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You know that feeling
That aching, rotting, empty
Pit in your stomach
Sickening and hollow pain
Numb anxiety
Brimming anger, lost reality
Secret anguish
Borderline Suicidal
 Jan 2017 Georgie
 Jan 2017 Georgie
There's a sea I sometimes find myself treading in,
Sometimes steady, sometimes drowning.
It's hard to stay afloat at times,
And I hallucinate people on ships sailing past me,
Not a care in the world, and I hate them;
Every imagined smile hurts like inhaling the saltwater.
But the worst thing is the monstrous shadow beneath the waves,
Huge and treacherous with eyes like emeralds,
It wants to swallow me whole and drag me down,
Into waters so deep that all becomes black.
And worst of all, when I hear that leviathan's rumbling roar,
I sometimes think it's coming from inside me.
Lying here, alone with my thoughts,
I search through the chaos to make sense of it all.
My chest grows tighter the farther I fall,
Suffocating me slowly in a sea of my faults.
I spiral downward with every regret,
All the memories and pain I never could forget.
Intense with shame and hate all the same,
I closed my eyes only to wake in my bed.
Alone with my thoughts,
Alone once again...

- B.K.S.
A quick write depicting a lonely, sleepless night, plagued by overwhelming thoughts
 Jan 2017 Georgie
 Jan 2017 Georgie
Quite accustomed to misery and pain,
and in agony -
I ruin anything good,
it seems.

I don't know how to handle happiness.
It overwhelms me with its untimely visits.
Its stay, always short -
and our goodbyes bring me to my knees,
begging for it to stay.

So accustomed to melancholy -
and crying to sleep;
so spoiled with feelings of worthlessness -
I'm unappreciative of anything good,
it seems.

I don't know how to handle a genuine love.
It overwhelms me with its joyful sensation.
Its pleasure, the heart scorching romance;
and I, in my misery and pain,
and on my knees -
hoping for it to stay.

Quite accustomed to loneliness,
and emptiness -
I ruin anything good,
it seems.
#happiness #love #sadness #loneliness
 Jan 2017 Georgie
Bor ehgit
It was easy you know
To fall in love with you
It was the very moment I laid eyes on you
I can make this very drawn out and wrap my words in a thousand metaphors
but it was simple
Probably easiest thing I've ever done
 Jan 2017 Georgie
For they complement moments of
happiness, affection, grief, praise,
in ceramic vases
as a simple centerpiece
in order to add beauty to a setting.

They seem to appear most beautiful
when tucked between the curve of your ear
or framing a crown on your head
in equated colors.

Beauty coordinating beauty
is quite breathtaking.
It is difficult to decipher
which ornament makes the other appear more alluring.

The sight of you
with hued florets laid neatly on your hair was
blooming. Florescence in clusters-
I have lost my train of thought
as each feature
leaves me at awe.
feedback is v much appreciated
 Jan 2017 Georgie
Katelyn Rew
Starry nights shout your name,
voices screaming out in vain,
is that you under the silver moon?
ghosts of you are gone too soon.
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