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Last night my poem hit 10,000 degrees,
Does that mean I burned myself a place in HP?
Or am I still on the path of becoming,
Hoping to get a lucky stroke and blow up?
Almost everything I post gets a reaction now,
I'm a name people know,
But does that make me somebody though?
What if I'm an actor,
Just playing his part,
I'll disappear when the director yells, 'Scene!'
If my art is recognized,
I've accomplished something real,
While living a dream.
But I am author enough,
That I could have a career in this?
Or will I start this journey,
But hear them yell, 'Dismissed!'
I don't know
I have been redrawn
My old rendition replaced
With bright new colors and shades

Beneath the veneer
Traces and rough outlines
My foundation sketched in time

The graphite, my blood
It was poured onto the page
Many times it was erased

Unsure who I was
Sketched again and again
Eraser shavings of shame

I was blind to see
These sketches were exactly
who I needed to be

Before I could paint
I needed a rough outline
Before I could find my place

And when I did
The shame was swept away
The brush swiftly hit the page

No longer a sketch
But a beautiful display
Of bright new colors and shades

I have been redrawn
My old rendition replaced
By a colorful bouquet
And there’s still room for change
First poem posted in nearly 4 years. Life has been a scary yet exciting, beautiful adventure of self discovery. Enjoy!
Sam S Feb 13
The sun still shines, the breeze still calls,
The rain still taps, the silence falls.
And when the moment feels just right,
The petals burst, a gift to sight.

The seed has slept, the world has spun,
The waiting game is nearly done.
The petals stretch, the colors gleam,
Awakening from winter’s dream.

It did not rush, it did not break,
It bloomed when time was sure to take.
A lesson whispered through the air—
Some things must wait to grow so fair.

The soil cradles the seed,
the seed cradles a secret.

It knows it can bloom.
Knows the sun will greet it,
the rain will nourish it,
the bees will come.

Yet still,
it waits.

Because blooming is not just survival—
it is choosing to step into the light.
Vianne Lior Feb 12
I thought life was an equation,
one that could only exist in absolutes—
black against white,
sharp lines, clear edges.
But then, you blurred the borders,
redefined what it meant to be whole.

And I realized that in the spaces between,
where nothing is clear,
the most profound truths linger—
not in certainty,
but in the quiet chaos of change,
where we are found, whole in our imperfection.
Tye Jan 27
The ultimate fantasy
Is a burst of clarity.

Having it cut through brain fog,
Like sunlight through the treetops.

Opening your mind’s window,
Whose locks were painted shut.

Becoming the vision in your head,
Instead of the object in the way.
Kian Nov 2024
The mountains keep their secrets well—
in their silence, they bear the grief of stone,
the centuries pressed into stillness,
each stratum a tale of what once was
and what shall ever be.
One looks upon them and thinks,
they have never known what it is to fall.
But does one not hear them groan
beneath the weight of themselves,
the way they shift in the night
like old men turning in their slumber?

Each crack in the rock does whisper
of pressures unseen, tectonics
of ancient sorrows long since stilled.
In this, they are alike to us:
holding fast to the unspoken,
wearing their jagged edges
as though they have no need of gentleness.
But hark—does one hear it?

The way the wind grazes their faces,
how even the stone does yield to that
which is so soft it has no name.

We come to them burdened,
bearing the weight of days
like a sack of heavy stones,
each one a moment believed
to be the end of something vital.

We hold them close, believing
they are all we have—
these small griefs that anchor us
to the ground we tread upon.

But the mountains know
what we have not yet learned—
that every stone shall one day
become dust,
every peak worn smooth
by the selfsame wind
that now does caress the face.
We are not less for this,
nor are we more.

We are but the shape
life has taken to know itself,
to feel, in this brief span,
the vastness of what it means
to be.

Consider this:
the stars, too, shall perish,
and yet their light does wander
the corridors of space,
filling the night long after
they have burned themselves out.
We are no different.
What we are now, in this moment
of small sorrow, shall pass.

It is not the end,
but a whisper in the vastness

of what we are yet to become.
So let the mountains speak to us.

Let them tell how even they
must break and bow to time,
how their strength lies not in
holding firm, but in the slow
unfolding of their edges
to the universe's touch.

We are not small,
nor are we infinite.

We are the echo
of all that has ever been
and all that shall ever be.

Listen, and one shall hear
how the mountains weep
not because they are broken,
but because they are becoming.

                                                  And so are we.
The mountains hold more than stone—they hold the wisdom of time, the quiet endurance of all things that rise only to fall, only to rise again. In their slow surrender to the winds, they remind us that breaking is not an end but a becoming. We, too, are shaped by the unseen pressures of life, and in our yielding, we find the vastness of what it means to be.
Ken Pepiton Aug 2024
Daily counting worth for measure,
is one more enough, for pleasure,

or must we, plural I, seem reassured
we know too much to believe you're right.

Working overtime, thinking you are worth less,
than the wages paid a worker on duty as chief
satisfied mind, absent all care and concern,

for fretfull regulated safety well behind that wall.

Okeh, this was easy, today, went by, I encouraged an unfilled whine, and did not laugh at its naïve reasonings.
Hawley Anne Jul 2024
You were terrified to lose him,
so you lost yourself instead.
You kept on being mistreated,
"I'm used to it" was all you said.
You became the girl that when abused simply said "the fault is mine"
You became the girl who knew the truth but still accepted every lie.
Because it became easier,
to keep your thoughts inside.
So you became the girl who cried alone,
then told everyone "I'm fine"
So much from you was taken,
that you had nothing left to give.
So far past your breaking point,
you became the girl without the will to live.
You became so used to being last,
by putting everyone else first.
You became the girl barely in the race,
because you were running it reverse.
Your time and love was wasted,
given to undeserving men.
They only lied; hurt and cheated you
then they left you out for dead.
You were so terrified to lose him,
that you lost yourself instead.
But I wonder if you went back in time,
Would you make the same choice again?
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