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126 · Jul 2018
weekends and weak hands
stranger Jul 2018
It's the end of the week that catches me feeling the most numb.
Unable to sleep but barely walking.
Unable to eat but hungry.
Wanting love but distant
Eyes wide open but drugged like dreaming.
The only thing that I could grant
Is that I can't explain any of this feeling
It's a Saturday night that makes me the loneliest .
Laying in bed seems like the safest it could get
But staring at an empty wall just seems fake
But I stay with opinionated thoughts running through my head.
Thinking that staring at the night sky would be great
A Sunday evening is when reality catches up to me
But even if my responsibilities is all I see there's still more thoughts behind my mind's tree.
I've counted weeks and months and I've just been the same.
And honestly a change scares my heart
I'll rather be looking for my lost pieces than lose another part.
stranger Oct 2021
A shard of a body
That's what I was at 8
I remember knowing I was watched.
Never when I smiled, only when I endured.
Acid words, their silver impact
Midas made gold, so my skin must've shimmered.
A remnant of soul,
Waiting for twilight so I can crawl
Within myself and rest for the night.
From 7 to 9 I used to beg for love,
That's why I have so much pride today.
Infancy meant smothering the floor with my ****** knees and begging,
Pleading like a fly to a swatter, to be saved, to be forgiven.
I used to think to- myself "mercy is so hard to work for".
At 10 I took to nightly silence,
A knock at the door meant a visit and five meant I was the outsider.
Waiting for the neighbours to glance at each other while I was counting roaches, dead on the stairs.
A scrap of mind,
When I still thought god loved me, I used to pray,
To be taken and never given away.
To be given my knees back in exchange for me.
I used to ask to be given mind if death wasn't ready to take so young.
But church was empty and I was never accompanied just held by the hand.
A shard of body, a remnant of soul, a scrap of mind
I'd tell the child we've been dead and we're now gods.
She'd believe me,
She'd believe anything.
I should've killed you, child.
It would've been faster, a respectful execution.
I love you child.
Tonight you may be worth only one tear
But you have cried enough for me.
123 · Mar 2021
how pathetic
stranger Mar 2021
și noi vorbim vorbim
de azi până mâine
râdem murim,
cu sau fără companie.
dar noi vorbim.
iar când dormim
atmosfera miroase  a mine și tine.
și cu toate dezamăgirile,
golim rapid iubirile
și ne regăsim pretutindeni.
tot vorbim,vorbim
la nesfârșit, cât de teluric
visele ce le primim
cu sau fără merit
ne șoptesc șovăielnic
că nu vor să-mi achit
ura pentru tine.
123 · Jul 2018
bath thinkin
stranger Jul 2018
Bathtubs and bubbles
Hair strands, struggles.
My hands and soap
Life and and all the hope
Problems, stress
Forever distressed
Love, memories, hanging on my silver linings,
Pain, hurt mind and colored thoughts
Happiness is all I ought.
Persistence is all I got.
stranger Sep 2022
gravat între degete
e un simțământ, o dominanță
al meu de deținut, al meu de păstrat
ochii mei o sfioasă prelingere, sub limbă picură, gheață
vreau să eman, vreau să atrag orice suflare pe care îmi pun ochii-
ai pierdut, punct lovit.
am gravat între degete,
ce e în vis ajunge și în realitate iar undeva mâna ta alege, privirea curge
pe mine.
hai caută, ce am de gând să-ți dau cu atâta grație
arată-mi căldură să simți *** mă topesc, *** băltesc de dor, *** implor o admirație.
te rog atinge ce nu a mai fost de atins, vreau să simt asurzitor cât de mult sunt dorită
nimic mai mult - o clipă de compromis.
strânge tot ce poate fi eu să nu mai respir
împachetează coastele acestea într-o gura de aer împrumutată, ține-o suvenir.
ia-mă cu totul nu mai vreau să simt eu, te rog.
înlocuiește această uzură de zi cu zi cu o obsesie demnă de urmărit, vreau să simt *** mă vrei în disperare- caută-mă
ce contează motivația, mângâie acest schelet inedit și neted, iartă-mă că doar atât *** fi.
un parazit ce-ți vrea atingerea pentru un moment de liniște.
zilele se joaca de a zeii cu mine iar eu sunt un simplu pion mânuit
stranger Mar 2022
The face of melancholy
Sometimes all you do is remind me,
How walls are enclosing
How far away must the hope be,
Towards which always we...
Run yet stray away, I might.
Over-rule my own self in this bathroom,
Give out my last exhale before the carnations bloom,
Watch this vein of mine become a river, a sliver, a rune...
To sicken.
I lay my youthful worries on the ground to rule some other roots some other fool,
While I dig away a place to rest and pray that I don't drool  on this placeholder of life to let the lilacs bloom in mockery.
By the time I wake up I will arrest the awful need to return and make the grass my sheets and the bulbs my pillow,
Dig further and hope I never reach an end below.
I pray I am forgotten quickly and never searched for remains, I pray to never watch you suffer ever again
And so I'd try to be the soil beneath the life remaining,
Some mournful quick loss to lessen the tension, to plumpen the entertainment.
A casket made of flowers, stuck to the pavement,
A breath unshaken silently kept.
121 · Sep 2021
bate inima pentru nimeni
stranger Sep 2021
Îmi alunecă ochii în gură
Nu mai contează câte ore am dormit.
Mă uit în oglindă și știu că mă-njură,
Zilele dinaintea mea deja au trecut până am clipit.
