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How could I not see the truth behing your eyes
And sense your smell, you reek of lies
You tried to cover up but you were never true
I should’ve known better what to do
I should’ve left you
Now it’s done, you’re gone
Can’t believe that I have won
I’m so happy I could die
I escaped from you deceiving “friendship” lie
But we spent so many years together
I can’t believe I once thought it’s gonna be forever
Your influence to me, it gave me much
It taught me to endure killing pains, sickness in the head and such
Now being dead inside, it doesn’t feel so bad
Thanks to you, I can feel okay even when I’m sad
Infact, me being worse, it feels alright
My broken shape, I take it in with pride
You see what you have done, you ****?!
You think you’re all so great and perfect, but you ****
With your every word you destroyed me
I was stupid, so blind I couldn’t see
You ****** with my life in your own way
And I’m left wondering how come you never have to pay
Look at the wreck you made me be
Now who knows what’ll happen to me
Every day I spoke with you, you made me cry
Now it’s your turn to want to die
 Feb 2016 Samantha Wesley
This is supposed to be a poem,
Ill get round to it..
I want to ask you what you think
When you hear my voice, does it make you sink?
I wish for you each night
Praying I would see you every day and maybe I might
Waking up the morning with you by my side
That would make me feel like on a flight
Though, I’ve never flew and I don’t know
But I imagine it like big, fluffy pillow
With lots of softness and a load of fun
Yeah, someday I want to come
Your world I want to see
Your favourite person, that’s who I want to be
To spend my days with you
The nights, of course, they too
With you I want to end
I don’t want to be “just your friend”
Can you not hear my scream?
I call your name in my each dream
You’re the angel fallen from the sky
You’re the person that made me never want to die
You can tell me “No” and walk away
But “I love you” is what I will always say
There are the people who see me smile my plastic smile
And don't realize it's fake
Because its all they've ever seen.

There are people who see my plastic smile
And don't realize it's fake
Even though they've witnessed the smiles that reach my eyes.

There are people who see my plastic smile
And know that it's a fake
Because they've seen me when I'm happiest.

There are people who see my plastic smile
And ask if something is wrong
The problem is, I almost always lie.
Find the person,
Who you never need to fill the silences with,
But who you always want to.
Find the person,
Whose stories you can listen to,
For hours,
And never tire.
Find the person,
Who fits you like a puzzle piece,
Who connects to you in ways you never thought possible.
And I think I've found that,
In you.
 Feb 2016 Samantha Wesley
you don't need me the way I need you, love
your heartstrings don't strain with time.
you don't need my taste in your mouth
but I need yours in mine.

so early we caught fire, as if we were one
you run through my veins like disease
but I can tell your lungs don't collapse
like you can't breathe
with every step you take from me.
If were mine the wings of a dove
   I'd fly into your heart and find the sweet love waiting there
       There would be no rivers nor mountains
     To hold me back from you
          Nothing could ever keep us apart
     My love for you is unending
         For your hand in marriage on bended  knees
I ask now, with no pretending
  Let me reach you on the wings of a dove
While we are all just atom snowmen,
sometimes I have to be
the arsonist of your emotions.
To make the atomic bits, flick out, vibrate
in order to light this ether atmosphere,
see what you really are,
to give me that warm feeling inside.

Sometimes I have to be
the stone that breaks your window.
The irreversible souring your view,
of your perfect, affectionate, color.
I take a breath of your summer field
and forests and farms  
and exhale it as winter, deadwood and cold air,
your horses all un-made,
into glue, cat food, and violin bows.

Sometimes I have to be
A spiked cocktail.
Sipped on in words
finding again better, that familiar sweetness
but finding yourself, not yourself, anymore.
All just because you left your love wanting
alone on the side of a bar
and I found it.  

Sometimes I have to be
that step you don’t expect at night.
Of course I’ll act like an accident,
letting the idea slip through
a gas leak flooding the room
silently, imperceptibly, changing things,
I’m good enough you will never know it,
and it’s you who’ll spark it.

Sometimes I have to be
father of the utilized disease.
A cough gives it birth,
a bark and a hack makes it airborne
incorporates a bacteria culture into yours.
This DNA affixed of word nucleotides,
embedded in the head of a virus
which will, just sometimes, exponentially, continually,
Our time is now
    No need of anything
Knowing each joy
  Being in love can bring
    Gossips can't tell me
     That I'm too silly to really know
        I need you so
  And you love and need me
     Our time is now
      No need to longer wait
       No sadness of goodbye
          No need to ever wait
     Think of our love and smile
       Our dreams will always stay
        Stay the same way
     Our love is here to stay
    Our time is now
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