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Scott Horror Dec 2015
I'm Bitter
like the coffee
stains on your teeth
scars on my legs
no Difference

I'm Bitter
with a twist of metal
tastes like blood
on the skin of your teeth
down the side of my arm
no Difference

I'm Bitter
because I am alone
no sweet soul has mingled
intertwined with mine
my dull grey eyes
the sweater you stole
no Difference

I'm Bitter
because my showers sting
and my wrists itch
and my pants are long
and my love life is gone
and you won't let me go
let me Go
let me Subside
let me Drown  
no Difference
This is a stream of consciousness poem about me and someone I liked
  Dec 2015 Scott Horror
but the way his eyes shine,
the rays of the sun become covered and
by the brightness,
the warmth,
and the beauty of
the soul
inside his eyes
and that's what i fell for
and that's what i became
insane for

Scott Horror Dec 2015
Kissing the lips of a cigarette
Before I kiss another
Doesn't bother me too much
I guess I just relish the ritual
The self-destructive flame
Lighting up my lungs, my brain
For the first time since my soul died
A colorless dream
Breathing out the smoke like a child
Pretending to be a dragon
On the first day of December
The nostalgic bite in my throat
Reminds me of both
Scott Horror Dec 2015
My days are grey, my nights are treacherous
I've spent so long sleeping but paranoid
Too many vices, I chose temperance

Vapid flings give way to the perilous
My slow conversations with life devoid
My days are grey, my nights are treacherous

One edge is straight, a knife, my preference
Trivial suffering makes me avoid
Too many vices, I chose temperance

I've cloaked myself, remain ambiguous
So, in midday, I have tempted the void
My days are grey, my nights are treacherous

No addiction equates to elegance
What is the point in a teen self destroyed
Too many vices, I chose temperance

With depression, I remain decorous
My mind flirts with bloodstains and carcinoids
My days are grey, my nights are treacherous
Too many vices, I chose temperance
Scott Horror Dec 2015
I'm a million different people
Each day
Sweet to bitter
Maniac to recluse
Dead to undying
But the destruction is always
With me wherever I go
So I went somewhere new

Cut off my hands
Sever my spine
So I don't act on my
Impulses toNight

The call of the void
The violent possibilities to violet
Situations, like

The lights of the
Night box
And I'm dancing
Always dancing
And I took the money
And I kissed a stranger
And cheated on the game
I drank something strange
The spider on my wrist
Has multiplied

Throw it
Fall down
dO It

Is this really happening?

I'm drowning in my stream of consciousness
There is
In my system

And the lights are more purple
Than they have ever been
And my Instincts
Tell me to run

But the man in black
Calls to me
And he is insatiable

So I went to him
And he drank me dry
And we danced together
And I am undying
With a stranger

Is this really happening?

My skin isn't mine
The music made me deaf
But I'm still dancing
And I'm still craving

Stranger than I have ever been
Because I am no longer


— The End —