Și urlă viața după mine:
"Ce-ai făcut cu mine curvo ?"
*** face orice orgoliu cu sine.
"mi-am futut o zi întreagă pentru o amintire redată la viteza disperării turbo"
Vorbesc cu moartea în fiecare seară și îi spun că nu știu ce vreau mai mult ***, viață sau să scap de oboseală.
Îmi spune sexul e o iluzie la fel ca viața
Și oboseala stă doar cât e lăsată.
Ce viață deraiată!
Nu-ți lași ochii să se închidă dacă ai fost prea onestă.
Și dacă dormi, te trezești cu regret cusut în țeastă.
Eu nu răspund
Eu nu vorbesc
Eu nu stau la rând
Eu nu știu să mă feresc
Și totuși încă trăiesc.
Mama a zis că ceața e a lui Bacovia
Eu cred că nu știe nimic despre ea.
Nu așa funcționează lumea.
Tata a zis că mi-am ales soarta
Mi-am negat fericirea și viața
Că mi-am tăiat șansele pentru alta.
Eu mi-am propus să nu mai văd
Să nu mă mai las urmărită
Coruptă de ură, oamenii se lipesc când eu vreau să dispar din orbită.
Vreau să fiu într-adevăr uitată.
Nu-mi permit să fiu iubită
Nu-mi permit alt suflet în purgatoriu.
121 · Sep 2022
stranger Sep 2022
these peaceful mornings have thought me to sit, breathe and admire,
smoke until the gentle light barely caresses the filter,
and rest my gaze upon still water.
cry to mimic the dew spun on spider...
webs to faint and inspire.
peaceful, quiet, muddied,
it is rather dire to feel September.
to crawl in its mist and pray for tears to cleanse this swollen stare, these hands enclosing earth, Atlas-like torture.
the mist morphs into smoke morphs into prismatic projections of some ecstasy I've been craving.
I've spotted everything with ash, my lips, the pages I've been turning, these palms withholding;
patience for a life unlived.
120 · Jan 2022
it can only last so long
stranger Jan 2022
I wish to be bones
Undoused by this vinegar scented shirt
Alone, a spring in this bed, a splinter in the headboard.
Writing love poems is so facile
Easily infatuated, I fall in love so heavy
Detailed manuscriptic, I'm pulling.
A love that isn't mine to be keeping.
A love that only I'm loving.
Like always cursed being.
The snow underneath me won't be melting,
Anytime soon.
Martyrdom crinkles and still I'm the one suffering.
What's not to be working I do it to myself lately.
Eyelashes catching ice, sleeping is my demise.
Snowflakes to be kept on the tips of my black gloves, I'm fighting for myself or at least I try.
Should've known desperation was no love, not worth it but my
Heart is lingering in stomach acid, cuz I've buried myself so deep, I'm crawling.
Out of bed every morning sickly to the kitchen table promising that I'll be cleaning up
Myself off the floor and sheets and never feel like this
Ever again.
stranger Sep 2021
It's for the greater good that I undress
And spare us all of interest.
Be it body, mind or ***
I do it nevertheless
I've spilt my blood in your tea,
So tonight you'll be drinking
Echoes of being bound to me

Dreams have been better until they became nightmares,
Metaphorically clueless I admire them
I've been hit, I've been carresed,
So I'd conclude that it would be sinful of me to bless
When at best I'm a couple of unbalanced distances.
A few too many faces passing the limit and they stress,
My thoughts with their grimaces
I've sent messages demanding to be forgiven,
Pleading innocence, love remains I'll be the only one leaving .
Many souls think of me so well, while I forget I ever met them.
I take what I'm given then put it to burning.
Once time is up and the cycle renews itself,
I flip and get over what I've lived with no help

Might be the most selfish thing I've been doing,
Acting like I'm forgetting,
All the conversations I've been harbouring,
Keeping them in the bottle even if I'm thirsty
To live and to keep living
If I keep on breathing I'll do it so well
I promise.
It'll be like when I stare at the flame to justify the crying.
I want to be alive for anybody but for me

So I'll undress for myself in the mirror tonight
To admire the body, mind and soul I'll fight,
Until I get this life right._
118 · Dec 2021
stranger Dec 2021
Am înghițit cerneală.
De pe vârful degetului în timp ce scriam despre *** îți place că mă uit la tine pe o pagină, c-un bilet, dintr-un caiet pe care-l car după mine infernal.
N-am simțit un gust anume.
Am simțit obsesie.
*** scriu, fragile linii pe foaie fără viață
Despre tine și despre *** înot sub gheață.
Despre *** rămân fără aer dar nu se vede pe față.
Am înghițit cerneală când mi-am scuturat stiloul și mi-am împroșcat ochii cu albastrul cuvintelor din somn,
Pe care le rostesc doar ușilor.
Să fie ferecate pentru oricine, să se deschidă doar pentru mine.
Eu scârțâi dar plutesc în gânduri rupte din grădini botanice fermecate
Regina nopții și socul rupte și aranjate.
Pentru tine în șoapte dulci - amărui de dragoste.
Inocent otrăvitoare mi-ai dat obrajilor culoare.
În ochii tăi ce smaraldie desfătare
Ce rana arzătoare.
Ruptă meschin din zare.
Cu cerneala pe limbă îți *** spune că te simt acasă, un tricou purtat înseamnă minim două zile de somn nicio zvâcnire falsă.
Mi-e frică să strănut ceața ta afară,
Să rămân fără
Tine în somn,
Limbă și cerneală.
