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I dont need
A boy
A man is wiser
I am so young
When I do find 1
Who is clean like me
Of a record relationship
Then We'll go further
I'll be a Queen
While others are a *****
As the crowd engulfed me, I couldn’t help but
Scrutinize each person who brushed my side.
Each face unique which tells a distinct story.
Each story with its own plot, climaxes, and resolutions.
Each soul harboring its own worries and ambitions.
I’m overwhelmed by the vastness of the ocean I’m in,
A single fish among multitudes of all shapes and vibrant colors.
My story is merely a page among billions that comprise
The Story of Humanity.
A collection of individual histories that has propelled,
In one way or another, our species.
Every tear, drop of sweat, and ounce of effort
Has fueled the fire that blazes within us.
The Story of Humanity--
Bound by threads of fate,
Inked with blood of the fallen,
Soaked with ardent passions and desires,
Authored by love.
The soul is what makes up a person. People can break your soul, so guard it with everything you've got. Most people don't want to break it. They want it for themselves. They leave you soul-less. So guard it with all you've got. The people of this world pretend like they love you, they pretend to be your friend. You can't trust them. They say they'll never leave you like the othera did. Then when they take your soul, they find another victim taking your soul with them. So guard it with all you've got. It's the one thing you won't regret.
I decided to write this based on some of my past just to get it out of my mind. I hope y'all enjoy.
Sometimes I would like to know
who is in my heart
Sometimes I would like to know
if I was in his heart
I want to dream with you
I want to smile with you
I want to weep with you

I want to go places with you
I want to see sunrise with you
I want to see dawn with you

I want to walk with you
I want to see the stars with you
I want to listen to seashores with you

I want to  jump with you
I want to enjoy the rain with you
I want to pray with you

But I can't
Looking at my phone
Waiting for any messages
I might receive from you
But nothing came.

I am waiting in vain
Thinking how you are
And what are you doing right now
I can't even know

Are you okay?
Are you thinking of me too?
Do you ever had a thought of me?
Because I do every single minute.
Why is my love
Above so much treason,
So much hatred,
So much reasons why this pain I feel
Is filled by you and i?
 Aug 2015 loveinquandary
someone once said to me on a rainy day in august
"a stranger could come say hi to you
& you would respond with "i love you""

i found this thought quite funny
because they're not entirely wrong

i find it so easy to fall in love with the way people are
their walks, their talks, their bullet-wounds, their scars
i find it so easy to be mesmerized by the twinkles in their eyes
by the curves of their backs and by the way they smile when they're shy
how they scrunch up their noses and the sound of their laugh
how some of them speak slow and how some of them speak fast
the range of their voices from pretty like a bird to deep & husky
how some of them smell like the flowers of spring and others, musky
i love how each one expresses themselves through art
whether fashion or painting or poetry or whatnot
it's not just the human body but also the human soul
which is ah, so incredibly out of this world
personalities and quirks
and all the gears which make their minds work
how some cry easy and how others do not
how some laugh often and how others, not a lot
how some think of the future, others the past
then those who live in the moment, hoping it'll last
our philosophies and beliefs and the things which make us who we are
how without hope and love, none of us will go very far
at the end of the day, each one of us is similar, yet so uniquely different at the same time
but without each other, we'll never be able to shine

so yes, i am guilty of falling in love
with every stranger i bump into
it's not because im disloyal, polygamous, childish or silly
its purely because i love humans for just being human- through and through
// they think I'm insane, they think my lover is strange. but I don't have to ******* tell them anything. & i'm gonna write it all down //
 Aug 2015 loveinquandary
My heart is burning with love

All can see this flame

My heart is pulsing with passion

like waves on an ocean

my friends have become strangers

and I’m surrounded by enemies

But I’m free as the wind
no longer hurt by those who reproach me

I’m at home wherever I am

And in the room of lovers

I can see with closed eyes
the beauty that dances

Behind the veils
intoxicated with love
I too dance the rhythm
of this moving world

I have lost my senses
in my world of lovers
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