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Annabel wore white
as she laid under a Willow
She brought her brown basket
and a comfortable red pillow

She laid in the shade,
writing and reminiscing.
Bringing forth a smile
for the one she was missing.

Her days had been growing longer
and she knew wasn't fearless.
Sitting under their Willow
writing to her dearest

She wrote about his charm
She wrote about his smile
She wrote about his laugh
She wrote about his style

She wrote until the Sun turned off the day
She wrote from her heart and all it couldn't say

Annabel finally stood, picked up her basket and started walking home.
Leaving all her notes and poems, upon his gravestone.
 Aug 2015 Sarah Johnson
I am sitting at a coffee shop but I am too nervous to go in.
It is the same coffee shop you were in a week ago,
before you skipped town with your new girlfriend
who has a brand new nose as part of her graduation gift.

The very same coffee shop in which you told everyone
you wanted to take a crowbar to my knees
and knock out my teeth.

You wanted to **** me
and cut me up
and throw me in a landfill.

Oh honey, you never were very articulate or imaginative.

It's strange, human interaction, you know?
While you were wishing ill on me,
I was with another man by the river who is over twice my age
and he was touching me in a way that he shouldn't have been.

That's life for me now,
there are no other ways to it anymore.

We all know I have a desire for what is taboo,
you made certain everyone knew about my little indiscretions,
and that's no secret.

In truth,
I still think about the sun dappled curtains
that hung over our bed in early spring.
Still too cold out to enjoy ourselves,
but warm enough when we wore heavy jackets
and kissed in the community rose gardens.
Just cold enough that lattes and card games in coffee shops
such as the one where you swore you would **** me at
were still something we could enjoy.
I find myself to be the worst type of romantic.
I have a hard time letting go.

And there's this woman outside the coffee shop
talking on her phone in eloquent Spanish
and chain smoking cigarettes in a way that makes them seem beautiful.
Her hair is obviously very deeply chocolate colored,
it is coming through on her blonde roots.

And there's this old man who limped up
and felt the need to stand behind me
and stare either at my computer screen,
or the seedy men day drinking on the job,
laying asphalt in the early summer heat.
It is hot, loud, sticky work to do,
but I guess this is their life and someone has to live it.

There is a big green heart spray painted
onto the white brick wall downtown
and it has large initials sprawled across it in vibrant colors.
I do not remember a time when this heart was not there.
I want that.
I want a love so interesting even the city will not paint over it.
A love so daring I will have my initials plastered,
glaring over the city with a finalized permanence that says..

"I win."

Because that's what we all really want.. to win.

All the world is a stage of course.

I feel that I push people away without trying to.
But, what is it about me that makes middle aged men look at me
and say "**** girl"?
What is it about me that takes their compliments
without a batted eye and makes me smile,
reveling in the fact for at least just a few moments..
I was deemed attractive enough to make a comment,
no matter how simple or degrading?

I find myself in a mans car who takes me to an abandoned house
and talks to me about hallucinating
and how women OBVIOUSLY do not enjoy *** as much as men,
and I sat in quiet, smug, disbelief
and watched him talk about what he does not know about.
All while fantasizing about him bending me over.

They forget all the world is a stage.

I am a very good actress.
I am very drunk and this is ****. Have at it.
 Jun 2015 Sarah Johnson

Silhouettes, shapes,
  clouds backlit
   by a distant sun
  rising slowly
      in the east,
   Cantaloupe swatches,
       painting introductions
    of a desirable dawn,
  drape the sky,
    illuminating my heart
       to another
          wondrous day
                *with you
Good morning Beautiful
as a kid there were so many things I perceived as dangerous, like getting into cars with strangers or stepping over railroad tracks while the train was approaching
I used to think danger meant my life was being threatened or I was potentially going to be hurt physically, but as a kid I never ever Wouldve thought danger could be looking into someone's eyes and simultaneously feeling my heart beat twelve times faster than usual
Your very presence is dangerous to me
the freckles across your pale skin spell Stop And your tattoos look a lot like caution signs
the first time I met you was like one big red flag shouting at me to turn around and walk away
danger isn't just keeping the door unlocked at night or stepping on a thumb tack, danger is looking at them and knowing you're going to get hurt but refusing to walk away
danger is falsely believing so intensely that they love you, too
when they make it so blatantly obvious
that they don't
& every time I see that smile,
Or hear your voice-
Whether it be full of concern,
Or radiating with joy-
The ice that surrounds my heart.
Slowly begins to melt away.
& every time you tell me a story,
Or share with me how your day went-
The butterflies that once died in my stomach,
Begin fluttering back to life.
Slowly- one by one, they spread their wings and fly.
& every time you smile at me,
Like I am the best thing in the world-
Or how you insist that I am beautiful,
Even when I know I am not-
I slowly begin feeling again-
You bring out the best side of me,
Even when I would rather not show it.
I would prefer you think I am a monster-
It would make things easier.
But here we are,
Miles apart from each other's arms-
& I can't help myself,
Every single day I fall for you a little bit more.
Just promise me one thing-
Don't allow me to walk to the edge-
& free fall into nothing.
Catch me with your warm ebrace.
Because I don't want you to end up being,
Just another love song.
That I cry my eyes out to every night.
I want you to be the anchor that holds me firmly to the ground.
I want you to be exactly who you are.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.
Your smile actually meets your eyes,
& your laugh is genuine.
Please don't end up being love song.
You change, I'll change.
You say you love me, I say I love you.
You smile, I'll smile.
You break my heart, I'll never forget.
you leave me, I'll wait till you come back.
You're my addiction, I'll be obsessed.
Stay with me forever, or I may never rest.
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