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 Jul 2017 sage
harlee kae
 Jul 2017 sage
harlee kae
everyone is so focused
on the big picture
that they forget
the most important part of life
is in the details

the little things
that make a person
who they are

coffee or tea
sunsets or sunrises
roses or wildflowers
beaches or mountains

find beauty
in the smallest parts
of someone
because they're
the most important
 Jul 2017 sage
grace anthony
I am drowning
Gasping for air
Reaching for help
Held down by what I cannot stop
Surrounded by what I cannot bearĀ 
Choked by what I cannot see
Cut off by what I cannot explain
Let me go
 Jul 2017 sage
cake {i.}
 Jul 2017 sage
if happiness was
a cake,
i wouldn't get
a slice.
i would circle around it,
wanting & drooling
over it.
but never daring to
take a slice.
waiting for everyone to take
their share.
& when everyone has taken
one or two,
i see the empty cake plate
& sigh.
my stomach grumbles at me
i am hungry, starved of food
but i refuse to take a slice
of cake.
& like a sick girl, if i was offered
a bite
of someone else's slice & i ate it,
i'd *****.
purging myself of the things i'm not
allowed to have.
because i'm not a girl who deserves
this cake.
& i cry myself to sleep asking myself
why can't i just eat the cake
& be happy?
but i still refuse to take a slice
of cake.
because it seems so much easier
when i'm empty.
{im sorry i keep hurting you when all you deserve is the whole **** cake & more. it's like i can't breathe when everything is going well...}
 Jul 2017 sage
Crystal blue eyes,
They remind me of the ocean.

As beautiful and limitless, as breathtaking and devastating.

To set sail is a death wish,
and to never try is a regret.
 Jul 2017 sage
Evie Richards
 Jul 2017 sage
Evie Richards
Eyes are small and red,
lashes clinging close with tears,
shadows in your face.
 Jul 2017 sage
"Better to be safe than sorry", they said.
So i took the safe path.
Full of roses and all beautiful flowers.
I made sure I took the right steps towards you.
We had it.
We almost bloomed.
Did i make a mistake?
Was there not enough water and sunlight to nurture and make us grow to be even more fond of each other?
Did i forget that flowers will eventually wilt?
I used to be so risky with love.
So for once, I choose to take the safe route.
But it brought me so much sadness.
So much pain.
And still i failed.
Still, i end up hurt.
Still, i falter.
Still, just like water.
I thought things would be different. I thought wrong. I was just treading water.
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