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i was doing something
on the computer
it went blank
no my mind went blank
no the universe went blank
never mind all is back now
thepuppeteer Mar 10
How do I smile?
How do I frown?
How do I laugh for a while?
How do I scowl?
How do I sneer?
How do I tell people how I feel?
Why don't I show people how I feel?
Why don't people understand?
My face
How do I change the look on my face?
Anais Vionet Feb 13
I love a blank canvas
how it focuses the eyes.

It’s black and white without
the usual vestige of messy
attention-grabbing details.

We’ll color those in later,
spending our creative time
whitewashing it with the precision
of our own nervous perfectionism.

We’ll strip away minimalism for cultural
resonance and focus the razor attention
of ‘couture’ obsession and wider comment.
Songs for this:
Just Exist by Eliza & The Delusionals
Groceries by Mallrat
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 02/10/25:
Vestige = a trace, mark, or visible sign left by something lost or vanished
Ignata Jan 29
am I a poet
or am I just deranged
words tumbling out in senseless sequences
always chasing after something
anything really that has no purpose or meaning whatsoever
this blankness is what I am after
anything else is just too predictable at this point

        o         P
                   a   My
                   i                                          Well two bad,
                   n   Portrait                         I'm not real,
                   t                                           I am a Chemical
                                                        ­                    a
                                           ­                                 o        Fee(l) you seem
                                                            ­                t         To like to Get
                                                             ­               i                           o  
                                                                ­            c                          ThoUght
                  ­                                                                 ­                            p
im nobody who is you im a piece of glass in the ocean an unexpected regret you didnt want but now you have im the kind of thing you get in a goodie bag from a party you didnt want to go to but you still did an embodiment of every reason you doubt yourself on a daily basses im the one whom sits behind the screen not watching but watchin you thats the scary part of me that you arent quite ready to leave because who will watch you if im gone
Writing this was so fun. While reading this throw on some MF Doom and you'll see where my inspiration came from.
Blank canvas,
Is still creative.
Because the fact is,
You can only paint an original blank painting,
Abstract art either confuses me, or elates me.
larry mintz Jan 1
I have a bunch of plights please -answer Sir..
Your meeting with alien official .
Your reasons taking help from a sly race. ?
We needed   primacy over Russia .
I stated the friendly races can  help too.
We would  be at the mercy of Russia .
  I like your view on States-hood too.
And Ike said thank you Other remarks to add?
I said “ The way you taxed the rich was fab.
I said fab means. right  idea at right time.
And Ike replied fine. Anything else he asked.
I like your view on political parties.
And Ike said thank you  and anything else .
Your last speech on the military came true.
And Ike got ****** ,events are getting  worst.
And Isreal is now the new  **** nation.
And doing crimes of war for mankind to see.
I showed him  slides of what zionists  do !
We gave them rights. They act like  ****’s too.
And Ike replied. what else went straight to hell
I stated yes Isreal owns the States too.
I said it is true and Ike  complained quite loudly.
From J F Kennedy. until the present.
The States  will  jump  at Israel’s  complaining.
  Upon  relaying this news he got irate.
And two more things I have to mention Sir.
For thirty five years the rich pay no taxes.
And lastly the States went completely fascist.
And Ike  growled I fought  and died for nothing.
Those who despoiled this land are traitors.
And Ike left to take care of traitors too .
“Write a poem that is a conversation between you and a politically powerful figure from any moment in history. The person can be living or dead; you must have a question you want to ask this person, and ask it in the poem. Let the person answer the question, too; make it a true conversation.”

— The Poet's Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry by Kim Addonizio,  Dorianne Laux
Erwinism Dec 2024
A song can hold me together
when I’ve been torn apart,
when I’m at the verge
where jagged edges jut out
popping bloated bright
many a things of life.

Lost notes coming together
and stitching my seams
with threads of sound.

Music doesn’t ask for permission
—it breaks in, a trespasser
who knows all the rooms of my head,
who rewires the walls with chords
until they buzz and climb on air’s back.
On the top of their ethereal lungs,
they belt out polished groove
where reflection of my days are caught.

It’s there when I need it
—when silence has teeth,
When the world gnashes,
pressing its weight on my chest.
in the blackness of spirit,
when the lesser light pale
into insignificance,
when all of me is ground to atoms.

Like spring faeries, they uncap the lid, lift it, unleash the lilt cloistered in secret years, they ride gilt-edged fireflies, flitting and fluttering in the mist of colors. And like spring, life comes back to the earth.

I have heard harmonies
build bridges across days
that feel like sinking ships.
I’ve watched melodies
cut through the static
of my thoughts,
Clean and sharp as a blade
sliding through skin.
The bass is a heartbeat,
steady and human,
the strings—veins
unraveling their stories.
Syncopated at times,
as if an arrhythmia.

A song can hold me together,
there was one leaping out of nowhere,
lost in the night,
found its way in my ears,
then in my heart,
in my half-awaken state,
while I clung into sleep under an eye of dreamless rest,
it was light on its feet,
free of gravity.

When I feel lost,
I press play,
and I teleport here,
a night crawler  
a room filled with
nothing but sound
and no judgment,
my acoustic soul gets to drink,
where my fears untangle themselves
like knots in a rope.

Music doesn’t lie.
It doesn’t care,
It’s not a ***** coyote
the petulant thief
mistaking mediocrity for simplicity,
Music forgives,
about what I’ve done
or who I’ve been.

It cradles me as I am:
raw and flammable,
A man with a match
clenched between his teeth.
In the slant of the highway,
I roll with tunes sanding
until the roads are even
and the bends straight
for this drifter with a match
clenched between his teeth,
the song pulls it from my mouth,
lights it,
and says,
burn, if you must—but listen.

It tells me I am brave
when I don’t believe it.
It tells me I am whole,
even when the pieces don’t fit.
But I’ve always been a puzzle,
a riddle to myself,
a mystery in a mystery
and a Jack-in-the-box.

When asked why I trust music
like a heathen
collapsing down drear gloom,
funereal mood,
sulked out.
I’ll pause,
let a silence fall
where words should be,
And instead let a rhythm
beat through the air.
A small offering.
Because some things
are answered best
by the sound
of their own making.

There is a gaping chasm in all of us.
One way or another,
we loaded our fractured hearts
with longing,
hoping for an escape,
we shot an embittered gaze
at words that danced on the pages,
swirled in the air on winged notes.
In the dark, I didn’t find myself alone,
I swept the pieces,
ugly, but a whole,
the way a song can hold me together.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
No sonrías conmigo si no quieres
Porque no soy un espejo
No seas como un fanfarrón que me da una sonrisa negra
De un estilo extraño, nervioso y anormal
Porque no soy un bromista
Muéstrame tus emociones genuinas
Dame algo normal o natural
No pido nada especial
Solo sé tú mismo y lo apreciaré
No des algo inusual y vil
Muéstrame una sonrisa normal, dulce y hermosa
No me des mucho. Estaré satisfecho con un poquito
Porque no quiero ni una sonrisa negra ni una sonrisa vacía
De un estilo extraño, blanco, hipócrita e inusual
Pero sonríe, sonríe conmigo, si lo dices en serio
Y por favor no lo hagas, si tu sonrisa no encaja.

Copyright © Junio 2020, Hébert Logerie, Todos los derechos reservados
Hébert Logerie es autor de varios libros de poesía.
Translation of ' Blank Smile' in Spanish
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