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  Dec 2017 Stxlle
Who am I
To know the course of life

Who are you
To question such a thing

Who are we
To bind our souls together

When we both know
That eternity will tear them apart

Time is no respect of persons
She pays no heed to manners
And tears do not urge her spirit

For what is life
That we can change circumstances
That clocks would listen to our plight
That the sun shine all of our days

No, we are only responsible for ourselves
So we can only change such
I would not trust a mortal with the placing of the stars
So how can I even show you such a thing as my heart?
  Dec 2017 Stxlle
I wanted to write a lovely poem..
I ended up writing your name
  Dec 2017 Stxlle
P r e t t y   p e o p l e
W i t h   p r e t t y   w o r d s
B u t   t h e y   a r e   u g l y
T h e i r   s p e e c h   i s   s l u r r e d

They never show
Their real emotion
While people watch
Their every motion

Everything they have
Is fake
If they'd notice
They would break

They're living in
A fake reality
They need to wake up
To actuality

We always talk
Behind their backs
If they knew
They would crack

They think we love them
They think they're pretty
But they really don't
Deserve our pity

P r e t t y   p e o p l e
W i t h   p r e t t y   w o r d s
B u t   t h e y   a r e   u g l y
T h e i r   s p e e c h   i s   s l u r r e d
Just so you know, I wrote a follow up to this poem that shows another aspect of pretty people. Thanks for reading :)
  Dec 2017 Stxlle
You probably know
What this poem is about
It's probably generic
Of that I've no doubt.

But what you don't know
Is her.
And why it's her.

She's the breath of fresh air
That puts the wind in my sails
Even if it's all just hot air
It's her love that never fails.
Impossible, I know
But it isn't love for me
But to the Lord it goes.

And when she smiles
It's like the seeing a sunny patch of snowy fields when the clouds have gone away.
So blindingly bright
And reassuring in every way.

It's the touch of her hand
On our walks through the park
It's the feel of her so close to me
When the world has grown dark.

It's the way she laughs
Like bells with a tune.
It makes me crazy
To wait for the next one soon!

The way she chooses a different shampoo
The smell of flowers, nature, or anything really
When I say "I just like the smell of you"

And it's the face she makes
As soon as those words leaves my lips
It makes my head spin in circles
Leaving me on trips.

She's wicked smart,
Smarter than I'll ever be.
She knows it too
So she always tells me.

She'll say all these words
And these numbers so fast
I struggle to keep up
I feel left in the past!

But you wouldn't know her
Just quite the way I do.
You know all about this poem
But not enough about her, do you?

There couldn't be enough words to say
In this short life of mine
I tell her this every time
But she'll simply shoo me away.

And when she gets angry
Well button down the hatches boys
Cause as I live and breath
we'll be in for a doozy

So watch your step
And step right this way
We hope that you enjoy the show
Cause I'll have more words to say.

No, you wouldn't know her
No, not the way that I sure do
But this ring in my pocket is killing me
Cause I'm scared to finally try something
Stxlle Dec 2017
Maybe one day
I won't write about you
Maybe someday
I'll write about someone new

I asked you how you were
You didn't reply
Because you found her
I didn't get say goodbye

I wrote this for you
So, if you're reading this, it's okay
There's nothing I can do
I can't ask you to stay

I expected this, I knew
I'm sending this message to you
And I'm hoping that it will get through
So, here's one last poem for you
So, if you read my previous poem, 12.08, you'll know that I met a guy. Well, this is about the same guy. This isn't the plot twist I asked for. Just gotta accept. I was listening to Sam Smith's One Last Song and I just had to write. Anyways, enjoy this poem.
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