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Melissa Fayard Oct 2014
It's hard when you use to feel way at the top
Like you would never stop
Every one telling you how good you've done
Making you feel like you were number one
But in the blink of an eye you go from one to done
zero, zip, nada, none
You thought you'd never fail the ones you loved
But we all make mistakes
Like breakups and makeups
Sometimes it may be better to just give up
But how many mess up will it take you to realize your done
Never being number one.
Carmella Rose Aug 2018
the way i smiled outside
is the opposite of how i cry inside
the pain left me hanging
i couldn’t take it anymore
the pressure they all gave me
the thoughts and misconceptions
the society fed me
kept being toxic
all my efforts
were nothing but trash
i seemed unnoticed
and silently i waited for someone
to hear how much myself peaked at
that metal mask that hides
my identity
i talked about my flaws
at the mirror
shouting how much
sorrow i’ve been through
seeing my bloodshot red eyes
kept me wondering
am i that pitiful?
i am that small thing
in the big perfectionist world
i couldn’t accept myself
so i torn it apart
and left every bits and pieces
of the real me
i kept using all these
makeups skincare pills
just to hide the past
but it wasn’t enough
the expectations were as high as the skies
and i was on earth
i put all my best
but it still wasn’t enough
the oceans in my eyes
shows how much i’ve suffered all throughout
the years of judgement in the pits of hell
i am sorry for being sad
been always sorry
will always be sorry
for being who i am.
i don’t know how to be me anymore, it’s like being lost in a different crowd where i am the loser and everyone here is yet to **** me.
K603 Sep 2014
In that one weak moment
You decided your fate,
My fate.
I'm a forgiver, not a seeker of revenge.
You'll carry that wait and that's all the revenge I need
I see the guilt even now.
Just keep smiling
It's brought us closer, we still fight
but makeups are better.
We are better and I'm beginning to trust again.
Maybe in time my love
Smile because our Fate is Sealed.
New edited version.   Things might be looking up...
every morning it's the same
i get on up to start the day
whether off to work
or off to play
every morning it's the same

waiting for the coffee
have a shower and a shave
while wife is waking up the kids
and none of them behave
waiting for the coffee

Roll tape....everything is perfect in this little world of mine
Breakfast ready when i wake and i'm off to work on time
kids all nice and pleasant at the table set for school
wife is dressed and makeups done, so every thing is cool
Roll tape...everything is perfect in this little world of mine

Dog is barking madly
kids are barking madly too
wife is trying to make lunch
there's so much here to do
Dog is barking madly

Fighting for the bathroom
there just isn't enough space
from the time the old alarm goes off
it's one harried, hectic race
Fighting for the bathroom

Roll tape....everything is perfect in this little world of mine
Breakfast ready when i wake and i'm off to work on time
kids all nice and pleasant at the table set for school
wife is dressed and makeups done, so every thing is cool
Roll tape...everything is perfect in this little world of mine

Some days i feel guilty
As I head off leaving home
Wife is running just behind
With the kids and one dead phone
Some days i feel guilty

There is no peace and quiet
in my world at home no more
And it's going to get louder
The wife's knocked up with number four
There is no peace and quiet

roll tape......
Tuffy Mutombo  Jun 2018
Tuffy Mutombo Jun 2018
Numbers speak louder than words
a thousand to a million
You are still sleeping with your skeletons
Trying to fit in like a blind Chameleon
History hunts your very own existence
Drunk on emotional substance
Abused so many times
190 to be exact, pain you attract
Matter of fact, these numbers **** you inside
Number of lovers in the past one too many
Heart touched by so many,
But inside you feel empty
Number of breakups and makeups
One too many, demoralized and destroyed
Your heart deployed to war with your emotions
It had never returned
Killed in combat
Fighting and dodging Cupid’s arrows
While drinking from the cup of sorrow
Brittany Hope  Apr 2015
Brittany Hope Apr 2015
I love you I really do, but sometimes it's just too hard
And I feel we won't make it through

You've said and done things that have hurt me to the core
You ignore my feelings because you've heard it all before

It seems we fell into a routine
Makeups and breakups
We're always right in between
This is getting so obscene

Tired of fighting over who's right or wrong
Different opinions that are too strong
Why can't we just get along?

