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 Oct 2017 sadgirl
 Oct 2017 sadgirl
Eve has hands like a wrecked garden: dirt caked under her fingernails, wild and vicious and thorn-covered; wild and sunstruck and crawling. She presses her palms into the grass underneath the orchards and prays a blasphemy.

This is how it goes: there is always a boy, or maybe a snake. There is a time before, with the darkness so whole and absolute it chokes, and there is a time after, with burning light and shame so heavy it puts you on your knees.
This is how it goes: your summerborn cheeks flushed but your eyes cold and barren and wintered.
This is how it goes: you are made from bones that never settled into the earth.

The apples hanging from the trees have gone nearly overripe and heavy, bending from the boughs and flushed red.
Eve has a mouth sticky-sweet and soft, a body like a rosebush in bloom.
Eve has a bird's nest of hair that calls home only vultures.
This is how it goes: there is always a hunger for more.

Eve presses her palms against the planes of her stomach, against the soft curves the moon has smoothed onto her.
Eve presses her palms into the grass and howls: *"I will not bear you fruit."
me??? write a thinly veiled allegory with religious themes?? never.
 Oct 2017 sadgirl
xaiv vos
 Oct 2017 sadgirl
xaiv vos
you wear your father’s guilt
and your mother’s golden cross

searching for a savior in every psychedelic trance
chasing spirits in cheap liquor
just to bottle up your own

you wear your mother’s tears
and your father’s favorite watch

and only remind yourself of the time
when you felt like you’ve had enough
and crash at any house that welcomes you

you have your father’s voice
and your mother’s blue eyes

of deep depression
and rippling madness
observant of every detail

you have your mother’s heart
and your father’s lack-there-of

passionate for all the wrong reasons
driven to tear down everyone around
just to distract from your own destruction
 Oct 2017 sadgirl
Drew Vincent
he didn't hear me begging him to stop.
me too- he didn't feel me push him away.
me too- his words stung with guilt,
me too- he made me think everything was my fault.
me too- he choked me as I dug my nails in his skin,
me too- he didn't stop,
me too- he choked me until I passed out.
me too- he manipulated me into saying yes.
me too- he forced me to say yes for his own reasons,
me too- he didn't want to hear no
me too- he didn't want another girl to tell him no.
me too- he always told me I wasn't good enough.
me too- he would tell me all the things wrong with my body,
me too- he thought I would want to try harder to be better.
me too- he expected telling me I had "DSL" was romantic.
me too- he thought touching me without consent was ok.
me too- he thought he could get away with ****,
me too- he thought correctly.
me too-
he believes he has done nothing wrong.
Don't let him get away with ****, ****** assault, ****** harassment. It is not okay in any sense. Don't make the same mistakes I have. Say something before it eats you alive.
 Oct 2017 sadgirl
chasing rain
i stare at the mirror
and there is
no reflection.

instead i see
            (every horrible memory)
flashes of crimson
waves of salty streams
piercing sounds

i see a whimper
a sob
blood dripping
tears falling

and i realize
it is my reflection.
—i can't stand to look at myself
 Oct 2017 sadgirl
Hello dear child
Are you new in this world?
Don't be scared
I'm glad you joined
So I can toy with your mind
And mess up your world

To the left you'll find the history
Of bombs, suicides and death
In the attacks with the word terror
Look there and you'll see why
You'll be shocked by the flames
The tears, the pain and the loss
You'll be crying and wondering
Why does this happen?

To the right you'll find the starving
The sick, the homeless, the dead
The sick and elderly, the ill
The ones who are mentally scarred
They keep crying out for help
They keep asking for money
And begging for food and drink
I would be kind and give them
A little money and a bite to eat

Have you heard of the rich?
Boy you’ll be surprised
They are government
Gentlemen, ladies, leaders
War starters, war lovers,
Positions and debaters
Some are greedy, some are wise
But which will you be?

Speaking of which, who are you?
A fighter? An artist? A poet?
A dancer? An acrobat? A dreamer?
A song writer? A reader? A writer?
Who are you?
In this world of black and white
And a slight hint of grey
That’s for me to know
And for you to find out
Inspired after responding to a comment on my latest poem.
I don't know why but I'm laughing at it wondering what I was thinking
You know who you are
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