118 · Jun 2022
stranger Jun 2022
for my hips to be soldered through the floor
by agonising tanzanite brilliant bolts.
Therefore this malignant daze may escape this dried out corpse.
This life-withholding, melodramatic remorse...
This whoredom of confusion i contort
back and forth in my throat,i don't remember-how to breathe.
117 · Jul 2018
stranger Jul 2018
Jealousy has sold me cheap,
Tore inside my heart and jeans.              
Sold me to a stranger person
That doesn’t know what caring means.
116 · Nov 2021
stranger Nov 2021
I woke up I thought
I woke up I thought it was summer
The foil veiling my window making me think the sun's brighter.
What a ******!
A few hours later I go downstairs in the kitchen, fooled that to be rid of anxienty all I have to do is work harder.
And I did up until my mother,
Made my shoulders shudder
Only if the silence lasted a little longer.
It didn't so I tell her about a friend that's been way too friendly  and how I have other priorities.
A girl maybe, I told her, now, she's about to ruin it.
She breathes in: so heavy, one hand next to the stove and one by her hip she tells me.
"stop and take a look at yourself"
Talks to me about the risk of showing myself to such a girl,
Asks if I'd want the aftermath on my conscience forever.
"Ignore her" , she whispers, "let's talk about you!"
"You find people you think are interesting,then dissect them to their last molecule, get what you need, then leave them - desolated, confused, searching for anyone to replace you."
She said I damage them so good they'll never not see me in the people they're searching," no-one will ever be you again"
She backtracks-"don't target this girl, you know what you do, don't be selfish and give her hollow promises."
Cruel of me to want to feel something, cruel of me to want to nurture my loveless mind after years of starving.
Not my right she says, to waste people's time, "you're killing".
I'm shaking but I'm loving it she tells me exactly what I've been dreaming!
That I'm a sociopath, the most attractive sin.
She scoffs and says she'll try to be to my understanding, and slips into some analogy
" unlike others nowadays - pretty cover books with nothing inside, you're a hybrid, you're a blank cover-- let others color it, make them think they have a choice and validity before they start reading."
Accaparating, dense, manipulator, heart-eating.
I hope she's proud of me
I hope my paternal lack of empathy is showing
I hope it's obvious that my talents are natural, hereditary
There are very few instances when it's not them I'm blaming.
But I halt to a stop and ponder what is it that I'm craving,
Because whatever it is, I always aquire then never use it.
My mother sings about my graciously selfish bendings.
I thought the impression of the sun glowing in the final moments of November was a sign for better,
A sign that I will no longer
Live in phases, forget myself along the linings, writhe away like warmth amongst the wind.
So many words have been said, I no longer know if it is me that is living.
116 · Jan 2022
stranger Jan 2022
Mercy shouldn't warm me up
The way it does sometimes
The way it disgusts me.
Shredding the skin on the chords unknowingly
To feel something.
Showering these calloused tips hoping,
My touch to be satin, my voice unbreaking
Mercy shouldn't taste so sweet as it's realising its toxin.
Loom over me, tell me I'm suffering, tell me you agree occasionally.
Hollow out my eye sockets burn my gums they're all aching.
The laced up corset of my ribs is breaking.
All these playful discussions feel like my family's selling me, all this misplaced care, this sporadic goodwill.
Maximise my lifespan make sure I don't die until
I fulfill the system of profanity while grinning.
I am produce I am porcelain I am me.
To be sold, to be passed on, inherited.
What a great joke I'm gatekeeping.
115 · Aug 2021
damn the flowers
stranger Aug 2021
I see faces in the tuberoses dying in my vase.
Are they really counting my days?
The faces wince in pain as they watch me every evening.
Tonight the faces contorted, dodging concern and flowing straight into judgement.
They hear the dogs howling and the mosquitos buzzing all trapped in this little silver box by my bed
So they focus on me instead
I know they've  been checking to see if I'm dead.
And every time I breathe again they let their fragrance haunt and mend.
The flowers are dying I tell myself, they have been for days, scent less by now I must imagine things.
My little silver box clings and the wood enclosing my room cracks and all I do is listen
Sirens, screams, rings and all sorts of disturbances.
Why can't I go to sleep and just forget about the tuberoses?
Why do I have to live in the flickers of light and notice their grimaces?
I've had enough tasteless nightmares this dead flora can't stand the comparison.
And yet their image burns and their scent hypnotises,
The door handle turns and what's hollow crystallises
My pride is hurt and the spiders in the house begin to thread.
I must be hallucinating about love again.
they're still here
stranger May 2022
this ****** hair-dye
coating my abdomen and clavicles
mulberry leaking off my
body, so ******.
I feel so regal
I feel lathered in stares,
Here in this corner.
So shamefully shameless.
mulberry escaping my hair strands and flowing down my bellybutton over this mons ***** and down my knees.
bathed in violet dreams.
am i this body or am i just unclean?
114 · Jul 2018
sun’s advice
stranger Jul 2018
The sun’s making space for its own warmth
It’s leading me on a far away path
Even though my way is forth
I go way back into the black
And the sun cramps out of it
Telling me to go on and continue what I started
I told it that I cannot fit
Somewhere I wasn’t invited.
113 · Jan 2022
february, last year
stranger Jan 2022
if I drink enough beer with my dad it'll compensate for all the years he wasn't here,
if I bake enough cakes with my mom i'll forget I'd never forgive her.
Just like if I had 9000$ no-one would ever see my face again.
