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  Aug 2018 Stxlle
she gave me her nudes
she was bare
and naked
and so out
and open
and i willingly
accepted it
because it wasnt the nudes
that showed her body
the physical aspects
that made her beautiful
it was the words
she didnt choose
and the spontaneity
that left her
either from her lips
or her fingers
or ink

she was as bare
as her nudes
and i accepted
her for her.
10:02 PM 5/1/2018
  Aug 2018 Stxlle
I give you my trust
That belongs to so few
So old, it's covered in rust
It's been years since it grew

My trust has grown tough
Having been broken too many times
It's calluses are rough
Rougher than the skin of limes

I am trusting you
Please be careful with me
Promise you'll be true
I break very easily

I love you
That's a fact
Truer than true
It's not an act

So take my trust
Treat it with care
Lest it be dust
Crushed out of despair
Paranoia gets the better of me all too often, but many times I am right to be paranoid. We live in a lying, cheating, broken world.
  Aug 2018 Stxlle
Orange Rose
I wrote a poem when I died...
Another at my birth.
A brand-new sonnet when I cried.
And again when there was mirth.

A song for my confession...
A story for my pain...
A painting for depression...
And nursery rhymes for rain.

My creations live inside my heart.
I keep them there in shame.
Yet you looked around and saw my art,
And smiled all the same.
Stxlle Jul 2018
The voices have stopped whispering
They're finally out of my head
Little did I know that they'll be back soon
Well, that's what they said

I look around me
The voices aren't inside me anymore
They're everywhere
Tangible and visible
I try not to care

They're the words I hear and see
They'd do anything to compromise me
I look away and keep their words locked out
They know they can't get in so they surround me with anger and doubt

Their voices were dull but their words were sharp
They've rewritten the words from my lips
They've slithered into my ears and covered my eyes
They've erased my fingertips

I am not me
I no longer own the body I live in
They've drowned me in my own sea
The made me the embodiment of sin
and I want to be free
Only, I know this is not me
Stxlle Mar 2018
Mind screaming
Mouth close
Tears streaming
Larger dose

Run and run
Don't let them see the tears
Run towards the sun
Let go of all the fears

I want to get out
of my head and this place
I'm full of doubt
I can't solve my case

Runaway as far as I can
from your disappointed eyes
Runaway from those hands
that hold so many lies

Done with all
but its not done with me
Its going to chase me til I fall
but I'll still try to flee

Runaway from all the words
Away from all the stares
Runaway to our Lord
To someone who cares

Nothing will stop me
from trying to get away
All I want to be is free
and just get through this day
I just need some time for myself
Stxlle Feb 2018
I want to write about someone's eyes
How they look at me or how they shine
The feelings and emotions they reveal
when they look into mine

I want to write about someone's hands
Their palms rough and filled with callus
How they make their way around my waist
with little thoughts of malice

I want to write about someone's hair
How it tangles when I brush through it with my fingers
as you lay on my chest with our legs intwinned together
Dreaming and hoping no eyes would linger

I want to write about someone's lips
The way they wait for mine to come closer
when they touch, I get a faint taste of wine
our bodies drunk but our thoughts are sober

I want to write about someone
I'll imprint their name on paper
I'll write for the whole world to know
You were lead to me by an Almighty Creator

Maybe soon I'll find out who that someone is
and maybe soon I can write about all this
Well... yeah
  Dec 2017 Stxlle
I knew you

and you knew me

Our messages told stories

of us taking over the galaxy
Diary #1
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