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FinkZ Sep 2018
Why would she wants to be a pilot
When she is already an angel?

Why would she wants to be inside the cockpit
When she can just spread her wings?

Why would she have to struggle asking permission from the radio tower
When she can fly by her own desire?

Why would bothered about fuel consumptions
When she have a gigantic amount of power?

Why would she thinks about the ground speed
When she can fly with her wings in a high velocity?

Why would she thinks about the minutes
When she can travel with just one click?

Why would she thinks of a distance
When she can just do teleportation?

Why would she afraid of an engine failure
When she have the strength of lifting earth?

What kind of heavenly creature
That have something she concerned?
Does she knows she is an angel?
FinkZ Aug 2018
Was it your beauty
That distracts me?
Was it your body
That makes my focus blurry?
Was it your smile
That sets my heart on fire?
Was it your eyes
That makes me can’t see because it’s too bright?
Was it the way your singing
That makes me can’t hear the radio coming?
Was it your brain
That caused my heart to beats faster like bullet train?
Or maybe your just overwhelming
That inspired my dreams and caused me overthinking

Whatever the reason is
You made me crashed my aircraft
Really **** hard
That nearly caused a fatal injury
Never fell so hard in my life. Until you shot me down, by just the way you look.........
FinkZ Aug 2018
Don’t know where should I go
And I don’t think I cared anymore
Wide opened sectional
With a standby plotter
A flight computer
And a pencil

But no line was drawn
My plotter became useless
I let my Cessna flew by his own
And he followed where the wind blew

I noticed
The wind pushed me to that same airport
The same runway I tried to avoid
It's like faith
The further I go
The stronger the wind blows
Or it's just my crazy theory
Or maybe my mind plays tricks on me

I’m lost in the nowhere’s skies
And I still found her
No matter how far I fly
The wind leads me to her
The next part from the poem titled "Divert" by me.
Yes, to be really honest I'm still having a problem moving on from her.
FinkZ Jul 2018
He fly above the same airport
Waiting for a chance to land on the runway
The runway of her heart
Nobody knows how long he waited but the Lord
That airport have only one parking spot and  one runway
And occupied by one aircraft

It's hopeless
To wait for that parked aircraft to take off and gone forever
He began to feel desperate
All his patience, all of his waiting, gave him a mental break

He opens his sectional
Pull out his plotter
Change his heading bug in his heading indicator
He finally said, with a smile
“It’s time to divert”

Waste of fuel and time
Waste of credits and dimes
Too long he was holding
Now it’s time for leaving

He will never know
How does the runway and the taxi light glows
After sunset and before sunrise
He will never feel
The satisfaction for using the service
24 hours everyday and night
He will never see
The runway decorated by green grass, flowers and trees
The beauty of the airport’s sight

But it’s for the best
This will be my last poem for Aurelia. 3 years I spend loving her and it’s time for me to leave her alone with her lover. With the minimum scale of knowledge about aviation mixed with my affection and metaphors, this poem is created
Lucas Kyle Feb 2017

We have become angels
Soaring in an Ocean of blue
Like gods we view the world
As a child views a toy

Life, such a universe in itself
Now barely visible
Only but specks in our vision
Worth more than the world

We the few know this sight
The world lit up in the dark of the night
The air is calm at earth's height
The hands of nature carry us on our flight

We soar like the eagle
Dive like a hawk
Our eyes captivated by the wonder
The beauty of the sky
We have become proof
That impossible
Is but a big word
For small men

Alas, to see the water rush over the falls
Mountains turned red and orange
The world frozen, white as the clouds we live in
A serene home in the sky
A mesmerizing view of the earth we walk
All the beauty of the world
All the wonder in which we partake
Does not compare
To the beauty in your eyes

So much more to see
So much more to know
For at the end of the day we will run out of space
To explore the earth which we grace
With Our presence above
We have seen all there is to see
All there is to know
All that exists on earth below

But although I may spend a lifetime searching your soul
I will never reach the end
Of your beautiful sky
And lost in you
Is where I will happily die.
Don Bouchard Mar 2016
When the clouds below turn to into carpet
Up there in the cold morning light,
The VFR pilot jitters and frets:

Time to check fuel, to come up with a plan
To search for a hole in the billow below,
And bring the craft in to land.

So it was when a pilot coming back from a lark,
Flew in a circle somewhere over Williston,
Above clouds turning thicker and dark.

In his office sat Phil, across the state line,
When the radio crackled, pleading a break:
"VFR practice," he thought, "He's probably fine."

Phil headed to lunch, had an errand to do...
Drove downtown for a couple of hours,
Returning somewhere around 2:00.

The radio tone carried tired despair
When Phil walked back in from his break
And heard the pilot, still stuck in the air.

Phil knew that the fuel must be drained
In the old Piper Cub overhead,
So he logged a flight plan and ran for his plane.

He flew to the east and banked to the north,
Rising above the gray carpet below,
And spotted the wanderer holding its course.

Coming in fast, cutting his distance by half,
"Super Cub over Williston, this is Bonanza
On your left. How much fuel do you have?"

"About 30 minutes," came a despondent reply,
Standard answer, but gauging the hours,
Phil calculated the response was a lie.

"I am going to fly by your side.
Follow me and dive when I dive;
Keep contact and enjoy the ride."

The planes in tandem turned around;
Phil flew by IFR to find the runway end,
Backed off the throttle, and led them down.

The tail dragger followed, did not complain,
Dropped into the soup gliding blind
Except for the strobe on the faster plane.

The old Cub flared when Phil said, "Land!"
Settled onto the runway end as the propeller stalled,
And Phil had saved a desperate man.

On the hangar wall now hangs a plaque,
Though Phil himself is gone,
The Governor's gift for bringing a flyer back.

My brother once watched Phil Petrik of Sidney Aviation fly off the Sidney runway, disappearing into a pea soup fog, carrying our father and mother on an emergency flight to Billings, to save my father's life.

I lay this poetic rose upon Phil's grave as a slim tribute to a man who earned my admiration and life long gratitude. Rest In Peace, Phil Petrik.
VFR = Visual Flight Rules
IFR = Instrumental Flight Rules
Derrick Feinman Aug 2015
Century of Flight
Kitty Hawk is distant past
Routine miracles.
JoBe Arenas May 2014
A little bird told me
That one day I'll be
Free to fly
To touch the heavens

Another little bird told me
That I'll still be
Bound and caged
To dream of the sky

We are birds
Destined to fail or fly
Let not the sky be the limit
But the weight of feathers

Tell all the other birds
The wings of our destiny
just a random idea on people as birds

— The End —