I love you I really do, but sometimes it's just too hard
And I feel we won't make it through
Drake F  Oct 2017
Boy Meets Girl
Drake F Oct 2017
Boy meets girl
Boy really likes her
Boys fallin' in love
Nothin' can come between em'
But girl kinda likes him
Every time she see him
She leave him heart broken
Cause boy's softspoken
With makeups to break ups
Boy wants this figured out
Girl wants to kick him out
Boy never had love
But she don't really have love
So Love is dyin' ***
Its time for you to run
Liv B  Aug 2011
Liv B Aug 2011
For all the mistakes I’ve ever, I’m sorry
For every equation, mathematical explanation
For every wrongdoing and in shoeing and for every left turn I ever made, I’m sorry.
For forgiveness, I am sorry
For apologies sake, I am sorry
I was born in sickness and from the moment I walked I felt Atlas’ burden on my shoulders
I am selfish, I am unruly, I am forgotten and regretted and in debt to the people who reached out to me
I am moving forward, starting backwards, put my arms around my head for I am shattered
I have a heart with an empty home and clichéd voice with whose words I yell, I roam a lonely earth and put arms around my head, my mind in fact, for I am shattered.
A race of humankind I cannot love nor relate to and I feel like I relate to you but lately I feel as if I’m drifting backward
And not to say I’d like to move away from you but what else can I do when life is moving me backward
And backward, and backward and like a future so pre determined I feel as if no choice is now my own and no choice is ever free will
No cosmic force would remember me and I am sorry
I do not want to be something you forget and you’ve always told me I am something you remember.
In a shade of cobalt blue or a burning red or a golden yellow, I want to be a colour you cannot describe
A taste you yearn for, a smell whose memory remains
But all the same, I want to disappear.
I am sorry in terms long over due for all the things I do and have not done yet because you don’t deserve their scorn and yet I cannot leave them behind for parts of me for which you fell for remain inside me, and always will.
I am sorry for who I am and choices made and I will always be here whenever you decide the pieces I can’t leave behind are pieces that you cannot forget.
I’m sorry, my makeups both genetic and aesthetic are not pieces I enjoy or wish would stay a little longer
And for this I am sorry, and all in good time I will make up for all the sorries given, driven, laid to rest here in these words.
I am sorry for things you don’t deserve.
Art  Mar 2013
Hard headed
Art Mar 2013
It was a hello
Then a quick bye
You and I were happy one minute
But the next second we
Got into it like cats and dogs.
The makeups were great
But the breakups were
Like wars in Afghanistan.
I bet you miss me
And so do I
But this is getting to old.
We make up
To break up
Just like fools that we are.
I'm fine saying goodbye
And your fine saying hi
They tell me you talk
to a lot of guys.
But I know you end up talking to
The girls that chat it up
With me
You keep hearing what I do
Through the grapevine.
We're so good for one another
But yet our hard heads
Don't let us be happy
So if you read this
I wish you the best
And stop letting me go back
To those empty arms.
David Noonan May 2018
she sat at 2B
Ljubljana to London Stanstead
straight and still
immaculately dressed
a lady of a certain age
intent to carry it with grace
hair so blonde
and inappropriately long
makeups filler
thickly clung to lines
of a life lived in simpler times
her fingers encrusted with jewels
decades of love adorned upon
  now seated amongst
  the business trough
here she was
beauty queen of her day

this is not to objectify
but differentiate
the greatest of all artistic endevour
to be respected
admired from afar
but above all
may it appreciate within
so take us back
some 30 years or more  
to Yugoslavia
and talks of revolution
from this beauty queens
city retreat
let my whispered words
seep through the ages
for that you may feel
all that you are
then and now
with ferocious pride
let you love this beauty possessed
so that future mirrors
senses and memories
may to you never portray
the ravages of bitter time

now this flight
is destined to land
as the stewardess she calls its' time
you ask my assistance
to retrieve your case
thanking me through
a cracked half smile
two strangers their turn
to disembark
as now we must end
this inconsequential affair
skyler Mar 2018
one day

you will kiss the love of your life and fall asleep in their arms holding you tight because you finally have each other  

you will wake up late on a sunday to their face and it will be more stunning than the sunrise you missed

you will get dressed, watch them fix their bed head, and think to yourself how lucky you are to have someone so perfect

you will go on adventures and do all of the things you dreamt about

you will come home, to your home together, and get high on the kitchen floor laughing until you can't breathe

you will undress each other and kiss the body you've fallen for

you will lay tangled in blankets and their limbs and drift to sleep, only to do it all again tomorrow

one day
it will be worth it
the fighting, the pain, the break ups and makeups, the confusion, the mess
one day it will all make sense
and one day
you will both be happy

Valarola Nikola Jun 2019
I'm staring down at my arm holding a knife,
It may be only in my head, but I'm balancing my life,
Weighing out if it's worth the pain,
That I've been dealing with, making me more insane,
I've been ******* over so many times, by people who said they cared,
Well, maybe it's time I give up and stop trying so hard,
Because I've taken all the medications they want to give me,
I've done years and years, so much talking in therapy,
And still I'm here, contemplating the end of it all,
Because there's just so many times you can get up after a fall,

And it's a lie when they say you can always dust off your knees,
After laying on the ground, getting up and praying for release,
Because I've done my time, being miserable and in hurt,
And I just want some relief from sitting in the dirt,

Someone once told me you can always call me when you don't feel safe,
Well I don't want to be a burden, because I'd be calling every day,
Because lately I've been feeling down, feeling wrong,
About the past and all the things people have done,
And yeah, I'm more of a sinner than a saint at the end of the day,
But that's just the role that these deeds have cast me in to play,
For being abused at such young of an age,
And now I hate myself and want to pay,
Cosmically, permanently, with a smile on my face,
Because it would all be over, I can't keep up this pace,

The pills,
The thrills,
The ****,
The greed,
The hookups,
The makeups,
The alcohol,
The temptation of it all,
And everything in between,
I want to atone for my deeds,

It's a lie when they say you can always dust off your knees,
After laying on the ground, getting up and praying for release,
Because I've done my time, being miserable and in hurt,
And I just want some relief from sitting in the dirt.

— The End —