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 Nov 2020 Shofi Ahmed
It was an idle evening
And I was sitting in the lap of Past
Resting my head on her chest
As she slightly moved her hands through my hair.

I told her about....when I painted
With colours and brushes....a colourful world of mine
When canvas and sheets were drenched with bright colours
Bright colours like red, yellow, green, orange and so on.

But now...I can't even recognize them
They are lost in some dusty drawers
Somewhere I can't even remember
Now I live in a world of black and white
White pages drenched with black ink...

Did I lose my bright colours?
Or am I just homing in this black and white world of mine?
From canvas to white pages....from paint brushes to black pens
There was a time when I used to draw and paint all day...but now I just write...I have completley forgotten how to use these brushes and paints...It's just I miss that time. Now it's just me and Poetry♥
 Nov 2020 Shofi Ahmed
being beautiful
in sight of my creator
is more fulfilling
than being beautiful
in the eyes of its creation
today was my very first day wearing the hijab and i absolutely loved it
I look at myself everyday
in the mirror and then realize
I've been given the most beautiful gift
I could ever ask for - my existence;
my chance of life;
my chance of love.
Never feels reluctant
To capture precious moments
That can be memories in future
That nurtures everyday
That created in many ways
That bloom in every soul
With a perfect click
At a perfect moment
With a definite angle
Making an infinite spirit
In every mind
With sense of vibes
Showered from blessed rain
To a rainbow in every heart.
Capture every moment and keep it safe for memories
No... I am possible
If I am possible
You are also possible
If you are possible
We are also possible
If we all are possible
Nothing is impossible
Isn’t that makes the sense of possibilities in such a way
That makes your path a brighter ray
That keeps to increase its shine day by day
That no one can ever make a hurdle to your victorious way
And that glorified beam of possibilities will rely whatever the situations may
Possibility in impossibility itself defines its possibility
 Oct 2020 Shofi Ahmed
I want to be there...

When the sun would shine
upon the ready sand -
and presents us gold.

When it spears
into the excitable ripples
of the water -
and gives us emeralds.

When it caresses
sun-hungry skins -
and gives them back
their lives.

I miss the beach.
Is there any remedy for sadness
Or do you have any medicine For my tender heart
With all my flowing emotions
Can I ever get the grip
Will all my tears find their worth
Can't this world provide me a  home
Or  atleast a sense of belonging ,
That I'm longing for
Will I ever get to taste the flavour of comfort
I know i have way too many things to think about
But in the end it's just me and my everlasting pain
No way to end
A never ending thought process ❤️
I love the way,
stars look at me
decoding the secrets you have
been holding.

Oh, love,
you are no more than
Moon to me,
a moon in the morning
making me feel worthy.

keep your secrets,
after all,
I have your heart,
and isn't a struggle to
decode your eyes and
To someone with love.
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