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avery Oct 2016
i found myself
trying to push past
my own expectations
not knowing that
they affected me
more than i
could ever imagine
avery Oct 2016

If for whatever reason it is not evident from the poem, I firmly believe and stand for the Black Lives Matter Movement.
avery Oct 2016
I've never felt as young
as I do in this very moment
Dancing through the seconds
that strike, one after the other

Throw my hands high
Because my heart is soaring
Reaching for the sky
The sun is so bright!
It blinds my eyes

But its gonna be alright
The pain turns to peace
I turn to stone turn to dust
turn to earth and turn back again.
Wrote this while thinking about the happiness we can get from the smallest things, such as dancing when you're too tired to give up.
avery Oct 2016
only in death do you see
the impact you had on
many different lives

so I implore you
stay a little longer
take another step
become a little stronger
take another breath
don't give up yet
it's gonna be ok

it's gonna be ok.
avery Oct 2016
I don't wear clothes
I wear things
Strewn across my body
A symbol of the things I love
and the things I hate
Stretching and morphing into
something I'm not and everything that I am

When I'm tired and exhausted
I look in the mirror
Then look away
The truth is hard to see
Even as I blink
it doesn't erase from my memory

I walk alone
Walk until my feet give out
Or until I give in
I was never that strong
Or willing to never give up

When I was scattered in my youth
I thought of myself as a mighty Aztec warrior
Invincible and filled with power
But now that I'm older I realize that
Our eyes don't let us see the world for what it is

A cold, desolate place to be
Filled with seven billion humans
Just biding our time

tick ---
--- tock
tick ---
--- tock

Until our death
Just stream of consciousness writing from when I was having a bit of an existential crisis but writing this made everything feel okay, even if just for a little while.
avery Oct 2016
i'm so bad at falling asleep

love isn't a destiny, it's a disease
festering deep inside of me
manifesting in every part of everything
taking over the blood of my weak being

love isn't the beauty of a stolen lover's kiss
it's the reconciling of the moments eternally gone amiss
stuck in the the past life, true lover's heartbroken kiss
what did i do to deserve this?
Hey-o. I came up with this when I thought of the line "love isn't a destiny, it's a disease // festering deep inside of me" and then the rest just to me after that. I like to focus on the way words go together, and how they flow together. I hope that makes sense.
avery Sep 2016
i wanted to think that life would be perfect
the farther i drifted away
but the moon always rises at sunset
and i could never get away

as long as the stars are out
reminding me of the days
i'll never be able to run
or take away the pain

i've always seen the clearest
when i'm lost in my dreams
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