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  Feb 2019 shatteredpoet
never trust a poet's words
they sound sweet at first
but you'll notice the emotion in their words
it all sounds too...
"i love you like the sea loves the shore"
becomes too scripted
you hear the small tinge of love actually left in their voice
hoping it could mean something
but it doesn't
it never does
it's just the way they say it
one day, after they have left
you will find their poems, and they will be the exact words that they had said to you
once long ago
please understand this poem is in a way just me talking to myself, reminding me to not trust a man who i once loved, thank you
  Feb 2019 shatteredpoet
Robin Lemmen
There is art
In your heart
Painting pictures
When I lay
My head down on your chest

There are songs in your eyes
Singing lullabies
When you hover
Pin me down
With your stare

There is a poem
On the tip
Of your tongue
I taste it
When I kiss you

You are tortured
My jaded lover
I hear it
When you won't talk
Please tell me
that you'll never
leave me
even if I'm about to
leave you?
Please tell me
that you'll
stay with me forever
even if I think
that's not true?
  Jan 2019 shatteredpoet
Lauren Johnson
I will spread dirt into every crevice of my broken heart and plant flowers so big and beautiful, that their roots will mend all the shattered pieces back together, and you’ll never be able to see the mess I used to be.
shatteredpoet Jan 2019
but, my love,
rivers still run from
your mouth,
colors still flow through
your veins,
and valleys of beauty
still reside in your soul.

~they didn't take everything
from you.
no matter what people say to you,
you still hold
your beauty
your wit
your talents
and your passions.
some people are unfair and
some people will
say things that really ******* hurt
right down to your core
but whether they judge and/or say
things about your strengths or weaknesses,
you're still the same
beautifully passionate human being
and that's something that will always
be true.
these special pieces of you
will always find a way back to you
no matter how far away
they seemed to fall away
with the stroke of someone's
double-edged sword.

i won't sit here and say
that their words will
brush off as easy as they
hit you
because sometimes they begin to
flow from your head, straight to your
bloodstream and end up
staying with you
for a long time
but even so,
small acts of love towards you
or just a moment of shared
proves that those admirable
parts are still with you
deep down or perhaps those pieces
closer to your heart than you think.
regardless, no matter what anyone says
to you,
you're still worth love and
you're still beautiful.
you still deserve to be heard
you are still human and you still

~2.a.m. me
shatteredpoet Jan 2019
if you're lucky enough
she will show you
the library she has for a brain
she'll show you the books
about the ones
who never took the time
to read her front to back
start to finish
she'll show you
the books she reads
over and over again
the ones she can never put down
and those she's too afraid to read again
and perhaps
she'll even let you
read the book
that's got a lock and key
sitting in the back
of her mind
collecting dust

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