Fugees echo in my bathroom, they smell of anger when the song ends.
And now I'm brand new.
Water sits on me like a disease,
And now that I shaved I can see how that bike bit me.
The scars on my legs laugh bitterly,
How could I not see?
That I'm the flu within me.
I'm guilty.
For the insomnia, the tears
For the kid in me with no freedom, for the fears.
I've made and broken my own dreams,
Just how things are meant to be.
Timeline healthy.
Life will eat me,
Whole and leave no crumbs.
Wipe the table too, you eat well when you behave well.
And so I'll die at my own hands.
Forgiving yet so ravaged,
Desperate to touch
Some other version of me.
I'll die how I always wanted it to be,
by my own means
wrapped in the smears of superficiality,
I've clung to, solely, to survive being me.
Hollowed out but never empty
The only thing left to caress,
Is the shell I'll become to protect what remains of myself
Salted smile scented happiness.
113 · Apr 2022
sûr mon tête
stranger Apr 2022
I found a way to hold my thumb against my palm so it feels like I'm holding a hand
I read your love letter again exactly one month to the day after you've given it to me,
I'll call it fate.
I told my friend how I wrote about my parents getting my body repatriated-she shuddered but I just blinked.
My mom came with me to watch,
How I gulp down a tequila shot then wash it off with lemon beer-
How I can't take it anymore.
I'm loving this rain, it brands the solitude away from my brain and into my heart, I know I'm meant to be alone.
I'm loving this tightness in my chest, this willow gilded pain I'm glinting
Taking my clothes off so that I'm touching all that could be me, so I'm dreaming it's yours.
stranger Aug 2021
I miss the Istanbul mists
And Bucharests's dissapointments
I watch the street's misfits,
And measure their arrogances.
****, I'm salivating...
For these sporadic romances.
You see it's raining now and I don't expect abeyances.
Wish the rain would sing me back into sleeping.
Greecian exhalation
And American expectation
I'm living in a fragment.
Illegal teleportation
My withdrawals have become desperation,
No more time to lament.
The scent of international alienation
It aches and it digs
The immortal veneration
Of all these useless schemes.
I exert into mindless illusions
And pray to yield its fruits
But these are altiloquent pretentions
And real life seems so crude.
I become cosmical equation
A simple empyrean constellation
And continue breathing solely in my imagination.
i crave pasta
112 · Jan 2023
i wish i knew
stranger Jan 2023
you want me to be yours
i want to be my own
So i sit and watch you breathe.
somebody to kiss
somebody to lay next to
you don't want to hate me,
no-one does, what is this ?
i'll leave and go home,
i can't be on my own cuz guilt eats and it gulps and I'll weep in the new house i never knew i had
my life in guilt, my life in culpability, in swallowing dry, in choking over Tuesday so Wednesday morning I'm glimmering.
It can't be all bad,  good has to come- she said life is proportionate
where am i then?
i plead to you in the sheets ruffled and i bent and shaking, i beg you to understand im undeserving you sigh
You've heard this many many times, you're tired and I see you arriving exactly where i was afraid to see you
"please just be my friend and don't resent me" and "forgive me" 19 and apologising for living.
110 · Oct 2021
brain tumor what a savarin
stranger Oct 2021
There's this ache in my head
Comes around every night
As if time is infiltrating
And I'm left to wonder if I'm dead.
This pain is so cancerous
Like a gangrene it spreads.
It's cylindrical like a syringe it digs in and releases,
Toxin or cure who's really checking?
All I know is that I'm aching.
Every night this earthquake like sliver
Cracks my skull open and slithers
As if it's made of hell and eats thoughts.
Maybe this pain is my comfort,
My last coping mechanism I knew it would hurt.
Bitter,I'm so bitter,
Enthralled by various sounds and punctuation.
This catharsis must be my killer.
This envy my executioner.
This time it will be proper.
Death unpaused by distractions.
**** me faster
108 · Sep 2021
23:28 it was so worth it
stranger Sep 2021
At 23:28
Is the last bus running
I feel the cold around me,
But Ive no time to hate.
The weather is splendid,
The streets flooded,
The bass booming,
The rain pouring,
I'm dumbfounded.
Why did I leave the concert so early?
I'm paranoid, I'm going.
Taking the bus hoping it'll take me home
And if it doesn't I'll walk I've no shame of my own.
I did walk at the end anyway,
Ankle deep in water while others were hiding
I'd call myself stupid if it wasn't so extraordinary,
Drenched to the bone, the rain so hereditary.
I was singing along then I was running.
Home if I find it, alone while the wind is blowing.
It was the prime act and for the first time I wasn't playing,
The antagonist,
The villain,
The hated,
The worst,
The ghost.
I was simply alive.
The water in my hair,
The razor sharp wind on my cold skin,
My ciggaretes destroyed and drowning in my pocket.
There was nothing that could stop me,
From finally living.
stranger Sep 2021
Sometimes I dream of being a kid
Sometimes I dream of never waking up
Sometimes I dream of being free.
Sometimes I forget what life is about.
Sometimes I dream the 8 pills multiplied by 14 and that I died in the corner of the scene.
Sometimes I dream of never giving up the 10 floor I was planning on jumping.
Sometimes I dream of taking the poison I had been hiding.
I used to mark all my birthdays and count them all as funerals.
And I'd take pleasure or pain then clean up the deed.
That's a good girls memorial.
At 13 I thought I was projecting
Just a product of society, I'm copying what I'm given.
