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Maybe I'm the person who backs away from compliments
Who sits on the sideline to watch the nights events
The one who doesn't like the spotlight on her
Who has a feeling she's got the answer but isn't sure..

Maybe I'm the person who sits on her hands in class
You know, that person who always avoids the mass
The one who doesn't do well with the crowded halls
Who always looks away from the teacher when she calls

Maybe I'm the person who hides behind book covers
Because the books tell of dragons, fairies and lovers
Worlds where she's the princess, soon to be queen
Or a kickass ninja fighting robot machine

Maybe my imagination takes me to far away places
Maybe I imagine the friendliest faces
Maybe that's because no one in reality was friendly
Maybe you should look at me and see me differently.

- E.A.F
To the people who are misunderstood ♡
The last time I saw him, he said,

"Some people just feel things more deeply than others. This can be both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes you can feel the warmth of the sun, while other times you just feel the sting of the burn."

Two days later, he was gone.
02/07/68 - 12/30/09 RIP Big Brother

this year,
as the year, that
I'll begin-again, by
  joyfully celebrating both 
Thanksgiving and Christmas
like a
Growing up is greatly over rated.
Her voice is strained.
Her skin is fair.
Her ******* lay on the countertop.
I **** her until my thoughts stop.

She rejects the notion of love for all,
as she leans against my kitchen wall,
with a cigarette and an unbuttoned blouse-
she wants to be homeless in my house.

She keeps me in her necklace's locket,
and I keep her in the wallet in my pocket.
Her toes kiss the linoleum,
she walks like she's made of helium.

She mumbles that I taste like mint chocolate chip,
as she rubs against my hip.
Her breath smells like Malboro Lights,
and I hope she decides to stay the night.

Milky Ways and Vanilla Cakes,
she likes the way my body shakes,
as we lay and eat our troubles away.
Hurried words slow the day.

She asks me about my stretch marks and scars,
and if I've ever been hit by a car.
And I say no, but I've been hit by love before,
and it feels like getting your hand caught in a door.

Hurried smiles and bathroom stalls,
she likes the way my family never calls.
The words escape between her plump lips,
as my hand travels between her hips.

We move until we forget
that the world is moving faster.
Here I am and there you are,
And a counter between us.
Standing across it,
You ask me,
"What can I get you, Sir?"
And I tell you,
"A Caramel Latte."
But deep in the depths of my heart,
I wish I could say,
'All I ask for is your heart!'

I look at your Raven eyes!
The way they flicker
When you try to spell my name on the cup.
Shiny like a star, that a sailor follows
In a dark night,
They brighten my thoughts.

It read,
The tag on your breast.
So beautiful your name is,
But far beautiful you are!
Envied by a thousand blood roses
In the fields of elves.

Now I think to myself,
'How stupid I am,
to lose my heart over you?'

So beautiful you are,
That a million warriors
Would lay down their lives,
just to get a glance.
And The gods would create thunder when you weep,
And storm the galaxies when you're angry!

I savor the Coffee,
Knowing that it is made by your dusk hands.
They have now scribbled your name,
Like a tattoo,
on the pink walls of my heart,
they shall stay there till the end of time.

Now that I leave,
I feel bleak, and blue, and grey.
and happy!
Knowing that I will see you again,
Perhaps tomorrow,
or day after.

And perhaps someday,
You shall wear me the ring of love
With the same glow in your soul,
And the same scent on your skin
You shall let my lips meet yours.
This is my first post, so be easy on me.
Suggestions are welcome.
I hope you guys like it. :)
 Nov 2014 Oxygen Bandit
This isn't my real name
This isn't my real home town
This isn't my real biography

These are my real words
These are my real thoughts
These are my beliefs

You don't need my name to know me
You don't need my place of birth
You don't need my biography

I can remain anonymous
and you can still know who I am.
 Nov 2014 Oxygen Bandit
The same alternative track plays on loop
I haven't gotten that sick of it yet

You got sick of me
and here I am still stumbling across songs
looking for some sort of answer to why you left

I keep getting stuck on the same one
oddly enough it paints a picture of
or what used to be us
and then suddenly disappeared.

I am broken
like a scratched record.
I hurt and I stutter and skip and I have no idea where I am or where you went to.

But now you're gone
your soundtrack still lingers.

— The End —