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I don't feel hindrance anymore,
I'm tended by the void sky.

I don't feel cynical anymore,
the stars are full of joyous sparks.

I don't feel seclusion anymore,
there are millions of dreams I carry.

I'm, not the one
whom I used to be.

I have altered,
the universe did.
let the little things heal you.Just dot complicate your life.Let it be serene,happy and joyous.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
I had heard this line when I was in school and it stuck with me ever since and I truly believe in this.
Loose yourself in me
Then find yourself in me..
This is what I leant from love, I loose myself somewhere in this journey with him and then again found myself in him.
 Oct 2020 Shofi Ahmed
 Oct 2020 Shofi Ahmed
When I was a child,
I was taught poetry wasn't mild,
It was deep as the sea,
And it seemed truly unachievable for me.
I was taught poetry had to rhyme,
Every single line, every single time.
So poetry seemed out of my reach,
Like chasing a seagull down a beach,
Jumping ever so slightly away,
Or soaring into the sunny day.

So I never thrived for what I thought would,
No, Could
Never be.

I guess now I'm fixing the mistakes of past me.
 Oct 2020 Shofi Ahmed
Socrates said it right,
"True knowledge exists in knowing
that you know nothing."
You are not that great...humble down.
We are a tiny part of this nature...
So let your roots be grounded
But grow tall and high...reaching the sky.
Just like a tree...which humbles down
as more and more fruits grow on it.
Remember being humble is not your weakness
As being humble means
you know where your inner strength lies.
So be courageous and lead a beautiful life.
You are strong.
You are different.
Keep your self esteem high...buddy!
And do not change it to arrogance.'s rare to find a humble person.
So let's be rare😊
Being arrogant won't let's just try being humble.
 Oct 2020 Shofi Ahmed
I am a caged bird
there's a whole world inside me
that I cannot see.
takes a lot to break free.
He does what he wants,
She does what she wants,
Right to space.
 Oct 2020 Shofi Ahmed
When  my eyes long to see you
And you are not found
You are my tears

When my heart yearns to
Feel your love
You are at the distant
You are my pain

When my eyes
Finally find you
You are my joy
When my heart feels you
You are  my bliss
In the waves of  your love
You are my pain
You are my blessing
After all
We both live beyond
Playing game
Of pain and blessing
In this physical bodies
you are my  eternal love
In my heart
I had forgotten to feel
I love you

I know she's an angel and
She was sent from heaven above
To love me every day and
To protect me in life
She's my guardian Angel today
And she give me lots of her love every day

She's even there for me when I'm sad and lonely
And she even holds my hands when I cry
She encourages me to smile
And be happy every day
And she's even made me a better man today.
True Love ❤️ She's Beautiful 😍
In order to gain knowledge you must want it first...when you want knowledge like you want air under water then you will get it.
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