I thought it was boisterous and fraudulent  to be suicidal.
So I became less pretentious.
Waited for mother nature.
A crosswalk, a powerful storm, a sickness
Glimmering on my birthday candles.
I've been better,
Older and meticulous I take to anger to get me off.
Moving from place to place, trading ciggaretes to be unconscious.
I polarize memories, scared they'll leave me if I'm not cautious.
Gatekeep happiness, the child and its loss.
My daddy still a distant obsession, now closer than ever:
Kid me saw him as a god, now I wonder if he's ever been human.
My mommy still the embodiment of warning, I used to think I'd see her cured of her epiphanies.
She's here but she'll never understand.
Every morning colder I'm clinging to what I never had
Hair's been black, blue, green, purple, pink until it wasn't,
Scaring trespassers with my fingers on the book subtitle
"legal ramification of a psychopath who's suicidal"
I've been 3 then 7 then every other number every year,
I refuse to get older the same way I refused to stay little.
Being really has been rough,
I guess I'll have to grow up.
But sometimes I dream of all my years going my way.
Sometimes I feel stuck in and out of my own brain.
Sometimes I want to erase my scars to make room for more.
Spectaculos speculations of a nail arching out of the floor.
I'm better even when I'm not.
Kid me would want to die the moment something irritating happened , present me would wait a second.
Not for me now but for me in the future,
Who could be smiling at me and remember,
That it was worse once maybe it won't stay so forever
stranger Feb 2019
Do know
That when I put that ciggarete on my soft lips
I've given up
To the world's blunts and hits
I've changed my motto to **** everything.
Do know that when I inhale the devil's fragrance
I'd probably be madly in love with him
Like I've always been.
Bathing in the world of what they call sin
I'm loving it.
But yes
Do know that when that ciggarete is smoked
I've probably put down all my rules and walls
Probably decided that life wouldn't end if I try its finest poisons.
Sweet sweet love
stranger Oct 2021
My swollen lip
I bit it when I was freezing.
That one rib throbbing from underneath me
Yours are moving graciously,
Creasing the skin between the bowed up package of 24-
Ribs wrapped in my clothes since it was hot enough to make summer in my room in this almost November.
I sigh.
Naturally we talk about whatever you'd like to hear from me.
Nothing too personal of course but I'm listening.
*** and boys and *** and boys and the ****** of falling in love with feminine energy.
So innocent is the love of woman I bet we're synching.
I stare at your nose as I blabber about a rethorical woman I'd be afraid to eat out in case I won't satisfy her.
You gleam in confidence discoursing me about it.
The words of woman, the touch of enchantress.
I give up on continuing, ending in something about my self hatred instead of *****.
The earth tremors know I ache to be loved and to love it.
I told you too.
It isn't me, but anonimity that's keeping me so neutral but frantically ******.
"you're so interesting..."
Thanks let's talk about clitoral ******* and prostate training, while I cry about not intending.
While I long to be dreamed about and lusted over.
While I remain bold in my silence.
What a skill to be given.
I bit my lip when it was freezing,
At the thought of ******* some sense into me.
105 · Oct 2018
____/neon lights\____
stranger Oct 2018
Neón lines on broken machinery
Warm showers and cold lingerie.
Neon lights repel and embrace me
Warm showers are just bath wannabes
Skyscrapers at night
Irking the moon
No humans in sight
The surface is cool.
Neon lights can't warm it up
They're just pretty to look at.
But I swallow them up slowly so maybe
I'll be considered holy.
And I enter my warm shower, only warm place I have left.
I let it combine the neon lights with the water.
So I can die slowly in the fluid neon and rest.
Get it? It's like throwing the toaster in the bath:)
stranger Sep 2021
I should move to a brand new city
And teach myself how to die.
Just like Mistki sang
I'm here again.
I've been so many people in so many places I'm tired to ressurect.
The motion and the stumbles
Have gotten me tired.
And now I sit in bed or in the backyard.
Listening to my head or my mom mar.
Me, no-one else.
Telling me how she'll let me know what you can sense,
From your first sniff.
A toothpick and a q-tip and she burns it.
Brings it close to my nostril and tells me to snort it.
And oh is it hurting.
My ear my brain my sinuses begging.
She says ******* is 5 times the feeling
And Im so concerned, I only half confessed to **** why is she showing this to me?
Ah it's another trap I see.
I ask where did she get it?
How would you know mommy?
Have you done it?
Tell me I'll keep it a secret I promise.
I've had friends die from it.
Oh it's that type of trap, it was anticipative.
Another warning turned life story
Another life story incomplete because I'm not deserving.
Another life another city.
She does it to me, and I become it.
This poem was supposed to be about dissapearing not my lineage.
Now it's both.
A declaration that I won't continue it.
I promise.
103 · Jul 2018
stranger Jul 2018
I want to get lost in the deep seas
Feel my heartbeat race with the waves
I want to lay somewhere no one sees
And wait for the next moon faze
All this because I found most peace in the water
Pieces of my soul belong in all those sunken sea shells
In there I could see everything better
I can feel happiness inhabit all my cells.
Do I ever want to escape this peaceful dream?
102 · Nov 2021
dull english classes
stranger Nov 2021
to draw blood
let me sing
hollow words
of a
hollow body

to reek of havoc
and stain with chaos
I wish your hands
-liquid silver,
would melt and
burn off
my nerves
as you
caress my head

all in the flutter
of a moth's wings.
picture me
through your touch
musing & murmuring

fragile mind
restless time
oh to be held
stranger Jul 2018
Bobby pins and curls
All the dances and twirls
Lie to me would you blinding light?
