Even the most beautiful of sunsets Still fail in comparison to your smile It's forever in my mind Even if I haven't seen it in a while It used to be the first thing I woke up to each day But now its only in my memories Wish it would just go away
Internal struggles brake into the exterior Engulfing the smile that masks them But the moment our eyes meet each other's gaze All is stitched back together And the smile stretches across once more
Written words on a page Only scream as loud as they are read Lost along cycles of habits that have led to nowhere Reaching for any hand thatll reach back And help drag me out of the hole I've created
Unsure of higher power So I search for different meaning Only finding myself in cycles Introduced to present demons Had to learn to look calmly While the head is always screaming The cycles are almost over now Remember life's worth living
A lost soul with his book left wide open Riddled with anxiety but still outspoken Hard to understand while full of emotion In search of finding lasting devotion
Another night comes to end replaced by sunrise While shamefully witnessed through jaded hazel eyes Morning smiles are met with awkward no replies It seems as if recreation developed into the demise