Love sits like a rock, ticks like a clock, drops like a thermonuclear warhead. Never ending, resists bending, snaps back like a palm tree after a beach storm. Unfazed by summer's heat, talks on a beat, grand standing through each of our eyes.
look at the graph, he said, this line that makes a hill is the echo from your heart. who sent the first ping? a beat, a rhythm I can't decode? Next time, listen to your heart carefully.
I blame you. why did you do this to me i could crumble in your hands and that didn’t matter all i ever wanted was to make daddy happy anxiety you. did this. i trusted you. I’m hurt that’s all i thought about when it came to you. pain I’m angry. how could you do that to me made me feel small made me anxious the person i looked up to the most in this world has betrayed me I am broken beaten hit talked down to I didn’t get it because i didn’t deserve it but hey i now know i deserved the world. when you were just never able to give it. it’s you dad it’s you everything is your fault and you are the very reason i twitch the very reason why i have authority problems even with my own girlfriend. we’re the same age she makes me nervous like you’d make me nervous right before you’d drag your hand across my face that was probably the very size of your palm no Christmas no friends no family. you kept me away you beat you yelled i was afraid that little girl is afraid. it’s your fault dad trust me it’s all you it was never anyone else but you you weren’t the only one but i only blame you.