Lie to me so maybe I can forget it all tonight
But I didn’t deserve that luxury yet did I?
I tried to make myself pretty for you
But I wasn’t enough for your picky eye
So you turned my radiant pink heart blue.
102 · Jul 2018
stranger Jul 2018
Call me we both are just as lonely
Call me I miss the happy me
Call me I am over your drunken laughter
Call me right before your enlightened disaster.
Call me, you forsaken sin
Call me when ice lives inside my skin
Call me when you feel lonely within
Call me when you know what I worth and mean.
Call ME....
stranger Oct 2021
Break jaws, shatter bones
To live through anger and adrenaline
Maybe that's what's meant for me
What's your love got to do with me?
I'm cold and inadequately heartbroken
All you give me is least they're free.
Ears booming, did you touch me or am I mistaken?
An unwanted kiss would fuel the minimum
For me to live.
But you don't and you wouldn't.
When is it my turn?
To feel the profound and the earthquaking?
To not rely on anger to fill me.
I could cry on this bus
Could cry on the way home
I could cry but why would I
Ever feel anything.
This uneventful life they all call a movie
Is it so cinematic or have I been lying?
The anger learnt to speak for me.
To take to pride when shame is overthrown
To dream of genocide when life is aglow.
I have been hurtful lately
Raking up my dads brain about how he left me
Catching my mom unaware and sneaking in a memory.
I've been told my anger is holier than my guilt,
So shall it be.
I will burn the me that's been appearing.
I will **** her in cold blood and paste her tongue on the ceiling.
Boil her eyes and leave them dangling
Punish her for staring, punish her for living.
101 · Jul 2018
too social to be anxious
stranger Jul 2018
It's getting harder to say sorry
Sometimes I ain't even brave enough usually all the feeling i carry
Bring my confidence deep in this rust.
Sometimes my ego just turns into dust.
It's getting harder to say thank you
Because I don't know how to
I don't know who to say it to
Gratefulness escapes my mind i can't really express it
And because everyone thinks I am ungrateful it all goes to ****.
It's getting  harder to say hello
Or maybe the continuation's harder
People have transformed so
That I can't talk to them unless I stop dreaming about a forever.
And now since my heart's been infused with blue
It has been the hardest to say I love you.
I don't usually deal with anxiety but here is what happens when I try to calm down after getting super anxious
100 · Jan 2022
effervescent like the sky
stranger Jan 2022
Six months at best
I counted them myself
Nothing that this doe gaze can manufacture
Nothing this sunlit glaze can save
6 months to indent...
into some love before it gets taken away
Spring in ******* January;
Flutter my lashes see what you can do for me.
These honeypot eyes can't soften my demise
when you're gone.
I don't want to leave you roaming
in a song.
I know my eyes will be the ones to take me away,
when I'm alone.
To confine me, solitaire,to ensure you're not there
Fragranced lullaby that puts me to is that another place will build another me so I can understand how to love and how to breathe.
House is playing games on me,
Pipes keep on popping, blood won't flow coherently.
I think life might be cheating on me.
stranger Jul 2018
I need to find better names for better thoughts
But I guess I am still lost
I have too much to say and too little to speak
Is there a cave I can hide in? I forgot how to breathe
I have the voice I sing my heart away with
But no one would listen or care the smallest bit
I have the hands that can draw good enough
But it’s never well for me, I tare the papers away crying in disgust
Fill me up would you
I need that extra spice that was taken away when I was about 2
I need love or something similar to it.
I’Ll take any’s just like pain
I am already addicted to it.
100 · Aug 2019
[{i ain't got much to do}]
stranger Aug 2019
Cold walls.
I don't have much to do.
Just keeping my teeth clean and the sky blue.
I should give up on these calls.
Stay in the words leave the music.
Too much aspiration for someone who's fading.
Just keep on hoping.
Going head first won't ever hurt my physique.
But it'd scar my breathing.
Escalating and dropping.
Colliding into the form of my eyelashes falling.
But i ain't got much to do.
Just keep on looking pretty and never stop defying.
After all defiance makes them all feel guilty.
Ain't it?
Look at the crumbs of the older generation leaving behind suicide notes and hair fallen in the drain painting the baths green.
I ain't got much to do but live with the curious ideas and hopes that'd I'd see people again... Useless.
Just like me... The embodiment of summer rain. Nourishing for its moments of life but draining and drying the land once the sun's back up.
Summer rain.
I ain't got much to do really.
Just follow the course with no objections or passion.
Staticly making my way through life.
I'm too young to be thinking these things.
I should be there expressing what I fight for and laughing in the crowds.
I'm too young to be this.
I've given myself more years than I should've.
But I ain't got much to do left.
Just keeping myself alive.
4 days left
99 · Jan 2022
dinner table
stranger Jan 2022
the stories of how we fell in love
the countless trains, the willful strangers and their cars
the made-up midnight meals,
the need to escape, to lie to parents, to discard patience
it is indeed a story to make me fuller,
some filler in place for the food I haven't eaten in years.
how is it that it's always the disrupted marriages that have the greatest adventures?
"we were kids in love, no money, never dreaming of fortunes"
young forever in all the terminals
99 · Jul 2018
stranger Jul 2018
I think I'm out of words
I think my art became dull
I feel like the two swords
Just gave up fighting for the crown.
Is it that there's nothing to write about?
