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Being kind is hard
It can leave you nasty scars
But it’s still worth it
Because that’s who you are
We all do
search that is

for the sand
that slipped

the hour glass

so I don't fault you
for walking the halls

room to room
don't worry

we'll see him again
and each other
Search your soul
look inside it's eyes
now old
barefoot in the past
its steps
pick up the shards

mend the cracks

the scars

from future wrath
open your heart
share this
make them stars

[I believe that children are our future]
If I could move heaven and earth, I would find you again.
I've asked and asked, looked to the skies, said my Amens.
For you were just a girl, in the arms of a boy, foolish and naive.
Hopeful in the world, the empty promises, all that you believed.
Your heart broken, a yearn to mend, a need unspoken, a will to bend
But they robbed you of joy, lead you down a dark path
Instead of springs of water, taken to a bloodbath

If I could move the mountains, I would've never let you wander
I look back, the times I should've, all that I squandered
I missed the signs, disguised in anger and opposition
The cries for help, as you struggled with addiction
Like a demon inside, your beauty was a curse
Poison nectar whispered daily, to death it coerced

If I could turn back time, I would go back when you were mine
A little ball of energy, a daughter who's light just shined
Now all that I can wish is to hear your voice once more
Holding your cold hand, I beg and kneel to the floor
I pray again as I sit alone, you solemnly laying in bed
If I could move heaven and earth, I ask God to take me instead
I work in pediatric emergency department, there was one case that absolutely broke me. A single father and his daughter who had died of an overdose. He was a sweet gentle man and I remember as he desperately asked me, if there was anything else, anything, that if he could move heaven and earth, that we do it all, give it all, try to get her back, but she was long gone. These are the ones that stick with you. In a way to cope and process, I wrote this in his perspective, to explore the pain and sorrow. Thank you for reading.
Clinically depressed
the clinic's a frickin mess
clinician's under stress
popping patients' cipralex
at her dinky off-white desk
she's still wearing last night's dress
reminiscing on the days
when she just tried her best

Head won't give it a rest
wishing she'd failed the test
could have been an insta queen
at least got in on the tiktok scene
instead she feels bereft of the chance
to take a breath

She'd rather take a slap
than see another fat smackhead
but she has to pay the rent or
start living in a tent
"It's a living"
that's her mantra
written on the pens
and every one they send
is another couple cents

So she just pretends that
what she does makes sense
punters in
prescriptions out
no time to make amends
patience measured in pence
she can potentially spend
perpetuating searches for
that promised happy end
"something kind of sad about
the way that things have come to be"
The bird sat still
For years.
One wing was free.
First moving wildly,
while the other was tied down.
The bird learned through watching.
Fed by the wind.
To survive this flightless life,
still full of light.
Never reaching potential heights.
Now set free he didn’t even know how to fly anymore.
There sits a still bird still.
Wondering what it’s like
up there .

Shell ✨🐚
A metaphor.
Base to Major Tom…

all around me now is sound, it seems
only yesterday, in dreams,

this keeps happening,
we keep thinking eventually finality

drops the curtain, and we become
our own selves… found in our hardened parts,

as when one knows the riddles all come
with one right answer, or the riddle is not fair.

Ezekial 17, comes to my mind,

because I happen to live in chapparel,
of the sort they have south of Lebanon…
mentioned in the riddle.

Who ignores the money side of things…
you know,
the business of being creative distributors,
agents allowing the artist
to premature.

It's your show, kid,
this is all you wished for, make it last.
What a time to be old, and on the first wave that became today's augmented intelligence adapted sapience education system... see: {viral idea AKa AI}
Doug Engelbart, “The Augmented Knowledge Workshop”
Would I do it all again
For the price of joy,
The debts of pain;
For the strains of love?
What would I gain?
It could never be the same.
Not better than we had before,
With entwined lives,
With all we bore.
Yes, all that,
And one day more.
I know it’s a Beatles title
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