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Steve Page Jul 2016
In London
there’s a game of chess
with all the pieces white.
The board’s perfectly circular
and tilted to the right.

The grandmasters use strategies
that no-one’s ever tried.
They change their mind constantly,
but never break their stride.

Now, it's not the place for a pawn
to question that last move,
but I cannot help but think
I’m going to get *******.
Pavel Popov Jun 2016
this is not a free country
pick a place on the globe
they force the laws upon us
US - free people of the world

i am not free to do as i wish
says the man i have never seen
my freedom to act, my free will
taken away by the sinful machine

i should be able to say and do things my way
as long as none else's freedom is taken away!
in a world full of art, love, hope and God
will not be any jails or psychiatric wards

look, the elctions are staged such a cheap act
who cares who gets picked? same outcome, facts
keep paying taxes guess what the money is for
there are more wars going on than ever before

they show you suffering show you pain
through your eyes right into your brain
some are addicted to the "news" from the box
it contaminates your mind, worse than drugs
people don't watch it, what's there to see?
just violence and *** on TV

they create a show out of sinful things
rappers now days call themselves kings
how dare you say that how dare you think?
your throne is a myth get off of it quick
think about chess you have to protect your King
you're playing for the system? not gonna win!
God reigns over All, his rule is supreme
i check! my pawn turns into a Queen
Alienpoet May 2016
In the catacombs
of an ancient burial site
guided by stars and the moon's pale light.
Lies the starlit angels tomb
In the gloom of a game of chess.
Deaths endgame
Guided them all to rest
Death and the devil played
Death always wins
His Graveyard game
They played for the souls of the angels
But the devil lost
Death's price was their souls
The devil was frozen in the frost of a frozen hell
To return one day to the earth
Under a different guise.
Bryan Amerila Apr 2016
War is not a game
to chessmen
pawned to death
but to the hands
that move them.
Hannah Gaines Apr 2016
Black and White,
White goes first,
Black goes second,
Welcome to the game of Chess.

Kings and Queens.

You have to think carefully,
You better not lose any of your pieces,
You have to beat you opponent,
Welcome to the Deadly Chess.
Hannah thomas Apr 2016
We are evenly matched
Or so I thought
So I let down my guard
Thinking I'm alright.

But I placed my bishop
Diagonal three spaces
Perfect position to
put you in check

Realizing that
I've made a mistake
You move your knight
Two spaces forward,

one to the right
Halting my advances
Leaving only my queen
To defend the pride of her king

I defend from your every move
Until you capture her.
Leaving my king exposed
And defenseless

You marvel at it but
Are quick to place her
with the others you have
Captured and controlled

My king scurries
Space by space
Anxious to avoid
The inevitable capture

I am exhausted
Avoidance of you
is utterly impossible
So I give in

I tip over my king
in total surrender
How quick you are
to ****** it into your hands

You revel in your victory
Clinging to my king
My last piece
My last hope

But how quick you are
to discard it
How quickly you let it
tumble down onto the pile

But I forgot..

To you

This is just a game of chess
Jordan Fischer Mar 2016
A real battle of Good and evil occurs anytime a game of chess is played.
Equal pieces, equal spaces.
Differing only in color for a purely aesthetic reason
Because battling forces that are aestheticly similar would be lost on the savagely competitive
So a simple white and brown is implemented
But a simple blink of the eyes can make you realize
Same pieces, same moves just mirrored,
One color does get to always go first, but this had to happen either way, and if you feel bad about going second, just think that you got more time to think about your move, and also to just call the white pieces first next time,  if that kind of a thing matters to you.

The chess pieces themselves have no ability to win the game, they are tools for you to use based on your strategy.
The same goes for good and evil
They have no solidified definitions

A good decision to you, could ruin another's life.
Like chess you must think deeply about your decisions and why you're making them.
If someone told you, the way to play chess was to always flick your piece in the direction you wanted it to go and just have faith it would go to the spot it needed.
Then I would hope you would be open minded to other strategies to find the one that works best for you.

People might argue that there are definitive good and evil decisions in life, but that could be based on the fact we are all humans and you would assume that one humans decision on something is made because it would be beneficial in some way to them, so it is possible to be beneficial to you too.
So similar things are desired by humans, but that doesn't mean they are definitive.
So just know and always study your chessboard of life so you're always playing to the best of your ability.
But also remember that chess does have rules, life does not.
So do your own thing
Chess just fit my earlier comparison of this or that and the freedom of choice that lies within.
Àŧùl Feb 2016
This life is a big chessboard,
You are the only pawn on your side.

It is your call what you be,
You can be any of the many pawns.

Take care what to choose,
You be a pawn star, not a pornstar.
My HP Poem #1016
©Atul Kaushal
Rachel W Feb 2016
When I smile on my throne,
you will wonder
why the others cringe away in fear

When I laugh behind my hands,
you will wonder
why he shook so with rage

When I sleep at night,
you will wonder
why they stand guard by my bedside

When I walk in the great hall,
you will wonder
why the others flee from my path

When I cry in the garden,
you will wonder
why he does not dry my tears

When I am silent at your graveside
you will wonder no more
*Check Mate
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