Or just plain boredom?
If I'll have to count
I think it's a week until I stop forever.
What will I do without writing my heart out everywhere?
I won't care, I wouldn't bare
Without the only thing keeping me alive I could collapse anywhere.
Picking me up would be too much of a weight
And I had enough  people giving up themselves for my sake.
I'll wait...And wait
Maybe I could pick up myself one day
stranger Mar 2022
What am I to do with the peonies that've sprung,
In my lung,
Since you last kissed me?
My veins thawed from spring and your touch I'm becoming-
The lovers card flipped along with the fool debating beginnings.
stranger Sep 2021
Metal teeth
Silence must be so unbothersome to some
Metal teeth clank in their mouths, they laugh and I yawn,
This is just another excuse of life
A little pretentious opportunistic hiccup.
I'm a little under 18 but still better than any wife.
Here, scared I'll get touched so I'll hide behind my dad
Who doesn't notice the place where he's crammed
His trophy daughter and the lifes of too many unfulfilled *****.
5 hours later we're heading home together and I can't stand the voicings of politics over Jeff Buckley.
I know my dad must feel guilty, at least momentarily.
I'd stare at him from my position of the unlikely dame, the stubborn damsel
Tell him through glares that I will stumble into my sneakers and leave unbothered like the silence.
I'm presented and admired or hated while I should be out there living my life out of coherence.
Instead of listening to my own words twisted out of context I should've been on the sidewalk clinking  powdered xanax in a jar with no consciousness.
I'd say it's cruel if I wasn't so used to it.
I'd cause a scene if I wasn't scared of being charged criminally.
I'd stop smiling and pretending but that's all I've got in me.
It's alright now, I'm taking my revenge, voices screaming in the car the world must know I'm angry
Though a pity, oh too pretty too be crying.
I've been submerged so long ago the past years have just been a permanent crave for drowning.
97 · May 2020
stranger May 2020
I wanna live my young years
Screaming at people across the terminals,
Waking up in train stations
Loving to live among others.
I wanna live in the romanticism of the teenage years.
I wanna get wasted with strangers
And sing on the boulevards.
What the **** kind of good girl am I?
What the **** kind of intimidating hypocrite am I?
What the ****?
Time is passing by me while I watch it from my top bunk
From my bathtub
From my phone camera.
Only if I could say I ate my years like the other kids,
"I smoked my years away" or "drugs ate at my sanity"
It's just the glamour veil.
I watched my years
I didn't eat or smoke them.
I stood by and watched them fly and now I feel old.
and now i feel old
stranger Aug 2019
2 days
In 2 days I've learnt to hold my nostrils closed not to cry and to spray the house with floral mist.
Nothing else.
I feel it in my bones I don't belong here.
Amongst the people that speak my own language.
They speak such dirt, in a way that angers me.
Makes me want to sell my language at an auction.
My mom told she'll never let me walk the streets of my city alone.
That this ain't no place for me but she still brought me here telling me that there's no place I wouldn't blossom.
It's been two days and I'm already withering.
Waiting for the hot water that's never coming to fill up my bath I'm daydreaming about never being born here.
I'm afraid of speaking in public so I use any other language, making others speak for me, forcing my sister to not blow a word in the language she grew up with.
She doesn't understand and I'm sorry for making her to such thing.
She doesn't realise her sister's a coward who's afraid of her own words.
And mama.
Her accent always gives it away so I hide.
Rotting in between the boxes in my room and whisper strumming my guitar hoping it'll put me to sleep.
This is no home.
No place for me.
But I've learnt to hold my nose and to not cry.
I am no such killjoy to cry at the hope of others.
Such blind hope though, I'd say.
Switching from:
"we'll never have money again"
"you shouldn't be so cynical about coming back"
It's something I don't understand.
I'm so afraid ill lose this language.
That I frantically write and speak just to ensure myself I'm not losing my mind.
I can't find the right words and I can't seem to be able to speak properly.
I still seem to force a laugh or too ironically I feel like I programed myself to do such a thing.
Calling and talking to people far away but close to my heart just to make them laugh, telling them I'm in pain but laughing right after like it's just a split second of regret that'll go away.
I've gone back to lying.
I've never stopped lying.
**** me.
Stealing signs off the street and acting like a stranger.
That name was always meant for me.
A stranger to the world,
My family
My friends.
A stranger to myself.
The first poem I wrote after I moved back
97 · Jul 2018
i, the petting child
stranger Jul 2018
It's silent
Cold even though it's summer
It seems forbidden
To be any happier.
The tense atmosphere
The erased and redrawn smile on your  face hurts
Though I did not erase nor drew it
I have no idea where else I could lurk
No idea of what I can eat.
I feel so alone yet protected
It'a shame what I became
Myself, the protection of the family's soul
Myself, the destruction  of it all.
I, the petting child
I, the pathological liar.
I am alone, yet I want to be lonelier
I am sickened, yet I was never better.
stranger Jan 2022
Make sure the doors are open!
So I can stumble in and out with no problem
So you can hear the trample and the bust
Of the bathroom floors as I spill my guts
To love and to decay,
Too pretty to abandon what a frivolous display.
Somehow I know what will make me ache even in the smallest of doses.
My body hates me but my mind hypnotises,
The 7 seconds of drunkeness spilled in euphoric dancing I will pay forever
A 3 day lasting hangover for a fever.
For a few moments when all I feel is beautiful.
Worth the world ringing in my ears, the shame rumbling in my stomach, the haze of it all.
