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Have I ever told you what metaphor you are?
You remind me of my personal morning star
I am scared like a child, finding asylum in your light
And the only things that can hurt me come out at night.

I wait eagerly and patiently for your quick return
I just wish your sweet kisses stuck with me like sunburn
But when all is said and done, I can rely on you
Because when I need you the most, you rise again, anew

So never burn out, because the sun hasn’t yet
After five-billion years, the sun hasn’t ultimately set
Though if there’s one thing that you must remember
It’s that I will still love you until the sun’s merely an ember
 Jul 2017 That One K Kid
Brain doesn't work the way i want it,
and I can't figure out how to loosen my grip on those broken parts,
I've collected.
Nor let love "heal" me.

Those parts are no good when I can't build
anything worthwhile that makes this easier.
The thought to resort back to rubies dripping down my skin,
opened back up
& it lets the sickness have breathing room.

The wounds not needing sutures,
but time-
for scars to remain.
Another way demons flow in through my veins.

Slits on the surface of my body,
distress the canvas that is my skin,
I'm trying to be okay again,
trying to not let the darkness in.

But each time I destroy myself,
in attempt to reinvent the brokenness.
I show everyone I hurt,
but I can't recall what the reason was.

Used to imagine dying was so simple,
but you don't become a ghost with suicide.
There's no need to hold onto it;
let the pain go,
You don't haunt the walls,
or sob for the living to hear.

There's no cure for what ails me,
but I'm trying to remember how to survive
and have a heart that beats happily.
 Jul 2017 That One K Kid
I don't know
how I feel.

It's hard
to put a label
on what
I don't know.

So, I'll remain here

all over you.
Lonely is only
that state we get
when we forget
that we have friends.

If it all ends tomorrow
or later today
I would say
thank God
for the friends
that I had
those who suffered me
those who
preferred me
who were just as they were.
if not for them then for what?
your beauty lasted many years
newly set, your color shined
nothing made you hurt
you sure were tough
but over time that changed
we watched as you started to crack
we glued you when you needed it
but something was very wrong
you were falling apart
and pieces of you went missing
after awhile we forgot about you
and stopped watching out for cracks
present day and you're all scarred up
as i walked down to get the mail today
i noticed how bad you had gotten
cracks went all the way up and down your spine
your sides were shattered
you looked like you took yourself apart
and tried to glue yourself together again
i studied your scars and pieces
and wondered how we had forgotten
that you were hurting and breaking
i understood that you had went through a lot
as people came and went
you slowly lost your muster
but you weren't any less beautiful than before
you carried your scars like a champ
your dim color meant you had experience
i looked at you in a different light
your pieces were mosaics
and your color reminded me of thunderstorms
stormy, yet beautiful after it was over
this cracked pavement was overlooked
i now go get the mail more often
 Jul 2017 That One K Kid
Sometimes it's heartbreaking
to look the woman
who gave me life
in the eye,
because I don't want this life
Getting personal
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