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Jack L Martin Aug 2018
Hush, don't you cry little child
your mommy will comfort you
Reality will crush you!
believe the puppet masters
they hide the truth from your sweet innocent eyes
to shelter you from the reality inside

Hush now child, dream about dancing faries
and becoming a princess
a princess bride
your Prince Charming will rescue you
from the gunshots and rapists
and thieves of hearts
drunken ******* that lie

Car crashes, gang violence
your savior will protect you!
Just pray to him
and pay your 10% in pentanence

The priest likes little boys
because he is married to god
when his animal instincts awake
You are his outlet

Go to sleep now, little one
Fuzzy dinosaurs will dance with you
and sing lullabys
while Daddy struggles with debt

Alcohol is daddy's friend
Daddy needs to escape this reality
THC in me
Daddy passes out
arielle Jun 2014
im hiding in all the places i promised you i would never go again
im singing the lullabys that remind me of old friends
but mostly just you
and your face, that was never blue
only on two occasions i had to see you cry
and i held you lovingly, promising i would never say goodbye
i guess i lied.
that's exactly what i did
im not going to fib
ripping out another rib as the days drag by
slowly, miserably, never by surprise
Kerrigan Reyes Apr 2014
Hush little Whisper
dont you cry
Daddys gonna sing you a lullaby
and when the lullabys all said and done
Mommas gonna sing another one
and when that songs done and gone
Daddys gonna buy you a dead mockingbird
And when that mockingbird tries to sing
Daddys gonna  stab it with a blade
Then hes gonna go far far away
And leave you to fend for youself
and youll cry youself to sleep every night
and Mommas gonna **** herself with a knife
Hush little Whisper
dont you cry
not everything is at it seems
and one day its all too much
and you whisper to yourself
"Hush little Whisper
dont you cry
everythings gonna be alright

In another day, in another year, in another life."
Ollllllllllld,as in 4 years old xD
Emma-willow Mar 2014
I see the moon and the moon sees me,
And the moon sees the one that I long to see
Moriah Jean Jan 2011
I like to wear flowers in my hair and,
Robots around my neck.
They whisper to me stories of places I've never been,
And toxic lullabys when I can't sleep.
But they never tell me where to go,
Or what I should be doing instead.

They tell pretty lies (about me being friendly)
To unsuspecting people,
And assure them (at the very least),
I'm different.
And everyone wants to be my best friend,
Until they realize
It's not a mask, it's vanity.
I'll paint up my eyes but,
I wont paint on a smile.

So compliment my fashion sense,
But watch out for my disposition.
There's a bite to my bark that can leave scars
On places no one can even see.
I'll love you completely or,
I wont love you at all.

Just don't try to make me into something I'm not.
I'm done pretending that I'm anything else.
I'm a lovely little package with a "fragile" sticker.
But I'm wild,
Don't try to tame me.
© January 20th, 2011 Moriah Jean

I had this candy from Hawaii once, and it was really sweet and delicious on the outside, but it was bitter and disgusting on the inside. I had to spit it out.

Inspired by something that happened at school today and the new accessories I got in the mail.
Not a single boy in sight.
Karijinbba Jul 2021
Here is us in vortex divinely sligned
You read me like my book
I wrote a million times,
In secret, yet, never alone
Dreams of lullabys for us amor
We read each other's mind!
We've  become poems divine!
We travel in virtual modes, for now,
To deeply dig, in all you give me love.
In poem or in song, our verse exactly rhymes, divine it stems factly.
It's still *US * the memory aptly
in vibe lives true in yesterday's.
wings of love and marry gay.
Sweety pie

Angel k- Rd is also us.
It's HOW I love you cosmic grace
And no
It's never too soon or too late!
True love returns as Seasons do.
It's Fall yet we relax, not too late
for spring will soon return,
Like seasons my love returns
In vortex wing's  
of two halves in love divine
Re United
My Love.

Arcassin B Oct 2015
by Arcassin B & Sweet Pea

SP: :::theCry:::


My prince 
I feel you dearly through
all that angst. No feigning emotion
or pretense. It is I...who wants
this kiss, to touch each one: of
your lips and all those  cancerous 

I've been 
quietly forlorn,
yes , I've talked to somebody
to ease my pain. Our Lullaby
made out of Cymbeline's notes&
daughter's cry....Imogene tears
married, but my heart was yours
Betrothed to someone else, in spite 
ring on the finger- to fool
the old King

...look at me, 
married wife,
but moreover 
most precious
lover to you
I hoped

So, please tell
the voices to 
quiet down...our time will 
soonly come. Put your 
cheek to my heart, look at
bosoms pink fiber...aspic marble's
cradle...marked for death now.

My sweet love, 
i am woman made of
emotion...the only alternative plan 
is to live in harmony, 
not a commotion

I'm letting you go, 
please make up your it on your own. I'm no
convincer...just listen to the prosthetic
heart. It's beat pure, and true is...
mounted up high...I'm a twig broken in 
half; an arrow
already dead...

