is slowly dying,
Flesh is wriggling and writhing, 
Teeth chattering and gnashing,
My spirit will be no more,

Who do you think can forgive you?

When my form is silence,
Inanimate and pale,
Stone cold and  dry walls,
When life is no more,

Who do you think can forgive you?

And see my spirit is starving,
Destitute and poor,
Longing for evermore,
When the Earth will be no more,

Who do you think will raise you?

When we're laid to rest,
Alone & cold, shattered bones,
Present in the wind & stillness,
Longing for the Lamb to witness,

Who do you think will raise you?

And when the Earth is renewed,
Our souls & spirits rent,
Long arrears now due,

Will the Lamb witness you? 
Who do you think will forgive you?

When the world is laid to rest, 
And the new Earth is brought, 
As you were bought and sold, 
To the Lamb,
Who now owns you,
Who do you think will forgive you?

And your words were written,
Now your words are written,
And your word was flesh,
Our crimes rend by your grace,
I trust my life in your hands,
For you purchased it,
After the passion,
The slaughter at Calvary,
How could you forgive me? 

How could an ode be written to you, 
Am I just lukewarm water to you?
Please, I beg of you.
Hosanna in the highest.
Micaiah Wheeler Nov 2024
Your words touch my skin as if they were rays from the morning’s summer sun
Like flowers in the Spring, I arise with every word you say.
Your voice is like the chord that David played to please the Lord
My defense fallen like Jericho.
The Bible says that joy comes in the morning
And you, my sunrise
What could I say? What could I do,
My faculties arrested and submitted to you.
Who am I without your loving embrace
Without your love providing me space.
Who am I without your care
Without your strength subduing my fear
GENIE Nov 2024
Good morning
Ways open for us
Doors open for us
Mountains melt before us
Rivers part ways
Storms hold no sways
cos we're children of the most high
Above whom there is no one else
We're not afraid of the storms
Because we have the prince of peace in the boat
We just worry the boat won't hold if he doesn't wake up soon
But then, he can make us and all that's ours walk upon the waters,
Ride the storms as we would ride our boats
He owns the storm, he'll teach us to pilot it,
He'll give us a ship for the boat we lost
Make the hurricane the vessel that takes us to where we need to be
Anyways, it's win-win for us
Cos we have JESUS
showyoulove Nov 2024
Speak to me Lord
Tell me what I need to hear
You have called my name out loud
Speak Lord, your servant is listening
You have the words of everlasting life
And I have confidence in Christ

When life has me tired and worn
When I find myself in the storm
When I am on the long, lonely road
Burdened by a heavy load of my own design
You are there walking too
And I have confidence in you

I have come through many trials
I have walked through the fire
While I'm walking in the light
I am safe from the shadows of the night
Because you are with me
And I have confidence in thee

In the sun and through the rain
I am new, I'm not the same
In the movement of the Spirit
I come with gladness to visit
My Lord with all love and affection
And this will be my true confession:
I have confidence in Him

I have confidence in my Jesus
Who frees us and who sees us
I have confidence in my savior
Sacrificial love is his very nature
I have confidence that he is at my side
And I know that he will provide

In faith I believe
And in faith I receive
The greatest gift of all
To love him
And to know him
And to answer to the call

For he speaks to mind and heart
He speaks and then I will start
He speaks and the soul draws near
He speaks and I have no fear
He speaks and says "Come Follow"
He speaks and I leave it all without sorrow

No matter what the future holds
I will pursue the highest goals
I fix my eyes toward the heavens
My help comes from the Lord
So, I will have confidence even through strife
I will have confidence in my Jesus Christ
Where the olives and ego were pressed
Three brethren fell into a rest
At a crossroads inside
He was forced to decide
In the garden where Christ took his test
Special thanks to my favorite podcast, "This Jungian Life', which has provided so much inspiration
David P Carroll Oct 2024
Lord Jesus Christ our
King of kings and he's
Majestic and true the
Ruler of all and I truly
Love you and bow before you  
And my loyalty to you
Unwavering and true
And his wisdom surpasses
All known to man and he's the true
King of kings no fake kings only our Lord Jesus Christ he's inside
My heart every day in life and
In his hands I find
My everlasting peace and love
And in his love all strife will cease.
Every Other King Is Fake
Lord Jesus Christ Is The
True King Of Kings. ❣️❣️
Maya Fields Oct 2024
Or get lost with the lord.
Go down the dark paths
With His light,
From the inside.
Get thrown into fire,
And come out cold.
Get tossed around, called *****
And walk out clean.
Touch once a stick,
But now a snake.
It's not rules,
But a veil torn open,
Giving a relationship.
A love undying, abiding.
But it will not be chosen
On a good day.
It's at your worst, in your room,
On your floor,
Crying, breaking down,
Soaring with sorrow,
Overwhelmed with pain.
This voice will call out,
They will touch you,
And speak.
“My child, you are safe.”
This voice will tell you,
This pain,
Puddle of tears and
Mistakes made.
It is all erased,
By His love.
Most think this experience
Will happen when you are okay,
Once you make it out of the fight
Stable, win your war.
But He is not that way.
He fights your fights and wins your wars.
He will pick up your sword,
When you have fallen.
When you give up,
And don’t want to even blink
When you’re curled into a ball
in your bed, or on your floor,
With scars and marks, blood dripping
Down your legs and arms.
Only then will he take you by your hand,
Heal your cuts, inside and out.
That is how, He works.
That is the difference between the world and Him.
The world will weigh you down over time,
The burden on your shoulders.
But He will be the unto your feet,
The burden and mistakes you carry
Will be released.
The devil will pound on you
And hammer at your heart
Until your fall, until you are shattered,
And the pieces are lost.
But, He will wait until you are done,
In your most vulnerable state,
To open your eyes and to drop the veil.
He will find those pieces that you thought
Were forever lost.
Becuase that,
Is who He is.
the lord is my savior from my darkest times, bad days, and good days too.
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