I now no longer feel you, just the world breaking underneath me
For Nina's Baltimore to play and my chest to burn I'm free.
This pain must be reality.
Bent over I'm walking so much farther than I expected,
So fragile, so puny, so ashamed in this shamelessness.
May the day rule and the night linger less,
My mistakes ready to undress for some peace,
Of mind because body will be restless.
Where have you gotten yourself this time spider lilly,
This pit of petals none of them perfuming,
Your dying breath this lifeless body.
Know that you will be the one dying.
95 · Dec 2021
drunken kiss
stranger Dec 2021
promised I'll get drunk
settled for getting distracted.
sunk down the floor,wanted the alcohol minus the vomiting.
but eyes shine around me so I become less
vigilant...more  human...
a cure for broken shoulders.
your mouth smells like home I'm feeling better.
bickering in and out of the odour of cracked mandarin peels and ***** shots poured in drunken fever.
impersonate each other see who ***** up better,
put a *** out for the table
hide it from the lover.
just some hiccups to get over.
go outside-skin bare
check the pebbled floor make sure you don't trip and bury yourself there,
gotta flip the pack, take out the vanilla cigarrete,
one for you, then for me.
you'll finish in one minute, I'll finish in thirty...
seconds-until I melt on this chair cuz I remembered I was left alone on my birthday and there was no pack of 'friends' to throw me in the air.
so sudden though I'm sure it'll evaporate.
open the fridge, grab a cube of ice, smash it with my molars hoping it'll get me back to:
dancing minimally and laughing more then I should be,
indulging in things I otherwise,wouldn't be doing ,
letting the me from tommorow handle present me fooling.
eyes have been wider now they simmer at the surface only for your hand to rest on my leg,
like a dog,
like a frozen sociopath.
laugh again, crack a joke for the years I won't get back.
I touch,reveriee,then hollow out
so many thoughts I'm fighting the urge to lack sense and halt myself,into some other place.
hell perhaps,bed most certainly.
fun doesn't last much when lonely but it lasted enough for me.
I loved it.
I'll go to sleep.
whiskey antiseptic I'm coating my teeth with anything but it,wishing it would take me to the morning
I wish it lasted a little more
just a little
95 · May 2020
i can be you
stranger May 2020
I search for wisdom in others
So I can relax
Lay back and not do anything.
I don't need to be wise
My skepticism wouldn't have to tire me.
It's so easy to lean on someone
Be it their body or mind
Their actions or opinions
It's way more comfortable.
Because forming a singular personal identity
Is seemingly impossible.
What is me?
What sets me apart from my ego, whatever I project outwards to the people?
So why be me when there's someone else I can form onto.
Parasitical existence by all means inclusive,
Online, offline, flatline.
I can be you when I can't be me.
I can be you when I am tired
I can be you when I'm lying
I can be you when I don't like me.
Because my persona is picture perfect I can exude my flaws onto someone and my aspirations on someone else.
So I end up being a split formation of self.
The 27th part of me you can find on said website.
Cuz the media is eating me out while my family watches.
What are my ******* core values.
How can I be me when I don't know how I'm living?
So I form me into something else,
Permanency hurts so I morph.
94 · Aug 2020
how may i choose peace?
stranger Aug 2020
The train
****** to wait for me as i count my steps
Going away
And returning
It always passes
Waiting for me to suddenly be stuck to the railroad
Waiting for me to never hear it
I think the train follows me but that's foolish
So i stay cradled in my words, veiled by the moon and my alternating fictitious emotions,
Wanting to be young forever
For being stuck in this timeline just makes everything beautiful.
My ****** youth makes bliss out of misery and condemns my joy for it to be kept for moments like these,
Retrospective of my self, time and the right way to be,
Startled by my conflicting sentiments,
Young anger of the frustrated, power hungry and discontent,
But grateful, for what I've lived and seen.
This is no note or ode to death,
Just a gentle message that i am well
And that I've been and felt plenty
So if thy mark of the end would think I'm ready,
I wouldn't cry, I wouldn't beg to stay in the remnants of me.
But if there's more to breathe than what I've had then, I'll inhale happily.
For the train to or not to hit me,
I'll have to keep waiting,
I promise i am not glamorizing, pain or anger or even lucidity
I am simply accepting comfort, commodity, a vile of short bliss before morning comes in emptyly.
I won't plaster this on the eyes of people to see but rather keep it, treasured antique of my immobility while I for once enjoy living, morbidly, but truly.
The train will get me
stranger Jul 2021
i want our love to  sizzle on our skin in the sunlight
and glisten in the moonlight
i want your love to clutter my heart
i want to stumble on all the words you've whispered in your sleep
i want your love to hide in snippets of paragraphs you've read to me
i want your love to hurt and soothe
i want our love to wax and wane like the moon
i want our love to be disgusting,
in such a way that nothing will ever bother us.
i want your love to ***** my brain
taint it in such a way, i'll never want to know life like before again
i want your  love to stain
to mess up my yellow blouses and dresses
i want our love to be holy
pure and untouchable,
i want our love to be time-consuming fatal
i want my love to taste like the sky
so yours can be the ocean
and we can melt together.
i want to find your love in all the places that were once hollow
i want our love to be immortal,
like the words I've been writing
to return to them and reminisce how humanly enamored we can be.
i want our love to stay,
hidden in my heart and conscience
forever engraved away from the world's hopes and wickedness.
i have been dreaming; worse and better, loud and silenced ,you and me aphrodite
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