How can I defend've 
already made up your mind. My only 
apology is...we've wasted our time

myopia and friends...their whispers 
judged my heart, the head chopped was before
our affair even begun...
you hit and then run
you've said the 
magical words...I've longed
to hear from you. I can't compete with
what's preordained...I loved you
my sweet, sweet well now
you are free.
AB: Don't pretend you love me in the time
of pure pain ,
I hold my head in shame,
I could tell that you've be quiet,
And you need somebody to talk to,
lullabys in anger,
being married is a
voices sing in the night and the stars
remind me of some things I once had,
life would be so much different in every
little strand and particle...
...I had a dad,
So don't pretend like you care when we
both know you have an alternative plan,
I don't want anything to do with your
now that you could understand,
you didnt try.
Sweet pea is my new mother haha but seriously she handled this one :)
Caitie  Nov 2014
Caitie Nov 2014
Encased in a worrisome path
lead nowhere but the darkest cavern of my soul, you, my light, give more so of a reason to be prosperous and shed my love to a dear heart such as yours.
     The waking of a demon under skin so thick, fear and blame... factors so far and few between.
     Trance becoming nonetheless a fantasy of greater times, you, love, wrap destiny around every hardened fate in this world.
     Amongst the most deathly sins of man, fearing only everything in ones path... safety, where your heart lies.. where I sit and sing sweet lullabys for you.
     And not only a single tear shed, many full of fear, of hurt.. and many full of happiness and laughter.
     You, my muse, are the single greatest occurrence in the small, short life I will live. And for that, you must know that I love you.
Portland Grace Jul 2011
We were 6 years old, we were innocent, we we're playing. Just playing, in the most innocent sense of the word. With dolls, or blocks, or trucks, or dirt. I don't remember. We we're playing and then we weren't. We were playing and then the darkness came, and it took away our blocks. It took away our safety net of protection and threw us down the slide of demons.
Your demons. His demons.
We were 7 years old, we were innocent, we we're singing. Just singing, in the most innocent sense of the word. Songs, or lullabys, or comercials, or imporved words. I don't remember. We we're singing, and then we weren't. The darkness struck again, and this time hit us hard with liquor filth and stench.
Your stink, his drink.
We were 8 years old,  we were still innocent, we were riding. Just riding, in the most innocent sense of the word. Bikes, or scooters, or rollerblades, or skateboards. I don't remember. We we're riding, and then we weren't. The darkness grabbed our wheels and lurched us onto the pavement 'till our skin ran red and he told us we were *****.
His fault, our blood.

We were 9 years old, we still had bits of innocense, we were running. Just running, but not so innocent. On feet, we ran. I remember. We ran towards the sunset, quickly, but not quick enough. The darkness caught up to us, panting. Struck through us with quivering blades, and took away every drop of innocense left.
His addiction, our innocense.

We were 10 years old, we no longer had any innocense, we got away. A big man in blue took the crying darkness away, and stored him in a box made of cement and metal. Darkness said he'd see us when we were 18, thinking we loved him. Loved him through his addiction, because deep down there was light? And we were good girls, weren't we? We could see the light in him, right?
No light, Only darkness.
Brandon Barnett Jan 2013
they say stay strong
and i tried
but hearts stray and betray pride

a thousand nights
I held you as you slept
I counted your breaths
and the beats in your chest
my lullabys because i loved you

but your hands never meant
to ever be held
you pushed me away
my affections forgotten
for the freedom in a strangers touch
confidence consumed you
as the door closed tight behind you

i stayed and waited
for you to hunger for the love
missing between us
but with hourglass somersaults the days passed

until you had need

no love you’ve come to look for but
your every secret mine
hunger brings your knocks
my door locked i must decide
to turn the key let you come inside and see
if i can resist the skin and the kiss
of my cherished pandora

i see your tight dress
your baby doll lips
and bedroom eyes
my favorite fascination
so i seccumb
to the jasmine scent
of a lovers heat

my lips soft across your neck
my mouth made
to trace your shape
familiar friends fondest games
and so we play

no love left to be made
i take the delicate shape
the perfect petals of my precious baby girl
and i *******
my long walk out of eden

and so your head finds the pillows
and my hands find your warmth
and your sounds fill the room
and i ignore the tears

they say stay strong and i tried
midnight prague  Nov 2010
midnight prague Nov 2010
I brokedown forth right into this eloquent state
smiles rub my warmth
and I melt harder
and harder
into breathing easily
easier then anything that ever exsisted
easier than the cool winds that blow
through your hair and then in between my sighs

and I sat down and held my knees together
on top of the wet grass where I use to remember
hearing the sweetest lullabys of childhood
crashing themeselves into my body
and I melt harder
and harder
into breathing more so easily

easier then the time I looked into your eyes and your london left its burning letter
and easier then the time I fully built up the
guts to walk away from the building where only the
floor had been built

and I closed my eyes
as I danced on top of the ruins the wars inside of me left behind
I threw my heart into the sky
forgetting the fear of having it fall on nothing
and then giving into something in that
old old world
of nothing

happiness persecutes everything inside of me
and I melt harder
and harder
into breathing more easily
Lesoulist Mar 2015
Hope has finally ended

And pain into it’s bed once again

It’s more beautiful when the skies finally set its dim

To be reminded that pain was once more real

If ever the valley would sing lullabys

Let it sing once again

Though pain is once and will be lost

It’ll be not as painful as it is before

Sometimes it is bright to see

That even the stars would loose its light

Even birds will loose their flight

And even oceans will never to be sight

— The End —